
Nick Reineke

Ask @RockLeeSmile

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Preference on chips? Kettle cooked, baked, etc? :D

I'm not picky at all, I think I just sometimes like a certain type of chip for a certain type of situation. Kettle-cooked with a deli sandwich just feels right for some reason.

Have you ever considered speedrunning Face Noir?

I have not. I watched Phil Kollar and friends play some of that game. It looked real bad!
Liked by: KaiKunLuka

Does the knowledge that hundreds of people are listening to your voice while you play video games creep you out at all?

I've certainly had that question cross my mind a few times and somehow despite having anxiety issues it seems not to bother me.
I went through a small time though of being kinda paranoid since the main NLSS chat was saying some negative stuff about me on occasion - it bugged me that I couldn't always watch all the chats due to information overload.
For the most part though, even the massive NLSS chat is still pretty nice, just a few kinda rude comments sometimes but I expect that I suppose.

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Hey Nick, love the videos btw. Did you ever play much of the Dreamcast? Underrated imo

Thank you! I actually was a big Dreamcast fan. Soul Calibur, Shadow Man, LoK: Soul Reaver and even the original Tony Hawk and Crazy Taxi... so many great games! There are plenty more too.

Ever heard of/played a game called Town of Salem? It's a real fun game if you haven't tried it yet.

I've watched a few of my friends play it and I have never had a clue what was happening in it. Everyone always says it's like Mafia or some similar title and I'd never played that either so I have no frame of reference. :P
Regardless, in the right context I'm sure I'd be willing to learn how to play it.

How did you do in school/university do you have any regrets regarding how hard you worked or how little you worked etc?

I think I did alright for the most part. I certainly made a few mistakes and had some moments of being quite lazy, but I did make it through two degree programs with decent grades (one of which I was working full time through). That position isn't necessarily an easy one, but I certainly grant that many have had it harder as well.

If you could fund and develop a game on your own, what type of game would it be?

Very likely a metroidvania style game with really cool visuals. I have lots of ideas though!

Do you remember people from the community? For example, if someone tweets at you or you see him in chat, do you recognise that you have seen him already or do you just skip the name and go straight for the message?

Being perfectly honest I have a pretty bad memory in general - and more so when it comes to just names with little to attach them to, however I do try to engender the type of chat where little narratives can show up and I have a much better time remembering people that way. I certainly do my best and I've made a ton of friends through streaming. I'm very happy to have the opportunity to find so many cool people!
On a separate note, I find pretty often people seem to have different names across every site I find them on which can be very confusing. Please let me know if you're "x from Twitch" if we haven't talked much yet, that helps.

Hey Nick! You brought up that you listen to various political and philosophical podcasts on the NLSS, but didn't want to share them on the stream, would you mind saying some of them here? If not I completely understand and respect your privacy.

Oh sure - I don't mind talking about it here, I just didn't want to go down the wrong track on a gaming focused show (or risk alienating anyone who disagrees with my preferences), I actually listen to a variety of Atheist/skeptical/freethought oriented podcasts & shows like "The Thinking Atheist", "Cognitive Dissonance", "The Non-Prophets", "The Atheist Experience", "Thomas And The Bible" and a few others.
I'm really into argumentation and debate and I've learned an immense amount from these shows. Obviously they're not for everyone but I seem to have an endless thirst for knowledge around religion and philosophy.
Liked by: KaiKunLuka

If I, as a game developer, offer payment (~$100) and a copy of the game, is the chance that you make a video of my game greater?

I appreciate the offer but I don't accept payment for coverage (revenue comes from running ads on the video) and I haven't ever done that in the past.
Sending me your game is definitely appreciated though as I consider anything I'm sent, but I don't really have any kind of "fast-track" other than what I'm in the mood for at the time I'm recording.

Do you build your PCs? Also mind posting your specs aswell?

I've built my current computer with the extensive help of a friend but I haven't had a history of doing much more beyond some upgrades (hard drives / optical drives / video cards) in the past.
I've posted my specs here already on prior questions but you can also see the most current list at http://www.twitch.tv/rockleesmile under the video window in a panel.

