
Nick Reineke

Ask @RockLeeSmile

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How do you cope with being away from your partner? My partner started full time classes and also works full time opposite of myself and finding time inbetween to actually be together has been difficult and has started to feel like we're worlds away from eachother at times.

We try to set aside a specific day every week to spend time. Despite that it's still very tough. Mentally I try to keep myself occupied and not dwell too long on it. Having time to look forward to spending together helps the days go by faster. I just keep my head down and push forward as much as I can.

This is a strange question, but do you have family in Ireland? My lecturer in Dublin looks and sounds very much like an older version of you, complete with the dry humour.

Nah, was just a coincidence. Maybe some day I'll be fortunate enough to get to move there though! I'm actually missing Dublin a lot right now.

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Hey Nek, what chair do you use? Looks comfy and in the market for one :P

Nah, you don't want this chair. It's really hot and kinda uncomfortable tbh. I have a $100 pad on it and it still feels hard sometimes. I'd like another one eventually.

What happens when we die?

The same thing that happens before we were born. We don't exist equally in both situations.
Liked by: sam

I'm considering subscribing to the HBO now service, would you say that the its worth the price of admission?

Andrija Jovanovic
I just signed up to use the free month. I plan to unsubscribe afterward. We'll see if they can convince me in the time they have me.
Liked by: Mitchell Roy Symes

Hey Nick, what's that sidebar/dock you use?

Object Dock. It's pretty solid. I've used it for years now.

I found the "Enable Your Account for Monetisation" in the Youtube settings of my empty account. I wanna try it just for fun. Should I click agree on everything? There's a lot of reading involved and I don't care for boring documents that can potentially fuck my entire life over.

Fastcar Nascar
I wouldn't bother enabling monetization until you're getting something like 1,000 views a day at least. At that point there's a chance you'll make a few dollars each month. Anything less will just potentially drive away viewers which could kill your chances to make money before they even start. When you consider that a single view might be worth 1/100 of a cent or less it hopefully changes your outlook.
You should also familiarize yourself with YouTube ToS and copyright rules before you open yourself up to trouble in signing that contract. The attitude of "it's a lot of words I'll just not read it" is not a good one to have. Take the time to read contracts you agree to!
Liked by: Christopher Flagg

Has vision impairment ever impacted you in a way that seemed impossible to get over? Trying to figure out somethings this year and struggling to do so (new monitor, socialising, etc.) and its affecting me negatively. Also, how long have you had glasses?

My glasses are actually a relatively minor prescription that I only started wearing about 5-6 years ago. I just have a bit of trouble with distance vision. Around 2009 or so I noticed while I was at work that I couldn't easily make out the faces of customers on the other side of the store anymore. Eventually I got to the eye doctor and got my glasses.

What is your most treasured possession?

Aside from my computer because I need it for pretty much everything I do - I would say the amazing coat that I bought with my girlfriend Lin while I was visiting her in Ireland. It makes me feel really good to have a little bit of that memory that I can have physically on me.
We went to a ton of different stores to find the perfect one and actually the best one was the first one I tried on that afternoon. It's a reminder that it's not about the destination but the journey. We spent a bunch of that day running around and almost accomplished nothing but I still had a fantastic time and happy memory of the day because we were together.

Hey Nick! Question, I was looking (skimming so sorry if you did answer and I missed it) through your questions, no one's asked it yet and I'm curious, do you identity as a feminist? It'd be interesting to find more males who do this day in age on the Internet.

I think it had been asked before but there's a lot of answers now. Yes, I do identify as a feminist.

Can you tell if something is deep and has a meaning that you just don't get, or if its just acting deep? or do you feel if there's a difference since they both have a message?

James Howe
I try my best to not think exactly in those terms but to try to ascertain the intended meaning in context. There's the message you believe you're meant to receive and also the message the author, artist, developer, etc. intended to broadcast - those two things don't always line up. Finding out the difference and if there is one tells you a lot about the context of the message and allows you to infer how much you can lean on one side or the other. You also have to try to account for your own bias and that can be tricky too.

Any good simple video editing software that you would recommend?

I'm not sure that really any video editing software is completely simple. In some ways looking for the "beginner" software could actually hurt you in the long run by learning bad habits or confusing you with simplistic UI and terms once you get to something a bit more robust. I'd recommend going right to either Sony Vegas or Adobe Premiere. Neither is cheap but learning either will be a huge benefit to you if you care to work with video. If you must get something cheaper I used Camtasia Studio for years before I could upgrade. I don't recommend it though, although it was very simple to use it was also a lot of lost work and frustration. Maybe it's better now.

hey Nick! i wanted to know if you and Baer were ever gonna doan other GTA bike ride! that was one of my favorite streams and id love to see more!

I'd like to say we most likely will, yes. It's just a matter of finding the right time.
Liked by: Abbie Jones

Do views on your back catalog make up a noticeable amount in your income?

Yes and no, they contribute to an reasonable percentage of my daily views but they're a percentage of a percentage of my actual income. If I were to estimate, I'd say something like 10-15% per month comes from my back catalog which is made up of about 3,000 videos.

Any tips on having meaningful commentary for someone who wants to LP but also not sound so very dumb or be silent?

Practice on videos you don't feel obligated to upload or try streaming to a small audience. You need to see how your mind works when you plan to talk with almost no breaks. Try to find a balance between personal musings and game commentary. You don't have to be a comic, also if you're passionate about a topic, look for ways to talk about it. Don't try too hard and if something isn't working don't apologize much or at all. Try to keep it light for the audience until you're sure you want to get into something heavy. You don't want to back peddle if you can help it.

Hey Nick i was wondering what is the step-by-step process you have to export your Twitch VoDs then edit them for Youtube?

For the NLSS I just cut a highlight in the Twitch exporter. For other things I use the mp4 output from OBS to bring into Vegas and chop up. I then render and upload like a typical video.

If marvel were to make a super sentai show (such as power rangers and kamen rider) but for more mature audiences (pg.-13 or higher), which super hero(s) would be a good fit

Andrija Jovanovic
Every iteration of Spider-Man put on a team together to see how the characters would adapt to their constant bickering and one-liners. It would probably end up like that Steven Universe episode and they'd all kill each other eventually.

the 8 bit covers of songs you have on stream, do you have a playlist of them online or a way i could also get them?

Yes, I posted it on my Twitch page in the FAQ panel. Sorry, I'm on my phone or I'd copy the link here.

Would you say that you're a humanist?

Yes, although the definition of what exactly it means to use the humanist label seems to be kinda slippery. I don't think I've heard a version of the definition I wasn't for though.

Once i heard you say you were into hardcore (I think). What are some of your favourite Hardcore/Straight Edge bands? x

I like hardcore, yeah. However I'm kinda not into the straight-edge scene personally. iirc Remembering Never might be one of the few (if they are) that I still like despite it.

How much time/effort do you plan on devoting to map-making when Afterbirth+ comes out? I really like your creations and Afterbirth will be the first game I'll own and be able to play them on!

Christian Kingsbury
I'll play around with it but there's only so much you can do with Isaac when it comes to room layouts. I'm sure there's a few clever designs to be come up with but largely the room design isn't a very large factor in my enjoyment. Actually there's a few rooms I'd modify or remove from the game if I was given the option.

Nick! You're in the club and a really buff dude slaps your girlfriend's ass, what do you do?

We probably wouldn't be there in the first place but if that happened we'd get the bouncer and leave. Starting some stupid "macho" shit over someone being an idiot isn't the way to handle it in my opinion.

What would you give an example for as something personal on ask?

Asking where I live, how much money I make or questions about specifics in my relationship are all off limits.


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