
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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My crush knows i like her...and i know that she likes me and no one wants to make any move whatsoever.. any advice ?

So you're a guy, why don't you make the first move? :)

Oh i see. It is just too beautiful. I love that kind of shoes :) Are you sure the price is not too expensive? I'm looking forward to buy one then!

Nope. As I recall, it cost me RM40.
You should!! :)

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Annaaaaaaaa, help. Crush kita tahu kita suka dia and dia suka kita, he said "tunggu 8 tahun akan datang, saya masuk meminang." he smiled and went away. Nak buat apa niiii?

Tanya hati.
Tapi jangan mengharap sangat tau!
Semua tu di luar jangkaan kita.
Kita hanya mampu merancang. :)

Ish mana boleh biarlah rahsia hehe :p Anna, berapa ketinggian anna? Curios hehe.

Sampainya hatimu....
156cm I think.
Or dah tinggi, hihi.

Kak Anna, what is your favourite colour? And kalau nak beli baju/blouse, akak selalu pilih macam mana? Ikut dia punya price, or colours or what? :-)

I love colour yang gelap gelap (bukan bermakna hati gelap, lol) & pastel (comel sangat).
But any colour pun fine!
Kalau pilih baju, kriteria pertama kena cantik.
Kedua, tak ketat. Ketiga, labuh.
Keempat, tak jarang. (Jarang yang tak berapa jarang boleh diterima sebab boleh pakai dengan inner)
Kelima, tak seksi. :(
And then baru boleh tengok price, kalau mahal balik rumah je. Hahaha

You would prefer heels or wedges? & why? :)

Both because both are cool.
I love any type of shoes as long as they're pretty, lol. :D

tinggi awak berapa anna? jangan low confident, saya 146 je, form 5 tahun ni, lagi lah, pendek banding dengan lain

Stay strong, :'(
Haha pendek comel tau!
Liked by: niyes

It's okay Anna. I still follow you no matter what hehe. Tak kisah unfollow ke follow ke. Itu hak awak :-) Oh takpe. Biar saya jadi stalker anna hehe :p

Mana aci, nak follow balik haish haish. You sound so creepy!!

anna, how's your trial? saya punya, ya allah teruk sesangat, science stream menggila betul, by the way nak tanya, kokurikulum dapat B boleh lepas matrikulasi/foundation tak?

Mine was okay. I need to work more.
Don't give up! You still have time!
Well, I'm not sure about that. Tapi cikgu Anna tak galakkan sangat pergi matrikulasi sebab susah. Kalau pointer teruk, kena lelong course. Tak cool. Dia kata kalau tak dapat mana mana, jangan ambil swasta. Pergi form 6. Form 6 sekarang dah senang sebab I think next year dia start ikut semester where you don't have to study all chapters untuk stpm. A few subjects per semester and all. Macam senang la, tak heavy. But anyways, boleh try kan! :)

which one is you in this pic? http://twitpic.com/b5rgah and more thing anna, where do you bought the shoes? it looks so beautiful and seems so comfortable on you.

I am the right one. I wore red on that day.
Most of my shoes I bought online -> Agape Boutique
But the one I'm wearing in the picture I bought it in Verns. They actually sell cool shoes with affordable prices! & yes, comfortable too. I'm into vintage these days, haha. :)

A young man that is lonely and can't seem to meet the young lady that would essentially complete him, is at a point in his life where he just can't take much more of seeing love flourish in the lives of the people around him but not in his own. What might he Do/Change in his life to change it.

Keep looking. The right one is probably in front of him all the time or you just have to keep looking.
Love will come to you when the time is right. Don't give up. :)

Ahhhh~ I'm madly want to know how you wear your pashmina dlm post your brother engaged. Nampak kemas ;D

I'll do a tutorial soon since a lot of people are asking for it. :)

Salam, anna ada ckp dkt post resepi chocolate chip. buttercup tuh, guna dua buku. or mmg nak kena sukat dua cawan jugak?

Saya sukat dua cawan.
Tapi incase rasa malas nak sukat, you can use 1 buku butter would be fine. :)

kak anna, I have a problem. well, theres a girl name S and she's like, I mean i thought she's one of my best friends. but she always left me and make friends with this girl named Sarah. Just to be honest, I don't like sarah, cause she hates me too. It just, I want to unfriend S and idk how..

Well, you probably shouldn't unfriend anybody.
Look, I have friends too. And most of my friends are friends with people I don't really like.
& in the same time even some of my friends don't like me.
You see, when it comes to something like this you should just ignore what your mind says.
You can dislike anyone, it's okay, it's life. But as long as it's not hate, then ok.
Dislike can still be cured. Try to get to know them, some people might turn out pretty nice.
Not like we expect them to be. But if you still say no, then just stay away. Don't unfriend, just stay away. :)

Laptop apa yg bagus eh?

Saya pun tengah cari brand bagus! Nak beli lepas SPM.
Mula mula tu nak Macbook tapi mahal, so reject.
I think Sony Vaio is a good brand. Harga pun tak mahal, you should check it out. :)

I suggest you to read Hlovate's novels. Yes its malay novels but yknow, the stories are so much different from others. Try it, for me hlovate's novels are the best :-)

I haven't heard of it! But I'll look for it! Any suggestion on a best novel for me to read? :)

Where do you like to visit the most?

Beaches. I love the blue ocean, the sound of the sea, the wind, the sand. It's amazing. :)

What is your dream phone?

iPhone? Haha I'm thinking of buying one but since I already have my Blackberry, I'm going to consider of buying the new iPod 5! So pretty!!!!

pakai pencuci muka apa?

Cetaphil. Kalau bosan I'll use Secretleaf Soap.
Works for sensitive skin (since my skin is damn sensitive!!!)


Language: English