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17 posts


fellow 30+ folks: how did you feel when you turned 30? was it weird? did it make you question how the eff time flew so quickly? it's my 30th birthday next weekend and i'm trying to acclimate and come to terms with it. it's such a weird and confusing feeling😹

Not really but I think when you turn 30, you have this inclination to have some form of major life change.
At least that’s how it was for me

fellow 30+ folks: how did you feel when you turned 30? was it weird? did it make you question how the eff time flew so quickly? it's my 30th birthday next weekend and i'm trying to acclimate and come to terms with it. it's such a weird and confusing feeling😹

I'm turning 30 next Sunday and yeah I'm starting to feel some things about how much time has passed and the choices I've made in my life 😂 it's a fun time! Currently agonising over every single decision I've ever made 😂

دكتور ممكن اعرف نتيجه التحليل دي!

املاح كالسيوم ويوريا ...
■ epimaj eff
كيس علي نص كوباية مية ٣ مرات يوميا لمدة ١٠ ايام
■Urivin eff .
كيس ع نص كباية مية قبل الاكل بنص ساعة ٣ مرات
مع rowatinex cap■
قرص تلات مرات يوميا لمدة ١٤ يوم
لحد هنا كده تمام ....
🚫 حجات بقا ليكي اضافيه 🚫

ابعدي عن أكل الطماطم كتير،،او الموالح بصفه عامه...لا برتقان ولا ليمون ولا مانجا...طبعا انا باتكلم أنه لو يعني بتاكلي دول كتير "يعني نفسك حلوة " 😂....شرب ميه كتير صباحا....
تاني اهم حاجة أنه نبعد عن منتجات الالبان عموما....يعني لا لبن ولا جبن ولا زبادي...ولا اي شيء فيه لبن..أو بيض..علشان الكالسيوم زيادة
المريض رياكت: هات صبارة وادفيني ي ببلاوي " 😂
لا ده لحد ما تخلصي كورس العلاج وبعدها ارجعي كلي بس باعتدال.
■ف حالة الألم الشديد اللي مش قادرة تتحمليه هتاخدي
حقنه أدولور 30 عضل...
ومعاها آمبول آڤيل عضل... لو مش متوفرين يبقى قرص كاتفلام ٥٠ ع السريع
وهتعملي سونار pelvi abdominal ....ووظايف كلى بعدها وتبعتهملي ونركز ع حته السونار مش نعمل م بنها 🤝
بالتوفيق وربنا يكتبلك الشفاء

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How often do you drink water?

It varies. I drink when I'm thirsty. I keep a water bottle on my desk so I can take a sip whenever I feel the urge. I'm guessing I drink about two-three liters a day. I generally sneak in some tea in the mornings and beers on hockey nights.
16 cups of water per day? Holy hell. Just me, but that seems like too much. If you view water as something to "get over with" and binge on, then you should maybe re-evaluate what water is and what it does in your body. If you're slamming most of that in the morning, most of it will probably just go right through you. If your piss is totally clear, stop drinking water. It should be light yellow. I prefer to just carry a water jug around with me all day and nurse it, and fill it up several times per day, or down a cup of water if I am feeling particularly thirsty.
I drink a quart of water with breakfast, one with lunch and one with dinner. I drink an additional quart after I work out -- be it in before or after lunch. I drink little else except a large cup of coffee in the morning. After definitely being dehydrated for decades of my life, I cannot remember the last time I actually felt thirsty. It's usually good practice to have a glass of water next to your desk at work. Take sips every so often to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Also, since it will fill up your bladder, drinking water regularly while at work allows you to take your eyes off the screen and go for a walk to stretch your legs on the way to the bathroom.
Within an hour of waking up I'm in for about 32 ounces of water then I steadily drink water throughout the day. It's not uncommon for me to have 1 to 2 gallons throughout the day and when summer hits because my job is physical 2 to 4 gallons isn't out of the ordinary with some packets of liquid IV mixed in. I don't drink coffee or energy drinks. The only time I have soda is a ginger ale usually mixed with alcohol. I'll have a nice tea though.
At work waiting at the water cooler, I have 3 mins to get a drink and get back to my desk and take another call. A new trainee has turned up and is filling a 1 litre+ water bottle. After 90 second I think eff this, and head back to my desk with 100ml left in my reused Innocent bottle. 90 minutes later it is lunch, and she is there filling up the bottle again. This time I can wait for a bit of water. I know they say keep hydrated, but this seems to be literally taking the proverbial. I think I heard on one of these Michael Moseley things a doctor saying 'drink when you are thirsty.' Which I do. Are people over hydrating these days? I honestly wouldn't have time to be going to the toilet every half hour, so I don't know where these people are putting it all.

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Liked by: Dylan☕ Remah Raed

What is love for you?

