
Nick Reineke

Ask @RockLeeSmile

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If you could have any indie developer handle a AAA title, who would it be and what title? Personally I'd love to see Jasper Byrne make the next Silent Hill game.

I could probably go a hundred ways with this answer but I'm going to say: I'd like to see Derek Yu put in charge of Castlevania. Think about it.

White or brown / dark chocolate?

Dark. Those Lindt truffles are one of the best things to eat that exist imo.

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Do you enjoy Dota? I can understand why most people don't.

I'm not really sure how I feel about it still... I enjoy hanging out with the people that want me to play it and I do see the potential to get more into it if I wanted to, but I'm not sure I'll let myself do that.

Are we currently in a golden age for indie games?

Obviously just guessing, but I feel like it's pretty likely that we are.

Do you watch Anime? If so, which ones did you like the most?

Some of my favorites are Gantz, Trigun, Lupin the Third, Dragon Ball, and (old) Naruto.
Liked by: Bigfoot

I applaud you for being a good person since there's not many these days! I didn't realize you're from NY either me too bro! anyways not really a question just thought i'd share that with you!

Very cool! Thanks for the kind words :)
Liked by: Bigfoot

If weebles wobble but they wont fall down, what happens when a wobble weebles?

It commits an act of improper grammar.

Follow up question to favorite soda, I'll be amazed if you can answer this one: Which mad scientist refers to Dr. Pepper as "An Intellectual Drink, For The Chosen Ones."

I was hoping it was the guy from MST3K, but unfortunately I don't know without looking it up. :P

I'm trying to start getting into youtube too, especially in regards to the indie scene. Are there any tips you can give me in regards to getting in contact with devs, or things to nail/avoid in videos?

It's probably a bigger question than I'd like to get into here... but the quick version is: be humble, be respectful, and make it clear what you can provide for both your audience and the developer. Don't be discouraged if you don't get a reply, it happens to everyone. As for videos, what to nail/avoid will depend on what kind of video you're doing... in general: get tons of practice and keep at it and you'll find out what feels right and likely find your voice. Good luck! :)

Thoughts on the recent JSmithOTI stream? followed by do you think something like that, where content providers and developers team up, will become something more common in the future?

I think that stream was kind of a big deal because it did something I've never seen done before... it provided a safe (if somewhat crowded) place for developers to chat totally openly with absolutely zero pretense. I think it's not for every developer, but for those that it is, it's quite a great experience and I'd love to see it done more... and in fact I could easily see this becoming a "thing" that catches on amongst the indie community. So hats off to Josh for being an amazing innovator and I'm really glad I got to spend the majority of that stream there going for that insane, surreal ride.
Seriously though, that's not something that can happen with any degree of regularity - the human body wasn't designed to do that, and to some degree I'm still trying to recover from it (my sleep schedule is still totally screwed).

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What is your favorite soda?

Formally, probably Dr. Pepper... but ice cream sodas and egg-creams are some of my favorite things ever.

Thoughts on religion and / or alcohol?

Not a fan of religion. Alcohol is fine as long as everyone is 1) legally allowed to 2) drinking responsibly (and watching out for each other).
Liked by: Bigfoot

Where did you go to school and what for?

I went to a local community college for my AS, then transferred to a state school for my BS. I studied graphic design.

Has a video game ever made you cry? (Like the walking dead or something or other)

Definitely. I'm a bit easy to get emotional and most recently Proteus really got to me at the end - although I imagine not everyone would be affected by it in the same way.
Liked by: Bigfoot

Nick, on todays livestream, you said you were kinda sick? Are you feeling better now?

I was just feeling a nasty combination of really tired and afflicted with the first day of my seasonal allergies. I'm technically fine, but it comes and goes throughout the day - I'm feeling fine right now. Thanks for asking. :)

can I be your friend

Once my schedule clears up a bit I'm totally cool with playing games if you want to join some time. I'll try to announce it if possible.

How do you feel about being a part of a lets playing community that has become a pretty big thing over the past few months?

I feel very honored to be able to hang with all the awesome people I've met recently through YouTube as well as have the opportunity to share my thoughts with you guys!

where did the Indie Impressions mascot come from? Just a doodle you made or something?

I guess you could say Mar came from a doodle, yeah.


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