

Ask @recoverypixie

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how and what should i do, im a weakling :'(

No you're not :) You're crying out for help now and that means you really want help. And I'm sure you know how much you want to escape too!!!!!! Please please don't give up okay? :)

in the midst of recovery now, and so scared of the weight gain; the fear comes and goes - its like someday im fine and determined to overcome ED, and the next day, im overcome with so much self-doubt

There'll definitely be the ups and the downs babe :) but I really think what's most impt is that you don't stop trying!!! Just because it's hard doesn't mean you can't do it right :) dear recovery is really really reallyyyyyy worth it. Look forward five years later. Where do you wanna be? :) You'll be glad you hung on and stuck to recovery I promise ?

did you ever binge (infrequently of course) when you were around your lowest weight?

Omg yes!!!!!! It was really a vicious cycle. I'd binge on like three chocolate bars and like packets of instant oats just pouring them into my mouth it was crazy!!!!!!

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Where can I buy those dragons! Are you selling?

Hey babe!!! I'm not selling and my bf's mum actually ordered them for me from overseas!!!!! :)

Does the dragon shape kueh bang kit taste different from normal ones?

Ya!!!!! It has a stronger coconutty taste! :)

Hii just wanted to say that you've really come so far and really really am so proud of you❤️I know it's not easy but keep fighting on and one day you'll be free forever ya!!?pls rmb you've such a loving and supportive family and bf??Jiayous you're sOsO beautiful please believe it?

This is really so sweet!!!!!!!! :') I do have a really good support system and I can't say enough of how thankful I am........ Thank you so much dear you've really warmed my heart hehe ???

omg i was at wimbly lu last night and the waffles were soooo delicious!!! is the crepe any good??

The crepe wasn't any special!!!! Which ice cream flavor did you try! :) Wimbly Lu is so pretty sigh hehe ?

teach me how to be as brave and happy as you sigh

I really can be so much better. And babe, once you start counting and noticing the blessings you have, you'll really be happy too. ??? We often overlook what we've always had don't we :) I genuinely hope you'll always find joy in the smallest things in your days dear ?

does self confidence automatically comes back with weight gain ? still lacking confidence, how do i get that back ?

You have to work for it!!!!! I'm working on it too ???? But with fueling yourself more, you also gain health, energy and happiness. And that's where you find out how much you have been missing out on! I pray you'll really see how unique and beautiful you are and treasure your health and body dear ??????

hihi is the cedele's pistachio choc cake nice?? been meaning to try it, but have been put off by the $8.30 prive tag ??? do you think it's worth the $$$?

Hahaha it's not pistachio babe!!!! It's matcha and chocolate!!!!! And it's very nice!!!!!!!! Give it a try dear! ☺️

huh is it possible to have a BMI of 18.5 and still be so skinny?? can see the rib cage bones sticking out of your chest leh ???

Omg I'm nottttt really ?

Hi Calista, I've just started recovery and every little thing I eat keeps making me gain weight. Like I've just gained 2 kg overnight :( I m so so scared that if u continue eating the weight will keep increasing :(((

Oh no :( Babe it won't!!!!! It's really physically impossible to gain 2kg real weight overnight! Please please stay strong alright!!!!! Good job on choosing recovery! Hang in there!!!!! ??????

Hi just wondering if you have reached 18.5 bmi? And will you continue to gain after reaching that?

I have hehe! Yeah no choice my period isn't here yet ?

You are super pretty and your figure is so so good!!! Much better than before you embark on recovery!! You're sucha inspiration

Thank you so much ??? This really means a lot :)

It's International Hedgehog's Day! What would you name your hedgehog, if you had one?

Omg I love hedgehogs!!!!!! I'd name it Mochi hehehe!

Hi calista , how is uni's timetable like? Do u get to plan your own timetable or it is the same for everyone ? And is uni much more stressful than alevels ?

You do get to plan like planning what mods you wanna take this sem but some mods have fixed lecture or seminar timings, others are more flexible! But you do get a choice in how your timetable turns out too :)

I've tried to improve myself but still :( really sorry for bothering you.

You're not bothering me anyway babe :) But I do hope you'll find peace with this issue in your heart soon ??

Hi Calista sorry for being a nuisance but I really hope you can advise me on what I should do :'( Almost all my teachers and peers in school don't like me and are just friendly but when it gets to serious things teachers gossip about me and peers just leave me. Idk what I've done wrong and I've trie

Hello babe!!!!! Mm firstly, could you be overthinking things? I mean I don't think teachers will just point out a student like that too eh ? Hey but if that's really the case, maybe you could talk to them and ask them genuinely if it's smth that you can improve on? But I really do think and hope that you're overthinking alright? :) And as long as in your heart, your conscience is clear, I say just keep doing you. There's only one of you in this whole world and being "different" from others isn't necessarily bad! Jiayou okay!!! ???

if you prefer not to reply that qn i uds, but yup just wanna say take care and stay strong, you're more than your weight and ED ✌? always rooting for you ❤

Hehehehe you're really so sweet ? Thank you so much my dear :)

might be overthinking but.... I asked that qn cos from your recent dayre pics you look less happy than usual ? like the smile doesn't quite reach your eyes, so yuppppp concerned about you (considering hanoi...)

Really????? :( I didn't notice :( But I feel better than in Vietnam! I think because in Vietnam I was in a foreign country?? Here I'm still in my safe constant environment. Thanks for your concern dear :') ??


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