Bringing flowers for someone you love, giving handwritten notes, having coffee/chaye dates. Not giving an eff about what the world says about that particular someone. And proudly showing them off to the world.
{This love is non-existent today :)) but i still wish to have it once. }

Tumrha kya scene hain us kain saat sab PTA chala😂

And I know who the hell are you and what the eff are you doin. Jo tuny idhr udhr batain ki Hein wo Bhi ab yhi rhta hai ky tu Kisi ka Bhi Naam lyga? I am telling you for the effing last time bas krdy. Tujy lgta hai ky mein itni Bewakoof hon ky mujhy pta nhi hai ky Kon anon bn kr bat krha hai???

Jaką masz jedną grzeszną przyjemność?

Czy ktoś tutaj w ogóle działa jeszcze niezależnie? Tzn. nie należy do jakiś tam grupek, czy chuj wie jak tam to nazywacie? Już mnie irytuje to, że nie mogę znaleźć jakiejś normalnej, alternatywnej (aktywnej!) osoby do popisania. W tych czasach rpgowego aska jeśli ktoś prowadzi niezależną działalność to jest wielki szacun.
Musiałam gdzieś wylać żale, bo aż mnie skręca jak dostaje z pięć wiadomości na dzień od profilów technicznych, że jakaś postać jest wolna, że można sobie ją zarezerwować, a przy okazji zgwałcić, czy chuj wie co.
Takim grupkom mówię stanowcze nie.
Przepraszam za nienawiść, buźka Eff.
Jaką masz jedną grzeszną przyjemność

list down: - roleplayers you miss - roleplayers you're not in good terms with - roleplayers that caught your attention - roleplayers who plays their character well

Rpers i miss: Sarah de Keizer/Black, Dorolla Dathomir, Denali's, Summer Finn, Svet Stein, Fritz Tran, Sinclair Gale, Blanche Ingle, Alaska Hotfire (where the eff r u), Kerin Hotfire, Konstantin Hotfire, Mayo Hotfire, Gab Baptiste, Axel Hotfire, Zack Stein, Sevyn Roig, etc
Rpers im not in good terms with: myself. im sure there are some, i just dont feel comfortable airing it publicly. Lets just put it to rest and skip this one.
Rpers that caught my attention: The Howland's, The Mitchell's, Red Velvet, The Elliot's, Ives (LMAO), Luella, Lake & Lucina and The Snow's
Rpers who plays their char well: (got a long list of rpers) Milo Hotfire-Stein, The Hotfire's in general (no bias. Try rping with them), Jean Smeds, Allie Freyr, Tony Stark, Amelie Elliot, Mathieu Donovan, Elise Lowry, Maren Elizabeth, The Alonso's, The Grey's, Anna Smeds, Katerina de Luca, the Wulfrik's, there are a lot i cant just place everyone, im too lazy lmao

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Zeg gewoon hoe je je meid zou behandelen is schattig om te leze

•ik zou dr elke ochtend appe met een goodmorning bericht en s'avonds met een goodnight bericht
•ik zou dr elke dag spammen met lieve berichtjes
•als ze verdrietig is of nii goed voelt zou k dr knuffelen en kusjes geven en dr helpen
•als ze ruzie zou hebben zou k het voor dr opnemen en zorgen dat het mijn ruzie is en nii meer die van haar
•ik zou zeggen als ze iets goed doet en trots op dr zijn en als ze iets fout doet zou ik het zeggen en dr daarmee helpen
•als ze sjaggie is zou k een leuke film met dr gaan kijken met een zak chips en dr bij mij laten slapen
•ik zou alles voor dr doen van veters stikken tot kleren kopen
•ik zou proberen al haar dromen waar te maken
•ik zou dr behandelen of elke seconde de laatste soconde kan zijn
•ik zou naar dr kijken of ze de speciaalste persoon is op de wereld ( wat ze ook voor mij is )
•ik zou dr bijnaampjes geven zoals prinses babygirl en nog heel veel meer
•als we ruzie hebben zou k gewoon midden in het gesprek zeggen dat ik van dr hou en dr dan knuffelen/kussen
•als ze op het punt is om een fout te maken zeg ik het en bedenk ik samen met haar een andere optie
•ik zou dr 10x perdag bellen en als ze opneemt zeggen dat k dr mis en dat k van dr hou en dat ik haar stem even wilde horen
•als ze ziek is zou k dr verzorgen paracetamol klaar maken thee voor dr pakken en als ze iets wil meteen pakken
•als ze verkouden is als nog knuffelen en kussen dan word ik ook maar verkouden
•als ze op de bank in slaap valt zou k boven dr kussen pakken en dr eff wakker maken onder haar hoofd leggen en een dekentje over dr heen leggen en dr een kusje geven en zelf ook naar bed gaan
•ik zou me nooit voor dr schamen en altijd met trots zeggen dat is mijn meisje en ik hou van dr❤️

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انا راضيه لكن م أحب حد يغايرني و كلحد يغايرني عشان كذا قررت اصير طويله ):

Maaaz_’s Profile PhotoMaz , The Potato Queen
They call you elf. They call them 3amood. It never ends. Some people lack confidence & they just want everyone to lose theirs. Your hight won't stop you from anything tra.
Mithl ma galat el sha3ira Zizi "You needing a chair to take something from a high shelf, doesn't make you an elf. It makes you badass as eff"

Language: English