
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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kak anna. macam mana nak guna "less" ni.. saya kurang faham . contoh lifeless , apa maksudnya?

Less ni maksudnya sikit. And kadang kadang maksudnya tak ada.
Kalau orang cakap lifeless it means 'tak ada life'.
Kalau orang cakap pointless it means 'tak ada point'.
Faham tak?
Contoh, this conversation is pointless.
Maksudnya conversation ni tak akan bawa you pergi mana mana. As in pointless, tak ada point, tak ada faedah.
Tapi tak semua perkataan boleh senang senang tambah macam tu je.
Kalau tak tahu guna, jangan guna tau dalam essay ke apa. Takut salah. :)
Liked by: Ctaishah

okay le tu kata result trial okay, oh yeke matriks lelong course?hmmm, kena fikir dua kali balik, eh you, share lah dengan kita macam mana chemistry awak okay? chemistry masa trial D, and takut gila kalau tak dapat at least B SPM betul nanti:[

Yep, that's what I heard.
Ah my chemistry pun not that good, really bad seriously.
Well, I'm sure you can get B insyaAllah! Work more okay! :)
What course you're going to take lepas SPM?
Liked by: Ctaishah

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kak anna , selain herbalinedan body shop, moisturizer yang mana ok ? yang bagus lah ..

Taktau pula. Sorry, saya biasa dengan dua tu je.
Liked by: Ctaishah

kak anna pakai sunblock yang sunplay punya produk kan ?sunblock sunplay ada banyak .. kak anna pakai jenis mana ?

Saya pakai yang merah tu. :)
Liked by: Ctaishah

Perkara yang paling memalukan anda . Depends nk jwb ke x :)

Once I played bowling dengan my geng pengawas. Anna tak pakai kasut yang dia bagi but I wore my flat instead. Masa dekat lane tu, I accidently fell. Hahahahaha malu gila. Semua orang yang ada kat situ tepuk tangan. I was likeeeeeeeeeeee uggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh. It was embarassing but fun though! Haha :)

Salam Anna, kalau rumah saya tkde teaspoon, ada tablespoon je. Mcm mana nak sukat bahan chocolate chip? Betul ke boleh kalau guna 1buku butter jehh?

Waalaikumussalam. Teaspoon tu sudu kecil sayang. Tablespoon tu sudu besar.
Yes boleh je! :)
Liked by: Ctaishah

Anna , sometimes patutkahh kita pendamkan semuanyaaa ? help mee :( it's really hurt bila ingt semua pasal dulu .

It's not good tau pendam perasaan.
Boleh lead to stress, depression & stuff.
Move on, try to move on.
Cari someone yang awak betul betul percaya yang awak boleh lepaskan perasaan awak, apa masalah awak and all. It's okay kalau dia tak boleh bagi nasihat to you but as long as you have a very good listener for you to trust.
And ingat.
Don't live in your past, don't live for your future, live in your present.
Stay strong! Let it go, tadah tangan minta tolong Allah.
InsyaAllah everything will be better. Kena YAKIN. :)
Liked by: FK Ctaishah

Hi Anna, you're so nice! :) and yeah, spm is just around the corner so good luck! I'm taking science stream too :}

Hi! Thank you! Good luck to you as well! :) x

You said you eat raw garlic, how do you eat them? I mean with what?

Well, I chop them off first.
I usually eat them during lunch or dinner along with the food.
Because you don't want to eat it just like that, it sucks lol.
At least 2 cloves a day because garlic acts as an antibiotic for the body. (Mom says)
You'll get stomach ache at times but it's really good for you.
It's unpleasant though but it's one step towards healthy lifestyle. :)

i'm in love with my cousin and she's 1 year older than me. we are liking each other and then it's been complicated since 2 years for now. any advice?

Complicated as in what? :)

Saya sayang awak sebagi sedare saya sesame Islam.Awak sayang saya ?

Sayang. Saya sayang semua saudara Islam saya. :)


Language: English