
Nick Reineke

Ask @RockLeeSmile

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What can change the nature of a man?

Some would say people can't necessarily change at all. I disagree.
I think it requires different things for different people. Having your world turned upside down or having some fundamental individual truth about your viewpoint on something challenged in a meaningful way may trigger a person to reevaluate what is important to them and what they want out of their life.
Some people are more introspective than others and may reach a point where they are able to naturally course-correct based on what they perceive is happening around them. Some are very well educated on the patterns of human interaction and can see a pattern emerging that they'd rather not see continue - and some are forced to make that change or face dire penalties or a severe change in their quality of life.
At times people are put in a position where they have to fight for themselves and make a declaration to those around them that they exist for a reason in order to justify their own existence. Sometimes that drive to find meaning helps bring out the person they always wished they could be.

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Liked by: HaruTheGreat

I just heard you upgraded your computer. Can you post the specs so i might be able to get something like it. Lord knows i need to.

Sure thing. Here are the most important parts - it was designed to be reasonably future-proof and able to handle recording over very tasking games and doing serious video editing:
- Windows 7 Pro x64 (SP1)
- Intel Core i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz
- 2x Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 (4GB) in SLI
- ASUS Xonar DSX Sound Card
- 16 GB RAM
- 850W PSU
Liked by: Bigfoot

How do you edit your thumbnails, if you don't mind sharing?

I use PhotoShop CS5.1 - I make templates for each series individually (whose .psd I save with the video files) and use my favorite screenshot of each game for my indie impressions ones.

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Hey Nick love your videos and I'm wondering what your PC Specs are? and if you're planning to upgrade (I'm interested in this stuff)

My current specs are: Windows 7 x64 (SP1) - Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67 GHz - ATI Radeon HD 5850 - 8 GB RAM.
I'd love to upgrade as soon as I can afford to (which might be a while yet). My PC is crux of mostly everything I'm involved in now, so I put it pretty high up there on the list of priorities.
Liked by: Bigfoot

I've noticed you tend to have a distaste for religion? Is this because of a personal problem or because you just don't see the logic?

My opinion on religion is based on an examination of the evidence and years of exploration and learning. I greatly value critical thinking and skepticism and have tried extremely hard to understand as many perspectives on religion as I can. Without getting too deeply into the subject (a topic I do have great passion for) I feel very comfortable and satisfied with where I currently fall on the scale of religiosity - but if any convincing evidence ever becomes available, I'm happy to reevaluate my position. I will eagerly continue searching for new arguments and lines of reasoning for and against religion throughout my life.

Hey Nick, I'm starting recording for my first LP in a few days, and did a few test runs. Do you have any advice for getting over the nervousness of recording? I know it's a bit silly to be nervous while recording by yourself, but the nerves get to me a bit, and I think it effects my commentary.

It really is a lot of practice - but at the same time, even after doing this daily for over a year, I still sometimes have to redo an intro 10 times in a row because my brain just seems wired funny that day. As far as nerves, just remember you're only doing a local recording and nothing gets seen/heard until you give the ok. You can edit your video to be exactly what you want your audience to look/sound like. Just keep at it and try to make a routine of speaking to yourself and it really will do wonders in the long run.

Do you know of any forums or places to put videos on to gain some traction? It's a bit harder than I realized it was. Which I'm sure every producer thought at the beginning, but still.

If it's a game that exists within their forums, I'd recommend possibly posting on the steam forums under the requisite game. If the title is on the rise, there's a good chance people will stop there to look for what people are saying about it and may run into your video.

Hey, Just wanna say that you're channel is awesome! Keep up the good work :D

Thank you! That's very kind of you to say! Much appreciated.
Liked by: SSZ_Chunks

What do you use to record and edit?

I use FRAPS and Camtasia Studio to record (also OBS to stream) and Camtasia Studio to edit. I'd also recommend Sony Vegas for editing.
Liked by: SSZ_Chunks

Have you ever at a point, hated the sound of your own voice? I'm recording and I really loathe it.

Yes, for sure. I have a very nasal sounding voice which certainly doesn't help any - however after a while of listening to it (which "awhile" happens pretty quickly if you edit videos of yourself talking daily) you get desensitized to it.

Do you like point and click adventure games?

If they're presented in a really engaging/different/weird fashion I can get into them, but most of the time they don't grab my interest.

On the NLSS yesterday you mentioned something about people living in the trees for a year. only being able to get food from buckets and no internet and such. That sounds like something I would love to do. Where did you find out about this and how could i sign up? Thanks !

Hopefully you know I was just posing a hypothetical for the sake of conversation - I'm not aware of anywhere that you could sign up to live in a tree... but I wouldn't doubt that there probably IS somewhere you can do it. :P

Has music taken a back seat to let's playing as you've taken the latter more seriously, or have you tried to strike somewhat of a balance between passions? I wonder as you seem similar to me, and there are times where I can become frustrated with a lack of progress in my musicianship in that way.

It's more art and design that have taken a backseat (although I still find plenty of ways to use design in what I'm doing), if anything I've had more time to play guitar now doing YouTube than before... but I've never considered myself a serious musician (as in, I don't really have any plans for it other than to enjoy playing along to music I love and occasionally writing some songs) - any attempts at becoming a better guitar player are just for personal satisfaction.

Any pro tip strats for a new lets player?

Play games that you personally are excited to play and have plenty to talk about with. Be patient, be humble, have fun.

What are the games you're looking forward to the most?

The Last of Us seems very good, also really excited about Rogue Legacy, Starbound, Chasm, Moon Rift and the PC release of the Spelunky remake. Wow, look at that - they're all rogue-like-likes except for The Last of Us...
Liked by: Bigfoot

if you could only play 1 indie game for the next 6 months, which one would you play?

If the replay value in the final version supports that length of play, probably Rogue Legacy or something like it.

When you're using XSplit, how do you get it to input from your mic?

You should be able to just select you main audio source - is it coming up properly in your Windows mixer? Check YouTube for tutorials in case something is acting weird.

Do you like anime, and if so, what are your favorites?

Some of faves are Trigun, Gantz, Dragon Ball, old Naruto, Wolf's Rain, Fullmetal Alchemist - there are plenty more that aren't coming to mind.

As someone new to youtube, do you know the basic guidlines/mininums for when it would be acceptable to apply for sponsorship? The Youtube world can be a bit confusing.

There are a variety of reasons people apply for partnerships so it depends on why you're doing it... but I feel like if you're trying to monetize content there's very little return until you're getting at least 2-3k daily views. If you do apply don't just take the first thing you're offered, know all your options as best as possible and "shop around".

"Microsoft: 'Keep your 360 if you want to play XBLA games'" Your Statement?

I'd ask what kind of message that sends when we're just about to dive headlong into a heavily digital marketplace dominated industry. Why should gamers trust that building up a digital library on the XBone is a good idea when we just saw first-hand how ephemeral our purchases are? 360s are made to break and everyone knows it... how long until XBLA games are simply "gone" by virtue of hardware failure? There's a lot of issues here and MS is really making a misstep by taking this approach regardless of how much it might have cost them to develop emulators for the old hardware architecture. There's more at stake here than just our XBLA games - although that should have been enough.

Without thinking too hard, what is the best game you've played in 2013?

I really like Rogue Legacy and Chasm (I know you asked for just one, sorry!).
Liked by: Bigfoot


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