
Nick Reineke

Ask @RockLeeSmile

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Hey Nick! Just wondering, how do you decide games for the docket? it doesn't seem like you and NL are always in 100% agreement of the choices XD

Tyler Kuehn
We're fine. I was just busting his chops about Cannon Brawl. We just usually throw ideas back and fourth before each show.

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Do you find it strange to be anything at all?

There are theories that our brain fools us into believing we live on a 3 dimensional plain that doesn't actually exist. We are made up of a collection of buzzing particles which phase into and out of existence in units of time we can't come close to perceiving without highly specialized tools. We live on a speck of dust suspended in a sunbeam in a universe that's imperceptibly vast and everything we think we understand is subject to change and refinement. All the existence we've ever known could vanish in the blink of an eye. Reality could be no more permanent than that of a dream.
I make a living playing video games for the internet.

who's your favorite guitarist?

Mike Cakes
I'm hesitant to pick a single favorite person because there's a massive number of extremely talented musicians I look up to, but I'm going to go with Tosin Abasi. He's amazingly proficient in pretty much every aspect of music and he seems like an incredibly humble, approachable and warm human being in a general sense.

How do you feel about TheAmazingAtheist and have you ever watched his podcast Drunken Peasants?

Alec Cress
I have mixed feelings about him. Good points sometimes... but he tends to come across way too strident and over the top for my taste. I haven't listened to his podcast so maybe I have a skewed opinion from only seeing him on YouTube.

What is your fav song from Between the Buried and Me and Protest the Hero?

David Kurbel
I doubt I could narrow it down to a particular song for either of those bands since their composition styles are both so dense... I'd say the album Colors for BtBaM and the album Fortress for Protest The Hero would be my favorite groups of songs - but I like all the work by both of them.

You're a Dexter fan? Do you have a dark passenger? :-P

Laura Markus
Thankfully nothing like what Dexter has but we all have a dark side to some small extent I suppose. Mine is just mostly inconsequential.
Liked by: Laura Markus

Hey, I made an account to tell you that you're super awesome and your content is also super awesome! How are you feeling after that god-like Super Feet Boy performance? (Okay, I hope)

Francesca C.
Thanks very much for watching and for the very kind words! I'm pretty much fine... was just extra tired today from my weird sleep patterns and had a little minimal knee pain which dissipated mostly already. Thanks for asking and I hope I catch you in another stream! :)

Read any comic books?

Sorry, not really. I never really got into them despite loving X-Men a lot when I was young. Not really sure why actually.

if you were to fall of a plane which plane would you want it to be?

I would be willing to fall off a giant owl if it would swoop down and catch me gently.


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