
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Kak Anna, I'm actually slowly to covering my aurah and trying wearing some loose blouse goin out. But people around me, lookin at me weird. How you get those confident abt the way ur dressin infront of ppl. -xoxo-

Hi there! Aw that's a good change!
Well..... As long as I feel comfortable in whatever I'm wearing, I always feel confident! It's okay, at first it's kinda hard but you'll get used to it eventually.
Good luck & don't forget to istiqamah :)

tapi kak anna, u hv to remember, even my mom pun always reminds this to me, bila kita pakai tudung labuh org akan tgok every single things we say, we do, we act. sebab people thought those with tudung labuh is a good person sebab tu die takes challenge utk pkai tdg labuh. so u must take this risk

Sebenarnya, kalau tak pakai tudung labuh pun kena jaga perkataan dan perbuatan semua tu. Cuma, people these days they are too typical minded-
Kalau tudung labuh, baik.
Kalau tak pakai tudung, jahat.
Kalau pakai tudung singkat, jahil.
It's ridiculous. It's dumb.
The way they judge a person based on what they wear, based on the appearance, the surface is so unfair. Padahal these people they're judging <<could>> possibly be thousand times better than them.
Don't do that okay. Always take care of whatever you do, say or act no matter how you dress up. It's the personality that matters.
Beautiful appearance with bad personality is still bad.

Hi Kak Anna. Nak tanya what is you opinion kalau saya yg berhijab ni tuck in baju bila pakai loose pant. Akak rasa appropriate tak?

Hi! I think it's a little exposed.
What if we change the style a bit. Nak?
Simple je. You could add an outerwear, it could be cardigan, blazer, jacket etc- which is labuh and not see-through so that it could cover your backside. And jangan lupa labuhkan tudung okay! :)

Hi kak anna!! Ihiks, dun really have a question to ask but seriously, I'm really hoping that we could meet someday :) know a thing that you've really inspired me a lot with those piles of wise advices you've given to your followers XOXO

Hello dear! Alhamdulillah, so glad that I inspire someone but don't be too inspired okay cause I'm not perfect myself. (even i can't inspire myself haha) Hopefully we could meet soon!
Lots of love! <3

hai kak anna . kak anna study mana and akak amik course apa ye ? i just need your opinion , antara matriks and diploma which one is better ? antara dua ni yang mana ada peluang untuk kita lebih berjaya .

Hi there! I'm a TESL student.
Well, mana yang ada peluang untuk lebih berjaya? Pergi mana mana pun boleh berjaya. Orang yang tak masuk kolej pun boleh berjaya. Antara diploma dengan matriks, mana mana pun boleh. The concept here is- No effort, no success. Kalau tak usaha macam mana nak berjaya kan? Do follow your passion.
But please, choose your course wisely okay. Make sure you know what you want, make sure you can do it, make sure that you won't give up somewhere before it ends. Most importantly, be positive. Always tell yourself that you'll be able to achieve the impossible :)

Hai kak Anna :) saya dapat tawaran pengajian perniagaan dekat kptm bangi. Nak tanya pendapat akak, kptm ni okey tak?

Hi there!
I myself is a KPTM student! Boleh tahan lah, haha. Just remember, tak kisah belajar dekat mana pun as long as you follow your passion. Kalau tak ada passion, you'll have a hard time to adapt with the course. Kolej dengan sekolah sangat lain tau. Recognize your own ability, passion and what do you want to be in the future? Buat research on the courses and then baru decide, okay?
All the best! :)

wei aku ada kawan dia nie kalau orang bahan dia tak boleh terima tapi kalau dia bahan orang punyalah dahsyat pastu kalau orang bahan dia nak sentap lebih-lebih bukannya bahan dia teruk pun nak dibandingkan dia bahan orang lagi teruk. Do your advice untuk dia?

Tell me about it! Most of my friends are THAT sensitive! But tell you what, it's okay. Mungkin at times kita rasa macam tak adil sebab "oh kau boleh, aku tak boleh". Tapi kita kena ingat, yang setiap orang ragam dia berbeza beza. Kalau kita jenis yang cool and relax while the other side jenis yang over sikit, that's when tolerance will take place. Kalau dia tak boleh jaga hati kita, tak apa. Yang penting kita jaga hati dia tapi jaga pun ada limit tau. You set your own limit where you yourself won't cross it nor let anybody crosses it ;)

Hi Anna, remember achik elis? Our neighbour @tharmoni? Well she once said that one day you will become a model. Well I think it's true. U become one now. Hope you will grow up, beautiful, just the way you now... from sis MZ if you still remember me, wink ;)

Mira Zaini
Hi! I'm so sorry I have a very bad memory :(
But I remember the names though! Haha
Thank you so much. Hope all is well with you two! :)


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