
Anna Khayalan

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Nak sangat lepak dekat starbucks. Tapi tak tahu macam mana sebab saya datang dari kampung. Kalau pergi starbucks mula mula kena pergi order dekat counter atau kita duduk and panggil waiter? Kalau anna lepak dekat situ anna biasa order apa? Ermm mahal tak? Masa nak bayar tu kena bayar kat counter ke?

Hahaha dude you ask the wrong person. Saya tak pernah minum Starbucks, ever. I usually sit there hanging & talking with my friends. Sebab the truth is, I hate coffee & sama macam awak jugak- Saya tak reti order lol and I find it expensive, rasa macam "WHY WOULD I BUY A DRINK FOR ALMOST 20 RINGGIT?!" But my friends nak ajar saya minum Starbucks because I look lame. I'm like ok.... But, cuba tanya @amirHJU he's one of my close friends. Dia kerja dekat Starbucks! :)

anna, kalau time skola dulu sye amik sc account. then kalau saye tetiba nk smbung medic/pharmacist dkt u, boleh ke??? :o

Hm, as far as I know kalau nak sambung Medic kena ada basic Science as in Chemistry, Physics semua but tak tahu lah. Why don't you try tanya the colleges yang ada offer those courses? :)
Liked by: Meow

Assalamualaikum akak. Boleh tk akak bg suggestion about what to wear during maulidur rasul event? our class is in aliran arab. Last year, our class wore black jubah, black syria (for girls only). So, what about this year, akak? Can u help us?

Waalaikumussalam. Memang nak sama ya? Why don't you guys pakai baju kurung pulak tahun ni? Dengan tudung bawal. :)
Liked by: afeiqaiman zatie

Hi Kak Anna! How to face with the haters? Gedik je kan haters ni. Kalau jealous cakap jelah. Ni sampai nak bash segala. Kadang-kadang terasa juga dengan haters ni. How to face it? :(

Hi. You don't have to face them. You know what people say- Ignorance is bliss. ;)

Kak Anna,I beg you ,please jawab .Saya dah dapat offer smap kajang haritu ,well it's an excellent school with great students . But then I tolak offer tu sbb nk tggu mrsm .Then takdapat mrsm . I feel like x guna pd parents sbb x masuk boarding school and tolak smap kajang :( I feel like im useless

Come on. Everyone makes mistakes! Tak semua yang kita expect, yang kita wish for akan dapat. This is life. Why would you feel useless? Its just PMR & its just a school. Tak ada beza pun. Belajar juga, sama juga, buku teks sama juga, kan? Now your goal is to score for your SPM. Like me, when I was in form 1 I got mrsm but I turned it down. It was one of my biggest mistakes. Menyesal but nak buat macam mana? Benda dah lepas. Move on, let it go. Forgive yourself. Set your new goals. Be positive & just believe in yourself okay? You got this. All the best for your upcoming SPM. :)

Kak anna sya ada crush dalam kelas. Dia tahu saya suka dia. The problem is dia ckp saya pendiam. Saya nak tegur dia tapi tak tahu nak tegur apa? Any ideas?

Say hi? Cakaplah pasal homework ke? :)

hye. ak nak tanya kau. btul ke prempuan ni bnyak crush. tapi mmg dia sayang boyfriend dia je? haha. lucu pula ak nak minta pendapat kau kan. tapi betul ke? sbb. my girlfriend bnyak pminat. tapi dia mmg sayang ak ja pun. cuma jealous ni beb. kau rasa, dia btul2 sayang ak ke? tak bgus ragu2 ni kan?.

Hi! Yes, that's true. Ala just remember, kepercayaan paling penting dalam relationship. Kalau tak ada trust, it won't work. Dude, if you really love her, jaga lah dia elok elok. :)
Liked by: Fars

I have a passion / love my classmate today huddle near joking and hanging out with him., but he moved to another class and I do not have any friends. before him can move him right nauseating feeling him passion with cousin who always tweet with me.

I'm so sorry but I really can't understand your sentences.....
Can you type them back in Malay? :)

..... saya cuma nak sedarkan dier tntg kesalahan yg dier buat kat saya dan org sekeliling dier. Tpi, saya rasa diri saya kejam dan kesian kat dier sbb tgk dier menangis but I'm pretend that I don't care at all. What I should I do now, kak? Kitaorg jdik BFF sejak form 1 TT-TT

Sayang, if you think what you're doing is a right thing to do then its okay. I once had a bestfriend as well and I pretty much did the same thing. Well, close enough but mine was different. I left her in order to help her because she depended too much on me. I just wanted to help her grow up. We didn't speak for 8 months until SPM. Things are completely different but I have to admit, I miss the friendship we had but I don't regret what I did. Because somehow, someway I want her to remember the things I did that makes her a grown up today. It's okay. Cuma, masa. Bagi dia masa. :)


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