
Nick Reineke

Ask @RockLeeSmile

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Do you have a "type"?

There are always exceptions, but I generally like girls with dark hair, slim to average build, intelligent, witty, very literate and that we share at least a few interests in both directions. Also, the less religious, the better.

Favorite game of the main Marathon trilogy?

Definitely Durandal. I've spent by far the most time with it anyway and did most of my modding on that.

What is the best way/method for developers to get in touch with you about taking a look at their game?

Just use the contact form on http://www.indie-impressions.com - I try to stay on top of my email, although I have been known to slip from time to time.

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You a tea drinker? What's your favorite kind? Also, bags or loose leaf? Maybe an infuser?

Yes, I drink several cups of Red Rose every day - bags. I'm definitely not well versed in teas, but I know I like that one in particular.

Would you play games like Magic the Gathering 2013 and other such games with fans?

I'm not against it. Just need my schedule to free up a bit more so I have a bit of breathing room.

If you were only able to play one game what would it be?

I've thought about this on a couple of occasions and I keep coming back to either Diablo 2 or Minecraft. There's really something to be said for the amount of freedom and flexibility Minecraft has, and even if you get sick of it over time, at least you can simply hang out in the environment and customize every element of it. You can do nothing or try to change everything about it and it pretty much goes on forever.

Favourite AAA game?

That's a massive question, but if I were allowed to limit it down a little bit to the last console generation I'd probably say some of my favorites were Bayonetta, Dark Souls, Fallout 3, LittleBigPlanet and Red Dead Redemption.

Do you think you'll ever decide to let's play a game to show off the story or will you stick to the review style of commentary? (Big fan either way)

You mean like switch up how I approach Let's Plays so it's more about showcasing the game itself instead of hanging out and playing a game with viewers? I definitely like when people do that successfully, but I think it might not be my style.

Is your name pronounced "Rine-a-key"?

Like Meineke Mufflers with an "R" instead. So yeah, what you wrote. :P

Who are some of your favorite guitarists? And what's your favorite playing style (e.g. fingerstyle, shred, etc.)?

Misha Mansoor, Paul Waggoner, Luke Hoskin, Tosin Abasi... I definitely prefer clean, fast and technical with a pick.

What makes a game art?

Josh Clark
Art is entirely subjective, so unfortunately there's no real answer. There are definitely games that tend to be cited as art more frequently and ones that tend to fall on the lesser end of that spectrum, but there's no way to make a sweeping generalization. I promise I'm not trying to dodge the question!

Any tattoos?

Not even one... I haven't been able to settle on anything I'd want to commit to myself like that. I don't have anything against people who have them (and I do appreciate good tattoos), I just want to be damn sure I want what I'd get.

I feel that "Let's-Plays" or Youtubers are becoming more prolific. And alot of viewers are fairly young. Do you think that content creators should make a rating system?(Like the ESRB w/games) Or at least let viewers know beforehand that there will be swearing?

That's an interesting question... I've seen a rating of some kind beneath the video windows of some channels (although I'm not sure why some have it and others don't) that declares if it's a clean video or what (http://support.google.com/youtube/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=146399). I don't have a problem declaring that info up front if it's necessary. I also understand why parents would definitely need that kind of tool to decide if their kids should be watching.
I'd hope that if all channels were required to use that system there wouldn't be pressure to run a "clean" channel since I'm quite against censorship - however, I do choose to self-censor for my Indie Impressions series since I've heard parents watch with their kids and it should be informational anyway.
Liked by: Bigfoot

Is there such thing as Just dance 4 online multiplayer? Because that would be a fantastic idea for the superstream

Haha, I have no idea but it does sound like it would be pretty funny... although you probably wouldn't get a whole lot of commentary if we're all trying to dance.
Liked by: Bigfoot

You obviously play alot of indie games. But do you also play the AAA games that come out? If so. What recent ones have you liked?

Due to lack of funds I've missed a lot of the big titles recently (in the last year or so), but I somewhat enjoyed Borderlands 2 (although I think I liked the original better). I used to pretty much buy every big title that came out, so my gap in this respect is fairly short...

Marble cake or kate upton?

Kate Upton? I mean, she's not really my type, but she's definitely very pretty.

What sports have you played?

I learned Wushu when I was a kid and I still remember some of that... also I played Baseball in Elementary School and High School - I was pretty bad, but I enjoyed it for the most part anyway. I played left field and 3rd base.

Die of extreme heat, or die of extreme cold? Reasons!

Extreme cold... apparently you just feel comfortable and fall "asleep" when you can't take anymore. Heat sounds horrible by comparison.

Favourite youtubers to watch? (gaming or non gaming)

There are so many! I really like Schmoyoho, Flula, Retsupurae, Two Best Friends Play, Total Biscuit, Nerd Cubed, Northernlion (of course), PlasticAllan and Prescription Pixel - just to name a few.

Have you played Fez? Will you do an on-channel play-through for it on PC when it's released? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

I have played Fez and I enjoyed it a lot. I actually finished it on 360 but didn't 100% it. I thought I'd maybe do something with it if I could get a review copy on PC, but I didn't get a reply on that one... since I'm totally flooded with games right now though, it's probably for the best. I'm not ruling it out, but it would be a while before I'd do anything with it anyway... and really it's a rough game to Let's Play, especially now that I know how complex it is.

What made you initially start creating content on the internet?

I've been into modding since I was a little kid... I made Doom and Marathon maps and even worked on a total conversion back then. When Super Meat Boy came out I got pretty obsessed with it and when the community found dev mode I spent countless hours playing around and making levels. At the time there wasn't a level portal or anything so the best way to show off your creations was to make a YouTube video so you might be able to convince someone to bother downloading and playing what you've made. My friend Max (http://www.youtube.com/user/maxovitsj) showed me the ropes for video capture and editing and little by little I got more and more into it. Eventually I tried a couple of Let's Plays - at the time my production value was absolute garbage... I wanted to get better and found doing videos to be very therapeutic (I have pretty bad social anxiety and it helped me feel more comfortable speaking).

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