
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Kak Anna, there's this guy I used to like before and he used to like me too. So like I'm just a bit disappointed about the fact that he got over me and how he's easily pushed me away. How do I make myself feel better :/

Well, you can't make people love you if they refuse to do so. So what should you do? Move on. Be positive, you'll find someone better in the future. Time will heal the pain. :)

Hi Kak Anna! Macam mana nak jadi konfiden setiap masa? Dekat sekolah pun sama. Cause saya slalu rasa saya ni selekeh. And that's why saya tak bergaul sangat dgn girls yang lain. Saya rasa macam diorang perfect sangat. :(

Buang perasaan tu. :)
BE POSITIVE! Paksa diri be positive even though you can't. You're beautiful. And hello, nobody is perfect. So kenapa nak jauhkan diri dengan orang lain sebab you feel so small whenever you're near them? No. Mula mula kena positifkan diri, baru confidence tu datang. Senyum ok! Cuba jadi peramah, tegur orang. InshaAllah you'll do just fine. :)

Akak, this is Awin. Dulu awin ada bestfriend. Dia baik sangat dengan awin as we are in the same class and in the same dorm. But now, awin dah pindah MRSM dia mula jadi lain. Awin cuba give attention dekat dia takut dia cakap awin ignore dia, but now, dia dah jadi twitfemes and she ignore me. Hmmm.

Kalau awak rasa tak senang hati, why don't you just terus terang je dengan dia? You guys were bestfriends. It would be sad to let go such a bond. Belum cuba belum tahu. If you love the friendship, make effort to save it. :)


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