
Nick Reineke

Ask @RockLeeSmile

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What are your thoughts on Dark Souls 2?

I want to play it pretty badly... but I hope they don't mess with the formula of Dark Souls too much. It seemed very close to perfect to me - just fix the frame rate issues and the multiplayer connection troubles.

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Neckbeard or mullet?

Preferably neither, however, mullets are worn ironically from time to time so I guess that's an option.

How much meta would a meta chuck if a meta could chuck wood?

Meta-Pod evolves into Meta-Chuck, right?

If you had unlimited resources to make your one dream game, what would it be?

An endless version of Super Metroid that reconfigures itself on every playthrough through use of random elements.

I have a rather hard question. What Advice would you give to someone who wishes to do Let's Plays and other content but has difficulty articulating so most communication is almost impossible? This isn't an accent more like Lockjaw.

Michael Krause
Just one possible suggestion, but maybe if speech is difficult you could do machinima oriented videos?

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo?

"James, while John had had 'had', had had 'had had'; 'had had' had had a better effect on the teacher."

Pasta or noodles?

I like both, if I had to choose probably pasta just because you can do more with it.

If aliens visited us and you could choose but one game to have them play, what would it be and why?

X-Com, so they could see we've already thought of it in case they tried to pull anything funny...

Do you think you'd ever expand your indie impressions videos to cover other mediums such a films, music, comics etc?

I won't say for sure that I wouldn't... but I think if I did, I probably wouldn't call it Indie Impressions at that point. I did have a desire to write music reviews... but I just don't think I have enough specific music vocabulary to really get into the details with that the way I do with games.

When do you answer these? Randomly or at a certain time each day

I'll say randomly for now, but I'll probably make a trend of visiting late at night after I've finished everything for the day.

What games on the release horizon are you most looking forward too? Rogue Legacy looks all kinds of awesome.

Definitely Rogue Legacy, Chasm, Starbound and quite a few others.
Liked by: Bigfoot

Any advice for a guy just about to graduate from High School?

This is going to sound awful, but I'm SO not the right guy to ask. All I can say is, try to figure out what you think you're truly passionate about and do as much as you can to push yourself to take the harder road when possible.

Do you think you'll ever transition from lets plays into full time games journalism?

I really like making videos and if I can make that work eventually as a primary income source that would be a dream come true... but I would have no regrets if that eventually gave way to a position in a more formal journalism situation. In the space of one year I've made more progress than I ever could have imagined (with a LOT of help of course) toward really doing the thing I've wanted to do my whole life and I'm so thankful! Wherever it goes from here seems like it would be all positive.

Hey Nick! Love your content! Out of curiosity- I'm a long time fan- what's your opinion on the Mass Effect trilogy?

Before Mass Effect 1 came out I was hyped to death for it. After each sequel and DLC pack though the hype totally died for me. I never actually finished the first game and was very disappointed at how linear it ended up being... I do appreciate all the work that went into the crazy production value in those games though. I'm not beyond revisiting it later in case I can get into it more then.

Hey Nick, are you actually thinking about really playing dota 2? If so I can coach you!

Justin Urbani
I'm not taking it very seriously, but a few of the YouTubers I hang out with (Ohm, Green and Alpaca) really like it and it made me want to figure it out a bit with their guidance.

What's the most fun part about your job? Least fun part?

Hanging out with cool people like you and the guys on the stream and just being able to completely be myself without being judged is a really great thing - also finding/playing awesome games all the time. Least fun would probably be when I have technical issues in recording or dealing with unreasonable/rude negative criticism.
Liked by: SSZ_Chunks Danni

What do you think about the Oculus Rift? Are you interested in it or virtual reality in general?

I really like the concept of VR, but I think I should wait until I actually try it before I really form an opinion (I have tried VR in general one time years ago, it was real bad) - also I'd like to see a few real exciting things to do with it, right now it seems to be mostly concepts, FPS adaptations and tech demos from what I can tell.

Favorite type of music?

I always cringe a little when I have to actually write this out. Technical progressive metalcore.


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