
Nick Reineke

Ask @RockLeeSmile

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Hello Nick I love your Indie Impressions vids! I'm starting the creative process of a game and I plan to get a playing alpha or beta before this year ends, would you review it when I get to that point?

I don't tend to make promises on coverage, but I'm always happy to check out what you're working on when you're ready to send something out.

Have you ever listened to Babymetal? I started a couple days ago and can't seem to stop.

I don't think so actually. Your question is probably the first time I've ever heard of the genre.

Do you like going out to see movies at the theater?

Yeah for sure, but it's a social activity that unfortunately I don't have much opportunity to enjoy anymore.

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What do you listen to when you feel like relaxing?

If not music, very often Twitch streams or skeptical/free-thought/atheist themed podcasts.

Would you use a Mar Minecraft skin if I made you one?

I might, but I don't know if I play Minecraft enough to warrant the work as much as I greatly appreciate the sentiment!

Have you ever stopped to think about how you live in a world where people will pay you while you quote Limp Bizkit lyrics over GIFs of a dummy of Sigourney Weaver's face is getting squished in?

Constantly. It's kinda difficult to wrap my mind around.

hove you checked out Delver on steam? its perfect for you!

I have! I'll probably cover it eventually, yeah.

Hey nick ive been a huge fan for a long time "vandol22" if you remember me which I doubt. but I send a lot of messages to you on steam and twitter. do I annoy you? I dont mean to go hard fanboy but I find a lot of games that you haven't covered. should I stop sending them to you?

No worries! I don't mind. Just keep in mind that I also find a lot of games I haven't covered too (I have a backlog of idk like 500 games now) - so I don't cover a lot of suggestions right away unless they really strike a nerve for what I'm in the mood for at that very moment.

I feel I suffer from Social Anxiety. I have never had a girlfriend and have a handful of close friends. Do you have any advice on this, it seems all I want in life is to be left alone to my own 'devices' but I WANT a girlfriend and a nice life etc etc.

Unfortunately it's definitely not something simple whatever the solution is (and of course I'm no doctor or psychologist, so take this with a grain of salt). I'm still kind of working through that kind of situation myself.
My anxiety had gotten worse over a number of years and I was able to have a few great long-term relationships through my teen years and into my 20's but eventually things got bad enough that my ex lost interest and that was really awful.
I think you have to be able to be your own person and have your own life going strong to bring stability to a relationship... and in this case you also need someone who understands the situation properly, which I don't believe my ex did.
My best advice would be to try to immerse yourself in whatever makes you happy and work at something you love that you can develop into a salable skill if you don't already have one, then when you're feeling confident enough you will have something to fall back on, and may even meet peers amongst your interest group.
I wish you luck and I hope things improve for you!

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Liked by: Tegan

favorite band/recommendation? I love PtH and Periphery, personally

Both of the bands you named are pretty much in my top 5 with Between The Buried and Me. Also a big fan of The Safety Fire, Journal, Remembering Never, I Am The Ocean, The Number 12 Looks Like You, Fear Before The March of Flames, Posion The Well, From Autum To Ashes, Corelia, Converge, Alexisonfire and about 1,000 other bands. Hopefully those lead you to some new discoveries!

What's your opinion on smoking? Specifically Cigars and Pipes. Cigarettes are awful for you, they are nothing but a 'I need to feel happy' device, like sucking on a coffin nail but Cigars and Pipes are often referred to as 'classy' and 'relaxing' and I often hear the word moderation surrounding them

I'm not a smoker (tried it once and hated it) and I don't really like being around smoking if it can be helped. I don't like the health risks or the smell, the tar or the stains. That being said, people have a right to do whatever they choose when it comes to smoking and that's totally cool as long as they're aware that it goes both ways.

You said you recently bought a new microphone, may I ask which one it was and how much is it? I'm still working on getting everything and I think you sound awesome with it, so I'm looking into possibly getting one as well.

Christopher Flagg
I picked up a Blue Nessie (http://www.amazon.com/Blue-Microphones-NESSIE-Condenser-Microphone/dp/B00BUIA362/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1399072379&sr=8-1&keywords=blue+nessie). My opinion of it is extremely positive - in fact I really don't have much of anything negative to say at all about it. I also own a Blue Snowball and I prefer the Nessie many times over. It has just about everything you need already built right in - although I prefer the "raw" audio to the processed options personally. The price is quite reasonable as well in my opinion.
Hope that helps!
Liked by: Christopher Flagg

Hey Nick! Love what you're doing, you're a breath of fresh air in the YouTube world. Anyway, you mentioned how you liked Persona 4 Golden, and I would like to know how much of it you actually played? Will you be playing any of the Persona spin offs coming this year? (Persona Q is gonna be great!)

Hey there! I've actually just mostly played the original PS2 game at this point, but I picked up my Vita largely to binge on P4G when the mood strikes. I played about 60% of the original and I loved it a lot. Some of my favorite characters and story development in an RPG. As for the spinoffs, I can imagine I would enjoy them but I don't have any plans in mind at the moment.

Hi Nick. Pretty sure you get asked this every day in one way or another but do you have any tips for a starting Youtuber? btw LOVE your channel

I think I might do a video on this topic since I've been asked a few times about that question. I'd say check my channel in the next few days to a week and also go through Northernlion's channel. He actually has a couple of old videos that answer your question.
Liked by: Peyson W. Davis

Hi, Nick! In some of the NLSS steams you mentioned that you’d been to Russia, but I don’t recall you ever giving any details on that. I’m Russian myself, and I’d love to know more about your visit. Were you an exchange student? If so, what did you study and where?

Sorry, you must have misunderstood. I've never been to Russia but my ex was originally from there and I took a semester of the language in college. It'd be cool to visit some day for the art and culture, but my impetus is now substantially less strong since we're not together anymore.

how much Fan art do you get in an average month?

I'd say I have more of a community than fans, but I've had 1 or 2 sent some months (and I'm very grateful!) and more often than not, none.
I recently had a wonderful person send me a stuffed "Mar" (my mascot) and that was really a cool surprise!

For someone who couldn't attend the stream, what were your thoughts on Stick of Truth?

You still can: http://www.twitch.tv/rockleesmile/b/508130122
In short though, it's really South Park but turned into an RPG. It's surprisingly deep and obviously quite vulgar and referential. I really liked what I played of it and it seems like a very solid game in addition to being full of references and true to the source material. I even enjoyed the active turn-based combat system which plays out a bit like Mario RPG / Paper Mario.
Liked by: Clint

How do you feel about hugs from fans? Though it's unlikely, if I'd ever see you, I'd feel like a scumbag jerk if I violated your personal space by hugging you (I don't know about you, but sometimes my anxiety causes me to have personal space needs that confuse or frustrate others).

I'm fine with hugs as long as I know what's going on and I don't just get randomly knocked over by people.
It's the right thing (especially at cons where there are actually rules about this exact question) to get someone's consent before you may touch them in any way - I'd say that's my rule as well.

Do you ever play MTG for fun online? I started to do it online and people can be pretty scumbaggy sometimes..

Not too often really. I have enough Magic for now just playing with Rob and friends a couple times a week I think.


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