
Nick Reineke

Ask @RockLeeSmile

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Will you be playing, Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist once its released? Apparently a guy from the Stanley parable team made it.

Yes. Also I think it's only about 20 min long so there's not too much of a fuss to make I'd think.

Do you do any short of painting, or art related activities?

Mostly just design stuff these days - layouts and montage for thumbnails. I used to do a lot more drawing and various things in that realm but I haven't been very inspired in that direction for a while now.
Liked by: Nirus

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How big is you cat, because he seems like he goes at least 15 to 20 pounds.

He's a big kitty. I haven't had him weighed recently but around 15 is pretty likely. He's a puffy, wiggly arm full when you pick him up.
Liked by: Nirus

How did you, and Lin meet?

She spent time in my Twitch chat and sent me a cute mar plushy and painting she made - eventually we got to talking more.

What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day?

Probably question the foundations of reality if this can happen arbitrarily and somehow I know it will just be for one day. After that, well you can probably guess.
Liked by: Nirus

If you gained, say, 50 million YouTube subscibers who worshipped you as their almighty leader: would you be a benevolent master or an evil genius with an underground volcanic lair?

I would use my position to try to help people - but also having a skull lair carved into the side of a mountain would be awesome. Problem is getting internet out there.
Liked by: Mitchell Roy Symes

What music did you use in your September 1UP box opening?

It was music from the Undertale OST. There's a now playing tracker on the bottom left of the desk cam.

Have you or NL ever played some of Edmund McMillen's older games like gish or cunt? Seeing the latter streamed would be pretty funny for 10, 15 minutes but I doubt that's ever happening.

I've played Gish for about a half hour and I really didn't like the controls. I've played several of his other games too but not that one. I liked all of them more than Gish actually.
Liked by: jacob aye

Do you or Ryan pay Dracula fetus for the thumbnail art or is he cool with doing it for free. If you don't pay him have you (or Ryan) offered to?

We pay him.

if you don't mind me asking, how did you manage those two years without making enough to get by?

I had savings left over from my full time work while I was going through college. I didn't spend much over the years aside from basic expenses.
Liked by: Nirus

youtube/twitch is your job now?

Yeah, amazingly enough. I've been doing YouTube full time since April 2012 and Twitch came when I got partnership in August 2013. It was only really last year (2014) that I could say I officially was making enough to get by, so I guess it's really up for interpretation when exactly I "started" depending on your definition.

Are you allowed to PLAY more Enter the Gungeon, not record or stream, just play?

Yeah I can play it.

Do you plan on playing more Enter the Gungeon?

Yes, as soon as I'm allowed to stream/record more I'm happy to do just that.

Oh dude awesome guitar! I work at a Musicshop in New Zealand and we're like the only ones in the country who stock Schecter. Great instruments!

Yeah it seems like a solid guitar. I was planning on getting an Ibanez but I felt like the one I got just felt more right.
Liked by: Nirus

Have you ever heard of a game called Diggles (or Wiggles in German)? It's quite old and I think it was too ahead of its time sadly.

I looked it up because I thought the name seemed familiar but nope, I'd never heard of it till now.
Liked by: Kyle

What type of TV shows do you like to watch? For me at the moment I am watching the shit out of Castle(Starring Nathan Fillion).

A little of everything. Game of Thrones, Dexter, Breaking Bad, Adventure Time, Master Chef, The Apprentice, Steven Universe, Rick & Morty, Orange Is The New Black, Shipping Wars. Plenty more, these are just ones I've watched fairly recently.
Liked by: Laura Markus

Hey Nick, Just want to say that LinMac seems delightful and y'all seem pretty happy. I was wondering how you guys met, obviously without getting anymore personal than you guys are comfortable.

We met through Twitch. She watched me for a while and eventually we started talking.

Have you ever considered going to Dreamhack? (Sweden)

I'd like to visit Sweden but probably not for any kind of work related trip.


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