
Nick Reineke

Ask @RockLeeSmile

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If you could live in any video game world, which would you choose and why?

I could make an argument for either Fez or Minecraft depending on how I'm feeling. Fez because everything seems very chill and happy all the time (minus the corruption), and Minecraft because if you want to build yourself a mansion to live in, you just go punch trees... no taxes, no red tape - you are the master of your domain.

Cat or dog?

I like both and have known some very cool dogs, but personally I'd usually rather hang out with a friendly cat or two if possible.

Will you aroo with me?

Is that like a dog howling at the moon? Probably if I'm in a good mood. :P

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What color do you wear most frequently?

Having gone to tons of concerts in my teens and early twenties, I have a huge number of black t-shirts... but I wear a lot of beige and brown with jeans.

If you had to date an animal, which would be be. Humans are not an option.

You mean if I was a non-human of the same species as well? Probably a honey badger since then I wouldn't care at all... about anything.

Do you believe in 'love at first sight'?

Love is a complicated thing... I'm sure 'love at first sight' is possible, but will it last is the more important question.

What's the longest you've gone without a haircut?

For about 10 years I had super long hair - like half-way down my back that I usually kept in a ponytail. I cut it a couple years ago and have kept it short since then.
Liked by: Bigfoot

Language: English