
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Kak Anna, I have crush on seorang abang ni . Dia form 3 sekarang and dia minta couple . The problem is ... hmm , should i accept ?

Ask yourself, I'm not the one yang dia tanya. Should you?

Kak anna, i'm in love with two people at the same time. And idk who to choose :\

Then don't choose anybody because you're in love with neither one of them. You can't love two people at the same time, that's not love. :)

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kenapa follower di twitter ramai sgt? awk famous blogger atau twettfamous? you are cute btw

I don't have any answer for the question. And yes, I'm a blogger.

Mcm mne nk lpe org yg kita syg kak? It hurts. Skg kami da split mrsm n i feel insecured that he might have someone else :/

You can't. If you guys are together then what's important> trust and honesty. If you guys aren't together, then take my advice. Move on. How? Set your mind, make some effort, get yourself busy and be positive. You'll find someone better in the future. :)

Kak Anna, I have a group of best friend. Since masuk asrama and dah lama dah.Baru2 ni kitorang saja lah main2 create nama group eventho tak serious pun. Suddenly there's one girl yg rapat dgn saya talk bad about us behind me after we created that group. Now 1 batch bash us :( What to do sis?!

Honestly, you shouldn't create any group for you girls as if its your gang and blabla etc. Nobody likes that. Macam you guys berpuak puak, sikit sikit nak stick together and then people will pulau you because they will find you guys sombong and berlagak etc. Yea, maybe you bukan macam tu but other people I mean outsiders fikir lain. If you girls are bestfriends, then okay you don't have to create like a group or something and call yourselves names to look cool. But benda dah terjadi kan, what to do now just ignore them all. Keep your profile low, humble alright.

Hello kak ana, apa cer sekarang? Payah la nak improve bi. macam mana?

nazatul najwa
Hi, nothing much been busy. BI kena buat latihan like grammar & kena banyak membaca untuk improve vocabulary. Dengar lagu, tengok tv semua helpful tau. Tak susah mana pun. Kalau suka, lagi senang nak improve. What matters is your effort. :)

..... Dier dan saya last batch PMR tahun nih. So kitaorg taknak menekankan lgi otak hanya sbb masalah nih. Ugh T-T

Life is unfair. One thing you have to remember, every cloud has a silver lining. Learn from your mistakes, girl. You can't force someone to just easily forget everything in their past and act like nothing ever happened. Move on. Kalau sayang, give him time. He needs time as well. And take a break. This is not a big problem, don't think about it too much alright. Focus on your exam. All the best. Stay positive. :)
Liked by: akmal

... because kitaorg baru 2 tahun berkawanbaik dan hanya sbb hal kecik tuh, dier mintak putus kawan dgn cara tenang. Sdgkan dier ade sorank BFF yg dh 7 tahun berkawan dgn dier walaupun selalu ade pergaduhan besar. Saya rasa mcm takadil! Tlg saya kak. Saya nak berkawan dgn dier blik memandangkan .....

Liked by: akmal

Kak Anna, I nk masuk SBP,MRSM,Sekolah Sains or TKC . But, i ni jenis penakut. I takut bila malam2 I bgun then xde sape nk tmn I gi toilet. Hmm. Saya patut masuk asrama or sekolah biasa ? Huhu :(

"Face your fear" Or else sampai bila bila you'll be a coward. I dare you to go to boarding school. Kalau layak, kalau dapat tawaran, takkan nak tolak mentah mentah just because awak takut nak pergi toilet malam malam? I went to toilet alone in the middle of the night juga dulu masa duduk hostel. What to be afraid of? You have Allah with you, malaikat kiri kanan ada sepanjang masa. Be positive. You got this. :)

So setakat ape yg sy citer ni, kak anna rase die ade ape ape perasaan pade sy tak? Terima kasih sbb bgi pendapat tau akak :)

Obviously, he likes you and deciding not to get into relationship because its haraam is a good decision. May Allah bless you too. Just don't get too carried away by the lovey dovey thing alright. :)

then satu hari tu die pernah bgitahu kt askfm sy mcm ni 'saya suka awak.' tpi tk bgitahu identiti . bila sy tnye, die mngaku tu die, tpi die kate time tu die just bergurau. then kt twitter, tiap kali sy tweet ape", die slalu reply wpun tweet tu dah bbrape minit yg lepas.thats mean die stalk TL sy ke


Akak, sbelum ni sy prnah confess prasaan sy kat crush sy. kitorang tahu couple tu haram so duadua taknak couple. kitorang just kawan mcm biase sbb kitorang mmg sekelas. tpi kat kelas tak tgur pun,slalu tgur kt fb or twitter sbb due due malu. kdg2 sy terfikir agak2nye die pun suka sy ke tak ek? cont


y dont you reply my question on Twitter? I'm so upset seriously.

I'm so sorry. Sometimes I don't notice your mention because at times, there are just too much mentions or I'm busy or your twitter is probably private. I can't read private users' mentions. So sorry! But you can ask me here though since this is ask fm isn't it? I'll answer my best. :)

Kak Ainaa, mcm mana nk hilangkan eyebag?

Guna timun/tomato/potato! Potong dan letakkan dekat mata for 15 mins. Dan, jangan tidur lambat! Jaga masa tidur and minum air banyak alright! Don't stress out. Oh, or boleh guna used green tea bag yang sejuk. :)
Liked by: mia Miss_Nurnaim .


Language: English