
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Not bad :3 Haha. Kalau dh panas,masukkn?

Api jangan besar sangat tau!
Kalau dah panas, guna tangan masukkan dalam minyak!!! Haritu Miyyo takut takut nak ambil batter tu guna tangan, geli konon haha. Tapi make sure panas betul betul tau, nanti awak makan minyak bukan cekodok. Hahaha, letak je banyak banyak terus dalam kuali. Bukan tuang tau, ambil guna tangan sikit sikit. Then letak, then ambil lagi, then letak lagi camtu. Ambil pinggan, alaskan dengan tisu (kasi tebal sikit) so bila dah angkat cekodok, letak atas tu. So tisu akan serap minyak. :)

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Assalamualaikum kak Anna. Tahun depan sy form4. Tp sy tak tahu nak amek aliran sc or what. Cita2 sy nak jd doktor. But sy tak pandai dlm sc ni. Sy lebih kpd math. Mcm mne ye?

Then awak kena ubah vision.
Tak semestinya kalau cita cita nak jadi doktor, kena jadi doktor.
Kalau kelebihan awak dekat maths, then go for maths (my suggestion)
Kalau awak rasa nak jugak jadi doktor, then you have to make effort nak pandai dalam science.
Fikir elok elok. Kalau tak suka, jangan pergi nanti menyusahkan diri sendiri.
Sebab belajar, nak kerja, semuanya ikut hati. Kalau suka, semuanya senang. Kalau tak suka, susah sikit. Good luck! :)
Liked by: Yanie Syaa ™

anna, saya baru dapat kakak ipar, alhamdulillah. Dia duduk rumah dengan family saya dalam masa 3 bulan ni, cuma saya tak tau lah macam mana nak mula conversation dengan dia, sebab rasa awkward sangat, ada tips sikit ke? ;)

Maybe you should stop think too much.
I mean, nak start conversation tu maybe tak perlu cari topik.
Be her friend! Buat biasa je. Be yourself.
Ambil tahu apa yang dia suka and all. Soo simple! :)

Heyy. Salam (: Just stumbled upon yr blog. Awesome. I like it. Hhee. Wish to know more abt you. Or mybe we can be friend? Hehe. Visit my blog too, http://faizsahaja.blogspot.com

Nurzam Faiz
Waalaikumussalam, thank you so much!
Of course we can be friends!
Just went through your blog as well. LOVEEEEE ITT!! So amazing!! Love the pictures, the posts and the editings. You're so great! :)
Liked by: Nurzam Faiz


Now, letak tepung dalam bekas.
Agak agak, jangan sikit sangat, jangan banyak sangat. Just enough.
Then, masukkan telur tu. Letak garam (secubit) and gula (agak agak).
Guna spatula or pengacau, kacau adunan > tambah air. Slow slow je tambah air.
Jangan tambah sekali gus. Bila dah macam ok tu, dia akan lembik.
Tambah bawang tadi.
Liked by: Yanie

Hi Anna! I'm a specky girl. And I'm thinking to put off my spec n wearing lens. So, could u give me some info about lenses? Hope u can help me some more. Thank you Anna! 8-)

Hey there!
Well honestly, I don't suggest you to wear lenses though. Because my mom was planning the same and there was a big difference between spec and lenses. The vision isn't as clear as you wear spectacles and it's very complicated. But if you still want to proceed then you should google (because obviously I never wear lenses hahahaha sorry!) or just ask anyone who works at the specs store.
Liked by: Yanie

hai there.if you're given the opputurnity to study overseas,which university would you prefer? oh and..what do you want to be?

Hey there. Oh wow, there are sure a lot of universities. Haven't think of it yet.
I want to be a lecturer. :)
Liked by: Yeyendzrf

kak anna ni artist ke? wahhh? anyway,pernah pergi putrajaya? haha. nothing personal. :) -little sue-

No I'm not. And pernah! :)

Tak kisah. Asalkn makan something. Haha.

Ok now, grab tepung gandum, two eggs, gula, garam and bawang besar.
Ada jagung dalam tin tak?
Liked by: alya


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