
Anna Khayalan

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What do you think about a guy who cried because of a girl ? Samada dia disakiti dan dia bersedih , mahupun dia yg menyakiti Dan dia rasa bersalah? Gimme you opinion :)

Nobody can tell kenapa a guy cries sebab we are not mind-readers, are we? Guys cry too. Some guys have sensitive hearts. You can't laugh at them for having feelings. :)

Anna... Shout out for Anna. Your birthday is getting nearer.

YEP IN LIKE 2 MONTHS AND 15 DAYS!!! Hahaha so excited! :D

anna. we were at the same age. but i got the job in the next month. and im really bored at home. :( what i've to do? doing the same things just like making me more stress and yeah, no friends caring me at all especially my deskmate, we are not closer anymore. she does her own business without me.

Then go out and do something. You'll meet new people! If you get the job, then go. It's okay, you'll meet some new friends. Be positive, alright! Good luck at work! :)

boleh sembang sembang ngan kak anna ? >.<

Well I don't think ask fm is a suitable place for sembang sembang, to be quite honest lah. Hahaha

(c)..but dia mmg buat i happy pun,myb im scared if he's gonna leave me someday. i tk expect anyhing nak dia mintk couple, nope i tknk i'd rather stay as bf cs its more special liddat :p but im hoping he will be in my future. sorry anna i just wanna sharing:) but if you jadi i,you nk ckp or pendam?

It's okay, girl! You can tell me anything, I'll be honored to listen. Well, kalau saya jadi awak eh? He's my bestfriend and bestfriends don't usually hide things from each other kan? So I'll act like cool je lah, I'll tell him I like him and it would be great if he'll be my future husband and then I'll laugh. Why? Because I don't want it to sound so serious. Like, you know what you're doing. When you tell him in a funny way, it won't be that awkward. Just be comfortable. He's your bestfriend. Kalau tak bagitahu, lagi awkward tau. :)

..lose him or mybe jdi awkwrd :( so i just diam.dkt sklh, dia kls lain n lately ni i start jealous nmpk dia dgn his clssmate,rapat dgn dia. i terus down.. every single things dia buat yg buat i rsa what if dia tgh chat dgn girl lain...i cam trus nangis haha but dia tk buat apa slh pun,i yg emo :/ (c


i ada guy bf, he's rlly understanding me than my ex byf. time i break pun dia yg ada beside i. that time i tkda rsa apa,just rasa kwn je tak lebih tk kurg. lately, i dk la i rsa smething weird towrds him, i rsa dah tau but i deny my feeling bcs idts he has same feeling w me hm n i tkut im gonna..(c)


Bayangkan kita semua kaya, apa bnd pertama korang buat?

TOLONG ORANG YAY! <3333333333333 I've always wanted to be rich so I can help people in need. :((
Oh other than that, I'm going to take my parents to perform their haji. :)
Liked by: tiqah Atiqah Azmi

Saya form 5 this year. saya still tak sure minat & cita2 saya. whats your opinion ? this is about my future. saya ambil aliran art .

It's okay, you can figure that out later. Masa saya form 5 dulu, saya sendiri tak tahu what's my passion etc. Bila dah habis, baru saya usaha. Saya cari semua, saya kaji semua course and find some yang catch my attention yang interesting. Bila rasa berminat, there you go. That's your passion. Senang je but as for now, just focus on your upcoming SPM. Dah habis exam, baru fikir apa nak sambung. All the best!! :)

Kak anna saya nak minta pendapat kak anna. Sekolah saya balik pukul 5 setiap hari. Ada tips tak memandangkan saya ni pmr candidates. Sabtu ahad saya tak tuisyen. Tq.

Kalau Sabtu Ahad tak tuisyen, pergi daftar tuisyen. Petang, rehat. Malam buat revision dan latihan. Homework lain, revision dengan latihan lain. Siapkan homework petang. Malam, study. Solat jangan tinggal. Usaha atas diri sendiri, tapi jangan berhenti berdoa. Dia mendengar, insha Allah doa tu dimakbulkan. All the best for your upcoming PMR alright! :)
Liked by: Ain Sofia

Apa pendapat awak, kenapa remaja zaman sekarang susah nak terima teguran?

Sebab diorang nak menang, diorang nak diorang je yang betul. Some people tahu yang dia salah, tapi ego dia tinggi so dia taknak mengaku. Get me? Bukan remaja je, I mean most people susah nak terima teguran sebab kadang kadang diorang ambil teguran tu sebagai hinaan. Basically, they misunderstand what are you trying to say. Memang susah. Tapi eventually, 'hinaan hinaan' tu yang akan tolong diorang terima & perbaiki diri. It depends though. :)
Liked by: CahayaPencinta

Apa maknanya eh kalau lelaki yg banyak cakap, tp bila dgn kita dia tetiba malu & segan. Help????

Saya bukan lah yang pandai dalam mentafsir tindak tanduk orang but from what you said, biasanya lah orang kata yang dia suka awak. Why don't you ask him yourself? :)
Liked by: Atiqah Azmi

Assalamualaikum kak ana ! hi ! Saya ada dua orang kawan ni . kami tiga orang mmg rapat . Tapi kan diorang selalu membelakangan saya ja . Kalau pegi mna mna diorang jalan dua orang , saya jalan sorang .Tapi bila diorang susah baru nak cari saya . macam mna ni ? :(

Waalaikumussalam. Hi! I've been there at your place. :) I totally understand the way you feel. That's society, love. Some people don't know how to appreciate others' presence in their lives but at least they find you time diorang susah. Obviously, they count on you and trust you. It's okay. Being alone sucks but it also means you're independence. Be positive. You'll do just fine. :)
Liked by: Nazifatullnisaa

Kak Ana , sya ada bff tp dya laki.Sya ska dya,msuk tahun nie dah 3thun kmi kwn . then ad sorang pompuan bru pndah kn.dya asyik nmpk pmpuan tu je,before this dy selalu cita kt sya prob dya tp skng asyik pmpuan tu ja , sya sentap sgt.apa yg ptt sya buad eh ?

Move on. Remember, some friendship doesn't last forever. You'll find a new bestfriend. :)
Liked by: Nur Farahdeva


Language: English