
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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i saw you on livestream couple days ago! youre so cute! and even though i haven't chance to skype with you :'(

Aw you did? :D Oh well, we can skype in other time. :)
Liked by: mrawardina

Can you tell me how can you love Addmaths more than English?

Add Maths is a fun subject!!!!! It's not boring at all. It makes you think, it makes you work hard enough to get the correct and perfect work for the questions provided. When you manage to solve a question, you'll feel the satisfaction, you'll feel like "hey I actually can do this!" It brings out the confidence in you. Get me? :)

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Assalamualaikum Kak Anna! I always stalk you. Hehe.. And you are soo gorgeous. Even sometimes I got jealous. I really adore you and I'll pray for your success and your SPM result. :) I hope one day we could meet each other. xx

Waalaikumussalam, Nasrin. Same goes to you, sweetheart. Thank you so much! Ameen! Hopefully we'll meet each other one day, insha Allah. May Allah bless you. :)

mmg x p'nah nak jwb soklan sye kannn , nape ? dah ajet artis kerrr . taknak follow saya . tlg lah akak . saya merayu . bukan mrhh . :(

Wow that's quite rude. I've been busy, my love. I'm not an artis ke whatever you call me, I'm not even famous. You're not the only one that I leave hanging with your questions. I'm answering now and I don't think I see any of your question in my inbox except this one you're sending me.

Result SPM will be scream to us right ? , i am frighting . have you feel that ? u tau result SPM keluar bila ?

Asyraf Shaif
I'm not sure if my result will be screaming at me, lol. I'm scared as heck I feel like moving to another country hahaha. As far as I know, ada orang bagitahu it will be announced on 20 March. Not so sure though.

Assalamualaikum akak, hmm saya ni jealous sngt tengok orang yg lebih pandai dari saya and yeah, saya nak jadi pandai mcm diaorg jugak and lebih pandai dari diaorg. Boleh tak akak bg tips? hehehe

Syamimi Namialus
Waalaikumussalam. Usaha, doa & tawakal. All the best!! :)
Liked by: mrawardina

macam mana nak jadi peramah ye. bila asyik senyum je, org bosan pulak. bila tk bertegur, kata sombong. sy ni memang pendiam kalau jumpa dengan orang yg baru jumpa. ambik masa lama jugak la kalau nk ngam dengan org baru

Just be yourself. Senyum je, senyum kan sedekah. Senyum dekat orang je dapat pahala tau. Bila masa sesuai, awak sendiri akan tegur orang. It happens naturally. Don't try too hard. Saya pun macam tu tau. :)
Liked by: mrawardina

The awkward moment when the likers are more than the questioners. That's mean you're awesome! Salam daripada budak yang terpaksa ke asrama penuh... ;)

Is it awkward?? Haha thank you! Have fun at school!! :)

salam , best friend saye selalu kritik ape yang saye buat , i give u 1 example , saye bagi link utube kat group, nak bagi info ape yg terkini sekarang , like that la , die mesti comment ,"bukan story ni dah lame ke , why awak baru nak ungkit sekarang , macam nak cakap saye kuno, so , what can i do?

Diana Natasya
Waalaikumussalam. Bestfriends don't judge bestfriends. Just ignore her, easy.

I'm taking pmr this year and i really2 wanted to stop myself from fangirling yknow since im a kpoppers. hm any advices fr me? Only for a year. Haih it's hard :(((

Stay away from the internet and the laptop too. I promise you, it will help a lot. By the way, good luck for your upcoming PMR!! :)
Liked by: mrawardina

haha , yeah , not2 don't thinking me like enemy , i know i know this really you , but i don't know well . sorry if i disturbed you btw my english not very well and i think i gonna use dictionary when to ask with you .

Asyraf Shaif
It's okay, you're not disturbing at all haha. Oh, kita boleh cakap in Melayu don't worry. Tak perlu guna dictionary or anything. Haha saya dah biasa type dalam English haha can't help it sorry!! :((

taknak tegur dia dah.

Hi. You know, sometimes tak tegur the person you like just because you want to get over him is never a good idea. When you do that, awak macam simpan something dalam hati like marah. Sebab dia tak suka balik and you're seriously nekad, muktamad taknak tegur dia because he had a girlfriend time you were crushing over him. Faham tak? Macam dendam, a bit. Don't deny. Face him. What to be scared of? That you'll fall for him again? Or you still have feelings for him? It's okay, takpe. Don't do that to him, it's unfair. You guys can be friends. Feelings will change, sweetheart. Lama lama, eventually you'll get over him. It will fade in time. Just be positive. :)

Hi kak anna. I need some opinion. If kita suka dekat sesorang tu then orang tu dah couple and kita try nak move on but still tak boleh. Then kita dah tak tegur dia dalam sebulan , tapi nak akhir-2 tu dia sudden tegur kita. Patut ke kita tegur dia balik? or kita buat tak tahu je? sebab kita dah nekad


err how can you boleh jadi famous cam ni ye ? did u were in show before ? or bcoz of ur beautiful face ? or ur blog ? or bla bla bla .. i'm just curious .. and im respect u alot .. give advices to others .. and happy go lucky girl .. *ayat berterabur actually ;)

I don't think I'm famous, my friend. Thank you though,<3 x
Liked by: mrawardina

Hey Aina! :) I am having problem with addmaths , my math is okay, i even managed to get an a plus for math but i failed my addmath :( its not that i didnt study, i even push myself to study addmath but nothing works!! Help? :(

Hi! You don't study Add Maths! You do exercises! Add Maths is confusing, true. If you don't understand certain topics, ASK your teacher or your friends. It needs a lot of effort, I mean literally A LOT. Do past years questions. They would help. Be positive, keep trying okay. What most important is, don't stop saying your doa. All the best!! :)

Kak Anna dgn Amir ridwan uh ad ape2 ek??? Kehkehkeh

Hahaha no. He's a friend of my brother which technically makes him my friend too. :)

how to make short notes? oh im so lazy to do that haih

You refer to long notes and make it short. For example, do mind maps. Go google.
If you're lazy, then its your problem. I can't help lazy people that don't want to make effort to success- but wants to success.
Liked by: Nazifatullnisaa


Language: English