

Ask @recoverypixie

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THAT PUMPKIN PAU ??? where can i get it!!!! and ps is it wholemeal pau skin, cos that colour HAHA

Hehehe it's from NUS YIH foodcourt!!!!! I think it is wholemeal skin :) But actually I prefer the mini ones I bought from Sheng Shiong haha!

am concerned +. v v v worried too that this may put a strain on my r/s with my bf ??? and I love him v much, don't want to make things difficult or awkward for him... and during CNY no less ?

I really hope you can enjoy CNY wholeheartedly with your BF! It's only once a year! Don't start your year with regrets okay? :) I'm going to try my best this CNY and I hope you will too with me :) Jiayou ❤️

sorry if you find the questions random, but i'm asking you cos i read your post about travelling to vietnam with your bf and family, so i'm wondering how you dealt with it....

Yeah that was actually tough for me and my bf. You see I told myself I'd show them a recovered Calista. So I just ate and ate and kinda pushed myself a bit too much. I mean yeah I was eating so much more, but mentally I was breaking down and my bf had to bear with all my mental outbursts too. I should've gone at a more comfortable pace for myself too. But I'm learning :) Everyone does things differently and recovery is different for everyone. But in your own heart you have to be honest whether you are giving your best or not :)

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as it is i find it stressful enough to deal with the eating bit for CNY, and i don't need / want the anxieties associated with dealing with my bf extended family (aunts uncles etc) who will be there also... any tips ?

I guess do try to remind yourself that CNY comes just once a year!!! And you don't eat like this everyday! That few days of eating will not do anything to your weight or size! But yknow what, they'll make a world of a diff to how ppl see and rmb you. You don't wanna be the girl who sulks and refuses to eat at the dinner table. You wanna be remembered for your warm smile and enjoyable company, sharing the fun of the moment and the food right? :) In the end, what kind of person do you wanna be? :) I hope you'll enjoy CNY this year my dear ???

attached for 4 years, but this year will be the first time i'm visiting my bf's family since i was diagnosed with ED ? only his mum knows the full extent of my illness, and i'm scared + dk how to deal with his extended family (aunts uncles etc) who will be there also

Hehehe what better time than to show his mum, a recovered, healthy and happy future-daughter-in-law ? Your bf is with you for a reason, you make him happy! And so, his family will be more than welcome of a girl like this so nothing to worry about :)

there's greendot at star vista and westgate too if the east is far for you! :)

Oooooh okay!!!!! Actually I stay in the east hahaha! But since I'm in school most of the time, maybe I can try the one at star vista!!!! Yayyyyy

hi Calista, noticed you deal quite well with socialising, if it's ok, do you mind sharing any tips you have about socializing during recovery? I've always had some anxiety towards social situations and ED really intensified it to the point where I break down before/after and can't interact normally.

Hey!!! Lemme share smth with you! Yknow how when you meet someone new or put out of your comfort zone, and you feel awkward and alone and uncomfortable? Well guess what, everyone feels the same! You see, everyone fights their own battles, has their own demons. I guess, go to social situations with an open mind! Think of how everyone is most likely feeling uncertain or a little awkward too and you're not alone! And most imptly, have confidence in yourself :) There's no other you in this world! You have so much to bring that others don't! I hope this helped a little? ?

Hi I really agree with you that life is so much more than weight . And I really miss the pre Ed me where I can eat cup noodles for supper despite a full dinner . But it's just so so hard to go back to the pre-Ed days :( do you feel me ?

I feel you so much my dear! But hey, just because it's difficult, are you going to give up on it! If you know how free and happy you were pre-ED, aren't you going to fight your hardest to get back there again? It's hard but it's not impossible! You're only letting yourself down if you don't give yourself a chance to fight yeah? :) Fight babe! ???

at the start of your recovery you mentioned that you didn't really want to recover, it was more of pressure from family etc. i'm actually struggling with this. could you share how has your mindset changed since then?

Haha it has changed so much!!! Okay I still take my family and bf as my greatest motivation to recover but I guess now, I want it for myself too. If they didn't ask me to do it, I'd still push to recover because I do feel happier and more energetic now!!! :)

Hi , do you know what political science focuses on? And what do they study?

Hello I'm sorry I'm really not sure about this ?

api da silly but.... i'm kinda scared for cny dinners this year, all the amount of food... daunting ??? are you scared too??

Kinda ????? But yknow what, CNY comes by only once a year, just enjoy it! :) You don't wanna look back and just feel sorry for yourself for being miserable on your own during a festive occasion! I don't wanna waste anymore CNYs! What better way to challenge yourself than with good food and your loved ones right babe! :}

Hi calista! Your overnight oats look super Yumzz! For the milk is it okay to add normal milk instead of oat milk?

Hello dear!!!! Of course! :) Any milk you want ☺️ I just like the taste of oats milk hehe!

Hello , I always feel very disgusted when I see bloat on my lower abdomal area :( and I'll slip back to restrict again , have you experienced this b4?

Yeahhhhhh but it's temporary!!!!!!! I mean I know it takes a little time but it's really not worth continuing the illness forever. For awhile, push through the discomfort and BBI and it'll end eventually!!!!!! You'll come out so much stronger too girl ?

have you wondered what if you don't get your period back, or if your eggs isn't healthy, even if you're weigh restored ?

Well, I'd wanna know I tried my hardest best trying to get it back but if it really doesn't come back, I guess that's God's will and I'd make the most of it I guess! At least I'd be happier and healthier :)

why do you want to be a mother next time? is it worth the weight gain now

Omg of course!!!!!!!! I don't want to live my life just being skinny?! I wanna know I managed to raise my own little beautiful kids! You know in the bigger picture, is being skinny worth all that? Haha your life takes on a whole new purpose. You don't live for yourself anymore but that little life you brought to earth. All mothers are so beautiful no? :)

Hv u ever experienced extreme hunger during recovery? I'm trying to recover now and the hunger is just so scary sometimes ? like I'd eat non-stop and still doesn't feel full after eating an extremely large portion of food ><

Omg yes I totally know what you mean!!!!! For me, it'd be like I'm physically full, but just not satisfied so I'd end up taking more and more food, especially after having a meal!!!!!! ??? Press on dear it'll pass Okay! I guess this will help with weight gain too? :)

hello !! can i know where did u get ur olive colour dress that you wore today ?

Hey dear I bought it from ASOS quite awhile back! :)

Hey! What module are you referring to on today's dayre post? :) I'm really interested in taking health modules, am currently doing Public Health as my GEM!

It's called Food & Health!

Hi congrats on reaching healthy weight!!! ?? you are so so inspiring I really hv a lot to learn from you! ? On a side note just asking how would u define a healthy weight in recovery?

Heyyyyy! I think clinically it's bmi 18.5! But I really think it's just a number and your body is truly healthy when all functions are back working i.e period is back stable hahaha!

OMG WELL DONE!!!! (but must rmb that even if you are at a healthy weight and even after you have gotten your period, you still have to fuel your body properly and allow it to gravitate around its natural set point k?) Jiayou! I know how hard this part can be <3

I will!!!!! Haha I really want to get my period back too and I know trying to maintain at MHW will not let it happen :)

Whats your favourite local dish?

Omg how to choose!!!!! ??? Can I give a few? Pau, mee hoon kueh, popiah, MJK!!! You are making me hungry at night ?☝?


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