
Nick Reineke

Ask @RockLeeSmile

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Can I ask you random questions because I'm bored?? please :D

Sure, I mean that's what this whole site is set up for! Have fun! :P

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Who is your favorite comedian?

In the past I could have answered this but now I'm really not sure. I haven't been following who's doing what in the stand-up world for a while.

whos your favorite doctor ? :3

I like them all for different reasons but probably David Tennant feels the most right overall. I even came around to Matt Smith eventually so I mean it when I say I like everybody! :P
Liked by: BeastManStudios

If you ever do find a wife, would you want to have kids?

Probably not interested in having kids but it's possible that the right person could change my mind... or maybe I could even change my mind on my own eventually. I'm just not much of a kid person - haven't been even since I was one myself.
Liked by: Laura Markus

Do you think about going to Ryan for a week as a holiday thing like when kids go to their friends for a weekend, or do you think about it as business because of CES (or PAX prime? whatever...). Are you nervous about it, or do you consider Ryan a close enough friend to don't worry about bad stuff?

I guess it's kind of a "working vacation" or something like that. It's a break from familiar surroundings and a chance to spend time with friends and see a place I've never been. I'm not nervous to be around them at all really, just the traveling is a bit worrisome to me.
Liked by: Bigfoot

How often do you shave?

Depends on my mood and if I don't want to look scruffy for something. Sometimes once every 2-3 days, sometimes once a week, sometimes less.

Your "british" accent is truly awful and not funny. It makes me cringe every time.

I'm sorry to hear that, but if me saying something in a silly way bothers you enough to elicit a response where you need to come and complain to me about it, I have to believe you're overreacting.

A while back you posted a picture of a meme and said it looked like you in high school, maybe you even said it WAS you, was it?

Seth Alan Jones
It wan't actually me, no. I was kidding when I said that.

Nick, i dont know if my question came through the first time, because i asked this before but how does one pronounce your last name?

Like the muffler company but with an "R" instead of an "M".
Liked by: Jaysoncalvi

Nick, what happens to be your favorite flavor of Arizona tea? I'm quite partial to the Southern Style Sweet Tea myself.

Peach, then lemon, raspberry, black sweet tea and lastly green tea with honey... in that order. :P

How does it feel to know your username gets 1.420 (Blaze it) million results on google while Ryan only gets 1 million for his username?

I'd say he did quite well considering part of my name is shared by a character from a popular anime!
Liked by: Jaysoncalvi

Nick, I love your taste in music. I understand you are more into the melodic metalcore area, but what is your opinion on deathcore? Have any favorites to recommend?

It's kinda hit or miss. I used to be a huge fan of The Acacia Strain but their last few albums have been really bad imo. In general I still like the genre but I can't really point to a lot of bands in it I actively listen to at the moment.
Liked by: Jaysoncalvi


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