

Ask @recoverypixie

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on the side note, i'm glad things are fine between you and your bf now :') keep fighting, it would be worth it for the things that matter :')

Thank you ???

cos yeahhhhhh ED made me feel insecure and doubtful about many many things, even my r/s and future with my bf ? so yeahhhhh i'm wondering if there are any signs / triggers I should look out for or avoid ??

Haha don't!!!!! The signs are that he isn't happy because you aren't happy!!!! Why let ED do this to you dear. It isn't fair to him too! Motivation to recover faster yes? :)

sorry if that question was too sensitive, but cos... i'm in a r/s too, and there are times when I wonder if my bf is happy with us us ? I feel that things have changed? but idk if i'm being over sensitive or ... ?

I feel like that sometimes too. But pls pls don't let ED take anymore away from you....... how will the future you ever forgive yourself. What for right? Fight for him and for your own happiness okay? :) Talk things out, show him that the real you will be back by his side ED-free soon!!!!!!

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just curious though, why is it only now that your bf brought up the issue of not being able to continue the r/s with you cos of ED?? since you've ED for quite a while already ? was there any trigger/sth happened that made him say that?

Hahaha because since Vietnam, my mindset has been so so bad. I eat but I really was very mentally negative and affected and I guess it affected him too. We were constantly arguing and fighting about food and I just want in the right state mentally. I hated how I looked and I really wasn't happy so I guess he wasn't happy too in the end ?

thanks for the reminder, for reminding me what is it that truly matters - relationships ? not going to let ED take that away from me too

You will be strong and overcome ED my girl I know you will :)

you're right; you're so so so right about 10 years down the road, wanting to be a positive role model to your kids, and that it's the memories that matter ?

Right!!!!!! 10, 20 years down the road, all looks and youth will deteriorate. And I don't want to be left with the regret of not treasuring the ppl and moments in my youth! I want to be a healthy happy mum to happy healthy kids in the future teaching them right values and giving them a proper childhood ???

Do u get affected if someone eats lesser than u or did not finish their food?

OMG ALL THE TIMEEEEE!!!!! Hahaha I hate it when I feel like I ate more than someone because I'd feel greedy but that is really ED thinking ? Gotta kick this bad mentality!!!

R u v near to ur healthy weight? Pls fight on! Eat good food and make e gain worthwhile

I'm quite near!!!!! Thanks I will!!! ☺️??

Love seeing you enjoy food now! Everything is worth it right in recovery?

It is :') Haha the hard times still come..... but yeah it's worth pushing through ?

hiiii just wondering if you're still on dayre?? really miss reading your posts, v inspiring ?

I still am dear! Just that during the weekends I wanna properly spend the time with my bf and just stay off social media a little but Dayre is still my little online escape and a place for me to dump my feelings and record my recovery progress too so I'm still gonna blog there! :)

Hi just curious how is staying in hall like for you? Is it fun or is it distracting due to the activities?

Omg it's soooooo fun!!!!!!! Really so many friends and activities but you really gotta manage your time well. It's like sleep, hall life, studies. Choose two. Unless you really damn good at time management and prioritizing haha!

U don't want or ana? Think carefully, this aids in recovery especially you wan quickly get bck ur period and hw for your boyfeee

Hahaha thanks for your advice really :) But I believe I can do this! I don't wanna spend the money on ensure too when I know I will most prob not drink it too. I've tried it before I really really hate it ?

Is nomvnom a walking distance from Clarke quay mrt? Isit near to the mrt?

It's inside Central! Right beside the mrt! At the basement! Go go go :)

U should try to have it like one pck per day, it really helps u to gain esp when u need the fats for ur period. It works for me

Hahaha okay I'll really consider but I really don't wanna use ensure HAHAHAHA!!!!

hope the vietnam trip proved to you that it is possible to restore your metabolism?? you ate oily food AND still managed to lose!

But my mental state was so so bad.......

I meant ur recent trip . :s

ORH I THOUGHT EXCHANGE HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Not a lot la around 1kg!!! Ok cannot say like that it's still a loss ? Nvm I'm gonna gain it back!!!

U really look so much better now. Don't look like u gna die any seconds. Hope you can recover physically n mentally soon!

Aw thank you ??? Hahaha I do feel happier and more energetic too!!!! I really hope I can recover physically asap!

Are u at least 17.5? If so, pls push on . If not, push even harder. ?

Idk my bmi and I really don't wanna count it ??? I think I am at least 17.5? Omg I really don't know hahaha I don't wanna think about numbers alr.

Have u tot of drinking ensureplus to aid in ur gaining process? It helps me to gain

Haha I hate ensure omg!!!!! Tried it before Anyway I have been able to gain on my own so far ah :)


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