

Ask @recoverypixie

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Hi can I ask at which point in time did you realise that you might hv ED? And how did the doctor/therapist do the diagnosis?

My boyfriend insisted on me seeing a doctor especially after finding out how my period has stopped for so long. And the doctor asked me a few questions, I told her my thoughts and she diagnosed me.

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You're really brave and inspiring girl.. Hope you gain happiness and health everyday. May I know where do you go for counselling, and also how is a counsellor different from a doctor?

This is so sweet ? Thank you so much!!!! I go to BetterLife clinic! Hmm, counselor helps with the mentality side I guess and my doctor weighs me and keeps track of my weight and health and progress!

Are you receiving medication for treatment?

HAHA!! No leh ? What medicine is there..... oh I was prescribed some pills once to help me with my bloating initially but I stopped taking them cuz it got a lot better now!

Thanks for the response! :) May I ask how much does it cost?

Actually I don't know ???? My mum doesn't want me to know but it's more costly cuz it's a private clinic.

May I ask where do you go for your ED appointments and if you recommend it? :)

Hey! I go to BetterLife clinic at Novena Medical Center! Yeah definitely recommend it! They are professionally trained and will keep track to make sure you're doing recovery well!

in ip they emphasise weight gain because the gain is actually a precondition to your psychological healing. It's not until you're nourished that the psychological work can begin. You can try to recover and be comfortable with food but you'll never realize how sick you truly are unless you gain.

Yeah my doctor told me that too...... Gotta get over the mental hurdle of gaining weight first but I can do it!

For first year they don't allocate through balloting?

Not for NUS! Go for camps, apply online and hope they accept you hahaha!

Do you have to take part in a lot of sch activities to secure a place in hall?

For first year you'd have to have good cca records or friend connections! To continue staying must participate quite a bit in hall!

hi babe why don't you write down a whole list of your fear foods and every week make it a point to challenge at least 1-2 of them? :) life is too short to be controlled by your ED thoughts. recovery is worth it!!

Yeah maybe I should. Like every Monday say that by the next Monday I must have eaten a fear food....... I really have to resort to self-recovery for now ?

srsly u need inpatient I don't see u getting better at all. your portions are small, you're not increasing, u can never recover honestly. you're 22 already please think straight and do what's best. your calories intake a day is way too little and no one eats just soup for lunch. please get help.

I know...... but I really can't. It's too ex and I really can't afford to miss school now ? I always pep talk myself to challenge myself but when it comes to the actual challenge, I chicken out...... I know it's frustrating to see too........

Why don't you want to stay in hall?

I stayed for the first two years! But it's quite ex and I only have three school days now so not worth it!

HELLO just saw you at clb bus stop I think- I looked at you for a while and you looked back hope I didn't look creepy ? You're rly frail but pretty Jiayou!!! :-)

Omg are you srs!!! Hahaha! Yeah that was me!!!! ?

hey babe, did u opt for roast beef bc its the lowest in calories? i'm asking because that used to be my subway order too and i didn't even like beef:( my mindset only got better when i let go of this control and stopped counting. jiayou!!

Hello! It's not the lowest in calories but it is pretty low..... I chose it cuz I wanted to try smth new from my usual order but yeah I would say I tend to convince myself I like smth just because it's healthier/lower in calories even though it's not true haha! I'm finding it hard to stop thinking of calories ?

when and how did you develop your ed? sorry if this is too personal!

Haha I'll just reveal what I'm comfortable with! It got bad one year ago when I decided to start losing weight healthily and got addicted to seeing the number on the scale decrease. It spiraled out of control but as much as I can rmb, I had low self-esteem and was conscious of my weight since like 7 years ago........

you're not ? cause you're not having enough food so nothing to digest! jy k :)

It feels a lot though ? I hate how my head messes with me...... Thanks for your advice ??


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