

Ask @recoverypixie

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School food + the new science canteen has rly limited choices! I kinda want to cont packing food but I don't know if it'll affect her a lot :( it just seems like she's only satisfied whenever I order fried Ayam penyet or non-soupy noodles ? idk how anymore sigh

And also, don't satisfy her! I know it'll really irritate her but you cannot give in to her ED forever because it won't help her, and only feed her ED even further. This is really quite impt but, if you know she's anorexic but is not receiving proper help, please do help her okay!!!!! Or idk, maybe I can pass you the contact of my clinic? Because ED undiagnosed without help can go out of control so easily and I hope your friend doesn't end up like that :( Take care ok both of you ??
Anyway, you can explore other canteens hehehe! Or even KR mrt has many food choices :)

hey Cali I have this Friend with anorexia and she's so picky about what I eat that it's so so annoying!! I don't have a ED but I like to pack food from home (normal sandwiches, cai fan etc) and she always comments that my food is very healthy and all... I guess it is but I'm not v keen on

Hello dear! Sigh it must really be frustrating for you right :( But babe I understand where your friend is coming from too, because I do have the same urges ? Well, let me help you understand from her POV too okay? To her, there's this voice screaming that she is greedy and useless for eating more or less healthy than the people around her. But trust me, she doesn't want to be this way too. I know it's really unfair for you dear but don't blame her too okay?
I know I'm not the best person to give advice on this, but imo, just tell her honestly how you feel. And at the same time, let her know that you are still her friend, because the real her is not like this. That is just the ED. Everytime she does that, remind her of how ED is making her someone she's not. That you really yearn for the friend you miss to come back. Because when I'm doing the same to the people around me, it is only when they told me the truth, did I realize how selfish I was and how I really needed to change. I really appreciated them for being harsh and telling me the truth, as opposed to hiding and being annoyed at me behind my back!

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Yup!! HAHA I saw you but wasn't 100% sure if it was you so I didn't dare to say hi ?? — T

Oh nooooooo hahaha wish you said hi!!!! :)

erps Coco Ichibanya eggplants not nice? is it cos not mushy (I love mushy food heheheh)

Mm, it's mushy!!!!! But I think cuz it tasted too raw! How do I put it, I'd have preferred if it were more seasoned hahahaha!!!!!

OMG you are so sweet you made my day :') Im just shy about going into the shop and keep trying and it helps to have a guide to start with since i admire you so much <3 !!! thank you for replying me <333

Hahaha it's okay! Actually I like going into perfume shops just to smell what new fragrances are released! Then right, I'll put those little cards where you can spray the perfume on in my bag so it can smell nice inside HAHAHAHAHA!!! ? Let me know if you like the ones I recommended? :) Or if you find any good ones let me know too hehehehehe!

HAHA not meant to sound creepy but whats your fav perfume? Does it help you feel better about yourself and your body? im planning to get one but so lost on the many!

Hmm, I like Miss Dior and Gucci's Flora! I'll take a photo of them for you if you want! I also think Bath and Body Work's Sweet Pea smells good but it doesn't last as long!!! Hehehe it does make me feel more confident and like dressed up! :)

You have an awesome possum monday too! Go kick ED in the butt HIIIIIYA! ????? (that is the kung fu sound heehee)

Awwww you're so cuteeee!!!!! You saw my insta post? HEHEHEHE! Yesssssss shifu! ✋???

stay strong, don't let the negativity and BBI get to you ? jiayous dear!!

I won't okay!!!! :) Just gotta hang on because there will be bad days! Just cannot let them get me down! Thank you my dear!! ????

so keep fighting, and hold on to what matters + the positive feelings you have felt b4, is feeling now, and will continue to feel in the future ?

The future me would be proud I stayed strong right? :) Thank you for encouraging me sweetie ??????

and on the note about feeling ? about gaining.. you're not alone in feeling that. and it would come back again. but that being said, so too will the feelings of accomplishment, happiness and positivity you've felt in the recovery process

Yeahhhhh I just gotta push through all this negativity!!!!!!! Soon it'll be gone forever! I just cannot give up now!!!!! ??????

ps both the red and grey dresses look amazing on you ? where did you get them from!!

