
Nick Reineke

Ask @RockLeeSmile

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Have you ever listened to Converge? Their newest album is pretty good.

Matthew Swauger
Yeah, I've been into Converge since "Jane Doe" and actually "The Saddest Day" was one of the first songs that helped me get into the noise/math genre (I was coming off "Nora" and "From Autumn To Ashes" among other things at the time). I really enjoyed the new album as well.

How's your day been?

Today was a little rough with my allergies kicking in and some difficult stuff going on on a personal level - but at least I got to do the #NLSS, which is pretty much my favorite thing. Hope your day was good!
Liked by: Bigfoot

I don't know how old you are, so I don't know if you'll get the reference but - who's your favorite possum?

Hmm. I didn't get the reference, but I was 10 when that movie came out - so I must have just missed it. :P

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Marble cake or a motherfucking rocket launcher?

Marble cake, I don't really have a use for a rocket launcher, but it does sound pretty badass when you phrase it like that.

Do you have any plans for a new LP any time soon?

I really want to finish Scribblenauts and Shadow Warrior (but I got really set back when I changed computers and lost the recording set-up for SW) - I'm kinda taking each day one at a time, but I definitely do want to start some more series' when I get my backlog up to where it should be and finish one of the series' I just mentioned.

Do you listen to Coheed and Cambria?

I have a couple of albums and have actually met one of the guys that used to be in the band - he used to come into my GameStop all the time when I worked there. I can't really get into the vocals, but I really like the guitar parts.

any regrets?

Yes, plenty. Don't want to be depressing though so we can leave that for another time.

You're in a room with Ryan, Josh, and Mike. They're all in cages, with a small red button in front of each of them. Pressing this button will kill the other two, saving the other. There is also a third button, that will sacrifice all of your wealth in order to save all three. Who do you choose?

Titanium Giraffe
I'd really hope that anyone who would be presented with this theoretical decision would instantly choose to sacrifice their wealth. I would have 0 problem doing that.

what is your favorite game you have ever backed on kickstarter I really like Chasm so far.

Unfortunately I have such a tight budget I can't really afford to back any kickstarters at this point, but if I could, I'd absolutely back Chasm in a heartbeat. I'm hoping I can at least help them succeed by spreading the word.

Will you ever do a reading of another script on stream? :)

Yeah for sure, if it happens I'd love to attend. I was totally sleep deprived yet had a freaking blast reading those with everyone.

I dont see the appeal in screamo music. Mind filling me in? Not sexually.

It's a tough thing to explain hardcore/screamo/metalcore... it just grew on me through highschool and sharing albums with friends and going to shows. It might be rooted in a frustration with the common and predictable conventions of songwriting mixed with a certain "adrenaline junkie" tendency. I really like the sound of complex technical guitar riffs as well and I tend to obsess over them until I've learned them, so for years I've been feeding myself with new "patterns" and reenforcing them every time I drive anywhere or sit down to work for any length of time (with needing to record of course).

Why do Josh and Ryan always answer my questions, but you don't? Do you hate me or something Nick? Do I need to fist you?

Titanium Giraffe
It could have something to do with constantly saying you're planning on fisting me...

So when are you playin Goblet Grotto?

As soon as someone bugs me to do it when I have nothing planned for recording (unfortunately I'm booked for like a solid month right now).

Do you prefer long games with lots of good gameplay, or a shorter game with a good story?

There are ways that both can be done really well and I'd never compare something like "Persona 4" with something like "The Binding of Isaac". It all depends on the premise. Games like "10 Million" that come in short bites but can be played dozens of times quickly tend to grab me for hours in a way that makes it hard for me to stop until I've finished them - however, there's definitely a place for all types and I don't really prefer one over the other.

What's your favorite thing about being awesome?

I appreciate the compliment, but I'm just me. I'm really glad to have so many wonderful people to talk to about things I'm passionate about and with whom I share interests with - which is something I didn't have before I started doing YouTube, so in that respect, I'm really glad people care.
Liked by: Bigfoot

Marble cake or cheesecake?

A marble cake is quite nice with tea, but I think I just enjoy the taste of cheesecake a bit more.

Tomatoes: love em, hate em, only as ketchup?

I pretty much enjoy them in any form - except maybe sun-dried.

Do you think it's pointless to tweet on @Butterjail on twitter? If so, should I resurrect @TheNLStory instead and talk about all 'yall as part of Northernlion's story? Or is that pointless, too?

I personally liked @TheNLStory - but feel free to do whatever feels right to you.

Whenever I see a post by you I read it in your voice...What do you think about that?

I'm honored that you've listened to me so much that that could happen. It's definitely a little surreal.

You seem to be a music guy, what have you been into lately? Asking your favorite bands would be quite unfair, haha.

Matthew Swauger
I'm listening to "Pierce the Veil" right now, but I'm pretty much always in a rotation between "Between the Buried and Me" "Protest the Hero" "Last Chance to Reason" and a few others. Looking forward to the new Dillinger Escape Plan album later this month too.

Where is the minecraft lets play?

Check out my playlists - I did a short series called "Post-Apocalyptic Minecraft". The twist was that it was a totally custom map I made where nearly everything was covered in lava.

How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

I actually thought they could, so I'm not sure why we don't have an answer for this yet...

Have you ever thought of having game creators on to talk about their games and what their experiences are with them/special insights they might have? Could be part of Indie Impressions or separate.

I'm not against it - something tells me though it might be a little anxiety provoking for me since I'm afraid I'd ask a dumb question or talk too much. It'd probably be a separate series if I did that.

Did you play to the moon and your opinions on the upcoming sequel?

I actually didn't - although I would like to, so my opinions on the sequel are not yet formed.


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