
Nick Reineke

Ask @RockLeeSmile

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How would you feel about a DLC expansion for Soda Drinker Pro? On one hand, I really want more of the game; but on the other, I am afraid that they would take the game in a direction that ends up spoiling the perfect narrative of the original.

I trust that Will would do right by us with DLC. It would probably just add a new range of soda to sip and also be free.

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anything you recommend on Netflix besides Kill-la-kill, falling skies, daredevil, V for vendeta, DC flashpoint, and full metal alchamist

Andrija Jovanovic
Hotel Impossible, Shipping Wars, Bob's Burgers - I'm sure there are others but I'm forgetting what was on Netflix and not Hulu.
Liked by: Nirus

So my boyfriend legitimately thought there was a pyramid level in Rebirth till recently cause I always made jokes about it but he thought I was serious...lol!

Gage Daily
Hahaha! Got em!
Liked by: Nirus

On your Bloodborn stream, was that Courage Brewery's Directors you were drinking? If it is then that's probably my favourite ale, wasn't aware it was available in the states.

Not sure actually but that name doesn't sound familiar at all. I don't think I was drinking that tbh.
Liked by: Nirus

Hey Nick. I won't be purchasing the PS4 to play Bloodbourne (PS4 doesn't interest me), but I'm curious what I'm missing out on. How does it hold up to the other Souls games? Also, will you be attending PaxDev or PaxPrime? Thanks, keep up the good work :)

You'll be missing out on great level design and very fast, multi-enemy oriented combat. I've found a lot to like in Bloodborne but also a bunch of annoyances like having for farm healing items all the time (3-7 times when stuck on a boss). The load times are (were? maybe patched) really excessive and having to warp back to Hunter's Dream to warp somewhere else is really a waste of time.
As far as events go, I might be skipping Prime this year (and that's the only other thing I was considering going to) due to too much going on in my personal life resulting in lack of funds. Hopefully I'll be at PAX East next year.
Liked by: Nirus

Hey, i just wondered about your streaming. i never get to be there cause its night in europe when you stream, but i saw somewhere that you do stream latenight (daytime for me) sometimes. there any pattern to this stuff?

Jack Magnessen
Sadly I don't have a fixed schedule for streams outside of the NLSS. Best bet for knowing when I'm live is to favorite the Twitch channel and follow me on Twitter at @rockleesmile - I always announce over there when I'm about to stream. I appreciate that you're interested enough to want to watch. Thanks!
Liked by: Nirus

The night that you tried to stream Bloodborne you showed a video of you singing Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz. Is that anywhere on your youtube channel because I can't find it..thanks! :)

Nope. Twitch exclusive for now.
Liked by: Kelsoo Nirus

Hey Nick, sorry to bother you. I've been watching some your stuff and the NLSS for maybe a year or so now... As a fellow human from '85, do you have any tips for people who want to try to get into streaming? Or how to think of a twitch/youtube/twitter name that isn't acquired already?

Kevin Vencl
No worries! For people just getting into streaming I'd say: 1) pay attention to the chat and reply to as much as you can 2) get your audio and video sorted early on 3) don't engage trolls 4) don't mod everyone 5) make friends with other streamers and hang out with them 6) don't get caught up in chasing numbers/milestones - you'll burn out fast and get depressed, we all have bad days but it's harder starting out 7) practice talking indefinitely as a stream of consciousness 8) be as consistent as possible, set a schedule and make it known 9) have a twitter 10) don't rely on gimmicks, just be yourself and have fun.
Hope those tips help! Good luck in starting out!

Hey Nick, just wanted to mention i've been having immense trouble sleeping and Indie Impressions play lists always seem to lull me away, thank you. Have/do you have any issues with sleeping? It's awful.

I actually have had a lot of issues sleeping for the last few years but I've been a bit more at peace lately and have been able to turn off all the distractions I usually keep on so I don't keep noticing my mind racing. Exercise is supposed to be very effective in helping if you can add more.
Liked by: Josh

Are you a morning person? Do you like getting up early and seeing the sun rise? I like staying up late on my laptop on my race car bed.

I stay up way too late but ideally I'd like to get up by 9-10am and get some work done in the morning so I'm not always living in a perpetual state of night.
Liked by: Nehel

What's the weirdest indie game you've come across lately?

David Bradley
Probably The Womb... a narrative about the divergence of life as told through a virtual womb. It's rather interesting and worth a look.

Have you been able to attend any of the big atheist/skeptic meetings events etc? Just wondering what other places you've been able to visit, outside of the wonderful place of video games and maybe a story or two :) You make awesome videos Nick, hope you keep going strong spread seed etc

I'd like to go to TAM or Skepticon but those trips and tickets are super expensive! Maybe someday I'll have enough spare to justify the trip. I'd even like to take a trip to Austin just to meet TAE crew.
Liked by: Kelsoo

What was your dream job when you were younger? Anything you'd prefer to do over video producing?

David Bradley
When I was a little kid I think I wanted to be some kind of scientist. I remember saying I wanted to invent the hover board a lot. As far as now though, I think I'm really well suited for doing this and I think I wouldn't really ask for anything else.

How did you, Ryab, and Josh meet and start the NLSS?

Matthew Bump
Josh and Ryan met a long while ago on some gaming forum and became friends then. They did the Saving Progress podcast together with MichaelalFox as well. Ryan and I first became aware of each other when he reviewed my Super Meat Boy chapter "The Passenger". I later got to chat with him more and eventually he invited me on for a stream - I said I'd come back as long as he'd have me and that was pretty much it.
Liked by: DunceBass


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