Various news sources are reporting rumor that Google is interested in buying Twitch for $1 billion. How do you feel about this, as you are both regular Youtuber and Twitch streamer? I don't follow twitter or facebook, sorry if you have already answered this somewhere.

Check out my Monday (5/19/14) episode of Magic The Gathering. We talk about the topic at length!

Hey Nick! Got a few questions for you: (1.) did you play XCOM? (2.) would you be okay with a cameo in an XCOM-related comic?

Yeah, I'm a fan of the game and have played it a little bit - however most of my time in game has been backseating other people playing it! As far as the cameo that's very flattering, sure thing, go for it!

Do you think that you sometimes over-analyze indie games?

Very frequently, yes. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing though unless I start to go around in circles (which has happened).

what is the best way to ask a more popular YouTuber or streamer to do joint content with someone? im pretty unsure about the proper etiquette on how to ask someone. I really respect their content and enjoy what they do. I just dont want it to come across as petty and just trying to get views.

People will do collaborations for various reasons so with some people all you need to do is ask... for others who are more reclusive (in my opinion) the best thing you can do is get to know them in a meaningful way if possible. If you're a fan or do similar work leave comments on their videos and reply to their tweets/blog/whatever so they start to get who you are and why you have something in common. It really feels weird when someone with nothing in common with you emails you out of the blue to ask for a collaboration. Not that there's really anything wrong with that, I'm just personally much more likely to work with someone I'm comfortable with and can relate to on some level. Hope that helps!
Liked by: Ayumu D Kagami

What do you do when you're feeling a bit down?

I generally try to be as productive as I can and do lots of work. It takes my mind off of the issue/s and turns negativity into positivity.

How long were you streaming before you got to the point where you had over a hundred viewers regularly?

Although it's a reasonable question to ask, I'm afraid I can't really give you a simple answer unfortunately. Since my main presence online is my YouTube channel, and I also do the NLSS 3 times a week, it really muddies up the progression path of my solo streaming efforts.
I think my first few streams on Twitch were in 2012 (approx a year before the NLSS started) but I'd already had 2-3k YouTube subscribers and a bunch of Twitter friends I could notify - so it's really hard to isolate who came just based on Twitch. I think once the NLSS started I was able to reach 100 viewers regularly.

Do you drink Alcohol all that often?

Not really, no. I had a LOT of beer at PAX but that was because I was at PAX and it was just a crazy social time. Beyond that, I rarely drink.

Can you speak German?

At this point I'd say pretty much no since I've forgotten about 70% of my German vocabulary unfortunately... when I was in High School though I was able to hold a simple conversation - but it's been a long time now with basically 0 practice and I'm pretty prone to forget things on top of it.

Does anxiety effect your life in any huge ways? Or is it a thing that you can deal with pretty well?

Yeah, it does. I'm still working at getting better at dealing with it.

What did you do at lunch time through your school?

Talk with my friends or sit outside and write and listen to music.

Have you ever went back to a game you played in your younger years, and thought to yourself, "How the hell did I do this as a kid?"

On occasion, yeah. For the most part I think I'm much better with regard to my motor-skills now than I was back then... but with that in mind, I guess that actually only accentuates the point even more if I was successful then at something!
Liked by: Duffieizumi

What qualities would your "ideal" partner have?

In some ways it can be a bit rude to try to distill people down to a series of bullet-points, but obviously everyone has their positive points that they are excited to find in a person. Some of mine are: genuine, trustworthy, open, caring, polite/courteous, quick-witted/good sense of humor, intelligent, quirky, patient, artistic/musical/expressive, rational/skeptical, romantic, loves cats, loves conversation.
Just listing those out though doesn't mean a whole lot in the grand scheme of things... they're very malleable and really in the end, who even knows who you'd be compatible with until you actually meet them?
Liked by: Kasia Niewinski


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