
Nick Reineke

Ask @RockLeeSmile

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what would win, one trillion lions or the sun

The sun is a nearly boundless source of energy and yet lions have more!

If you finished BloodBorne when should we be expecting the last episode on Youtube?

I have not finished it but we're only about 4-6 days from being current on the VoDs right now. I went back to do optional stuff and there was a lot.

What is the furthest country your shirt got send to?

They don't send me that info unfortunately but I know a few did go quite a long way. Anyone from far off lands from the US would be welcome to tweet me and say where you had yours sent if you like!

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What is the fanciest way you would say happy?

Exasperatedly enthusiastic. Alliteration never hurts.

how many hairs do you have in your beard? i think it's proibably in the region of 200 personally

I've never had them professionally counted but I would probably land at a guess of somewhere in the 700-1100 range. There are a lot more than you'd think from a distance.

I just started getting into your channel. I found you through your kitty videos. (Somewhat weird considering most of the content you make is gaming related) just one question, are you single?

I'm glad you like the channel! I'm actually a little surprised you found me from kitty videos since I only have a few, but it's cool that you did. I'm currently in a very happy relationship.

you said you prob arnt going to be doing stuff like ibb and obb on the NLSS becasue of backseating I feel like if you were to play it on your channel people might respect your wish to not backseat. I feel as if your chat is much better about that stuff than ryans

I've still had some bad experiences. Why would he play it on mine and not stream his perspective though? Probably wouldn't make sense and wouldn't happen.

If you had to wear a hat (or some other form of head covering garment) for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

Probably a skullcap / beanie style, although it could get too hot. I hope I don't have to do this!

Hey Nick! This may sound rude, but how are you able to release 1 indie impressions everyday? It seems so tiresome to do it constantly. Anyways, great content man!

I have been experimenting with far less Indie Impressions for the last month and results have been mixed. I did 1,000 in a row and I needed a break but I do like the idea of it being the central point of my channel still.

This may sound like a sill question, but what are your religious views? Not just the "yes I am" or "no I am not" ones, but how do you feel about religion as a whole as well as other religious people?

Read older questions for more clarification but I'm an agnostic atheist. I'd prefer we believed as many true things and as few false things as possible. I'd like it if we spent less time fighting over things we're unsure of and giving credit for human victories to deities that may or may not exist. I won't make a fuss about religion unless someone else does and I don't really care what you believe unless you're affecting public policy/laws with your beliefs.

What was your favourite game when you were a kid?

Super Metroid had a pretty serious grip on me back then and it still does! I always had a habit of playing a ton of games and not spending too long with too many individually, but there were definitely some exceptions. The Mega Man and Sonic series' were favorites too.

Are there going to be more shirts?

You can request a shirt still on the page if you missed your chance and if 10 people do that they'll print another set of that design. If you mean a new design - very likely yes but not for a bit. Maybe in 2-3 months I'll do something.

What is your favorite game you have played on the NLSS (other than Karnov, of course)?

Probably Goofball Goals or Cards Against Humanity. Anything that is funny and also takes a certain degree of skill but isn't usually just one sided. I'd love to play more games like Ibb & Obb with Ryan too but the backseating was so annoying I don't think he'll ever go for it again sadly.

Hey Nick, have you watched the anime Bakemonogatari? I feel like you would really like it because of its unique pacing, dialogues and general artstyle.

Never seen it. Does the name mean something like "stupid scrolls" in english?

Why don't you like Nuclear Throne?

It's not that I don't like it, I'm just really bad and I get frustrated by it. It sucks to make it kinda far and get instakilled from full health by something you don't have any reason to know is dangerous. Experience will trump that issue but idk if I want to spend enough time to get better.
Liked by: Nirus

Do you have any guilty pleasure games? Games that you think are not good but you like anyway.

Sometimes bro-shooters like Gears of War are kinda mindless fun with a friend to make jokes with the whole time. I don't exactly play a lot of them but I didn't hate it. Also the God of War series - fun in small bursts but I don't think they're particularly good games overall.

Have any of your family ever watched your youtube or twitch content? If so, any interesting reactions?

Toxic Psychotic
I really feel awkward whenever family or even some non-internet based friends watch my stuff. I get very self-conscious.

Hey when you talked about cartoons on the NLSS this Thursday you didn't mention Steven Universe have you watched it? if not I would really Redmond it Rebecca Sugar who works on adventure time has a large part in it.

James Howe
I've seen something like 2 episodes and it looked good. I need to watch it from the beginning so I know what the hell is going on.

Nick have you played Frozen Cortex and if so did you like it? It would make a great NLSS game like Goofball except it has developer support and isn't bullshit.

Jacob Stoakes
I'm not really into Frozen Cortex, sorry. I found it frustrating since I had no concept of what to do to win consistently. Seemed like we were both kinda picking random strategies and hoping for the best.

Hey Nick, do you like earthbound? well maybe you have heard of "LISA" I heard it's good but I wanted your advice

Earthbound is fine. I played through it once as a kid and I don't know if I like it enough to go through all of that again just because it was "quirky". I admit it has a fantastic soundtrack but I find myself enjoying dialog-driven and turn-based RPGs a lot less in recent years.
Liked by: Trans233


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