
Anna Khayalan

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assalamualaikum kak anna ,, ~ dia kacau kita hanay sebab nak dpat kan kawan kite . kite rimas lah . ape patut kite buat ?

Waalaikumussalam, tak payah layan.
As simple as that :)
Liked by: Ctaishah soo

Assalamualaikum Kak Anna ! What should I do if someone humiliate me , or else bully me? Cause I want go to a boarding school next year. And I've heard many stories about bully from that school. They were tortured mentally n physically. I'm so scared. Please kak Anna, I really-2 need ur help :)

Waalaikumussalam. Oh wow maybe you should stop listening to everyone's stories! So not true!
If someone ever does those things to you, just ignore them. But I'm pretty sure it won't happen! Be positive, you'll be fine in boarding school! Don't listen to those weird stories, so not true. Positiveee!! :)


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