Thank you!!!!! :) I got them from the Editor's Market!!!!

AHHHHH been meaning to try the Spinach eggplant curry at Coco Ichibanya top!! is it good ?

I like the spinach curry but not the eggplants ??? Give it a try dear! :)

Hey dear, were you at bugis just now? ? — T

Hello!!!!!! Oh yes I was on Saturday!!!!! Were you there too? :}

just read your replies to the recent question and :') how wise and true, those words.... thank you for the reminders, jiayous and continue to be an inspiration ❤

They're a self-reminder for myself too :) Have a lovely day you ???

Ah ok i see. Thanks for answering my questions about your course, you're very helpful! ?

Hehehe I hope you'll find a corse that truly makes you happy and passionate about :) ??

Of course people will see a difference, just maybe not as big a difference as you perceive. Babe you are going from emancipated --> healthy. If there is no difference then you are not recovering. The difference is GOOD. You need to accept it. Sorry if i sound harsh, just want to drive it home. :/

Yeahhhhhh thanks dear! I know I need to get this in my head too! It's just like, yknow reality strikes, I'm no longer as small as I used to be. And I have to be honest it really sucks, but no matter how bad I won't let myself go back to the way I was before :)

have you tried just dough b4? what flavours would you recommend? thanks ?

I only tried two!!!! Sweet potato and yam but both are so goooooood!!!!!!! GO TRY!!!!! But I think for proper flavor choices, I can't tell for sure cuz I haven't tried the others ?

I hate it I feel that i've no control over my life (at least when I had ED I had control over sth) I hate myself I hate life I hate everything ?

You do have control. You can't control genetics, how you look, which family you're born into. But you can control how your life turns out and what you achieve. So go ahead, control ED, or rather let ED control you. And lose control of your mind, decisions, thoughts, feelings, happiness etc. Is a lonely future with several health problems in the future worth being told "Oh hey you look skinny" now?
And also babe, pls don't hate yourself. Idk you really have to look at what you've got instead of what you don't. The same situation can look so different with a different perspective. God made you so special and beautiful and idk, pls see that too? ?

why is it fine for others to exercise (and idk? be skinny?) and not me?? why are ppl giving me so much grief when i attempt to exercise, and even stop me ???

Because they love you my dear. If you see your loved one self-harming and torturing themselves, would you step in to stop them? If they didn't care about you they wouldn't stop you, but they do!!!!! Don't you see your blessings! You can exercise when you are properly healed and fueled! But for now, pls take care of yourself because you only have this one body and a short youth, don't look back and only see restriction and exercise in the future ok? :) Cmon babe jiayou ??????

any tips to deal with BBI ??? saw a bunch of girls leaving gym and I was suddenly consumed with jealousy and annoyance

You have your whole life to gym, why ruin your day cuz others went to the gym!!! You don't see the rest of their day but you know yours. Idk, you have to see that you are a unique individual and whatever others do, you can't help but this is the life God has blessed you with, love yourself ok :) I don't think I'm being coherent here HAHAHAHAA!

just wondering why don't you want to eat hormone pills to get your period back? i've friends who do that and their period immediately after that!!

Hahaha I don't want omg! It's totally not natural! I'm just tricking my body into having my period! But it's not sustainable and I don't want to confuse my body too! Gotta feed myself properly and know that I'm healthy when my period is back properly :)

love your mindset ❤️ so proud hehe. you never fail to make me choose recovery and let go of stoopeed ED !! dongsaenggie here btw ?

OOH HELLO MY BB!!!!!! ?????? Hehehe you inspire me too you have been through so much don't turn back now and make all that past efforts go to waste ok dear? :) Hehehe luvluv ???

I'm not in NUS but thinking of going there. What do you learn in Mechanical engineering and is it very physics-based? cos I didn't take physics in JC so will have to take bridging modules. (sorry! I googled also but just want to find first person experiences haha.)

Hmm for mechanical engineering it's very very physics based like bending, torsion, machines, mechanics all that! There are also specializations! But I feel that in NUS the engin courses are all so theory-textbook based kind! Which I don't really like I prefer more practical applications but nus is a good school to be in la ?


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