
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Hi anna, all of your pics u amik guna camera ape? And everytime you post on ig, u have to transfer one by one from your camera to hp?

Hi! I always bring a camera with me everywhere I go, its Sony RX100 Mark III. Yes kena transfer to my phone but not all, only ones I want to upload je. Yang lain I'll keep them in my hard disk.
Sometimes I only use my phone, iPhone 6S.
& I edit my pictures using either Lightroom or Snapseed :)

where will u continue ur study? apply or got offer?

Soon! I just got accepted into a uni. Insha Allah will pursue my degree in TESL soon. Doakan tau!
Cons: Might graduate at 26 years old. Friends are probably married already with 3 kids running around or probably ready for school. And then there's me.... Hahaha

Macam mana nak hilangkan nervous bila 'present' dekat depan classmates? seek for some advice frm you

During presentation, kita selalu rasa nervous sebab takut buat silap & because people are watching, they might have expectations and you want to meet those expectations. The thing is, everybody gets nervous whenever they present in front. Literally everybody including your teachers and lecturers.
1. Get rid of negative thoughts such as worrying that you might make mistakes. Remember, we learn from our mistakes. Mistakes are good.
2. My trick, I always try to make jokes & I'll try to interact with my audience. I'll ask them questions or maybe just some response from them. Like "do you agree?" Biar presentation tu jadi macam relax and easy je. If you give examples, ask audience if they can give other examples too. Interact.
3. Avoid overthinking. Replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. Smile often & acah acah je tak nervous. Once you've started to feel comfortable, confidence will come & you'll be fine.
4. I always hold something in my hand. A pen, a crumpled tissue or a blank paper. It's becoming a habit whenever I'm in front. It actually helps me a bit in an odd way. Haha
That's all. Not sure if my tips will help though but I hope they will! :)

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Hii.. how about when you went to japan? Did you go alone?

Hi. No, I followed my friend and her mom with a tour group. I swear I'll never go on group tour again. After I came back to Japan, I started to plan all my travel itineraries & made bookings by myself with no third party.

Kk anna, i think you should start in writing , like you can produce a book. your replies in ask.fm are so motivational/inspiring! your goals for sure not the income, but your positive thoughts worth to be share with people out there. Btw, saya sentiasa doakan yg terbaik untuk kk anna, insha Allah!

Hahahahaha blog post pun belum publish lagi, apa lagi nak tulis buku haha. Thank you by the way! May Allah bless you. 😊❤

Hai. Just wanna ask. I'm in a relationship. Whatever i did, whatever decision i took, it always hurt my partner. I didnt ask for it. Its purely unintentional. But i did try to change myself according to what she prefers. But we always fight bcs of this. Whats your sugggestion ?

Hi. Being a relationship needs tolerance. If you can't or not allowed to be yourself around the person you love, that's just simply... wrong? Sepatutnya you guys should be comfortable and accepting each other. In terms of decisions, if it doesn't involve her, she shouldn't be involved. If she feels affected by it, talk about it. If it's related to your future, your life and your routine, kalau dia tak boleh terima what's good for you then she's not the one. You can't change yourself just because someone doesn't prefer who you are unless its for your own good. Be yourself. Talk about it. Tolerate.

hi anna! nak tanya sikit, actually anna pergi europe dgn siapa? 😂 knp masa dkt harry potter studio dgn that one girl, but masa kat area italy, dgn 4 guys pulak? btw, kenal diorang kat mana or mmg kawan2 anna diorang semua tu? hehe

Hi! Anna pergi sorang tapi masa dekat London, Anna duduk rumah kawan Anna yang perempuan tu.
Masa Europe road trip, Anna pergi dengan strangers. Ingat tak Anna ada post siapa nak pergi travel dengan Anna? Ada 2 boys yang joined, kitorang cari perempuan tapi they cancelled. Memula Anna nak cancel jugak sebab sorang perempuan tapi everything was booked under my name takkan nak cancel je. So Anna pergi je lah, another one is a friend of mine and sebab ada satu spot kosong, dia bawak kawan dia.
Thankfully diorang semua baik gila, jaga Anna sungguh sungguh. Kejut subuh. Anna demam, buatkan air ubat. Tolong carry handbag. Masakkan dinner etc. Rasa macam princess teruk hahaha cuma kena jaga aurat 24/7. All went well Alhamdulillah. Honestly, they are the best travel mates ever so far walaupun tak kenal. Jumpa pun a night before departure.

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Why Anna choose to study at IPTS? Is there any benefit? Hope Anna don't mind to share

Anna tak kisah pun study dekat mana mana asalkan study. Anna apply IPTS haritu sebab Anna tak dapat course yang Anna nak. I wanted TESL tapi dapat civil engineering. Benefits setiap uni lain lain. Semua ada pros and cons. To me yang penting is the learning itself so Anna tak kisah sangat.

Kak Anna, waktu kak Anna jumpa @itsteme haritu, camne akak tahu tu dia ? Did he approached you ? How he looks like ? Tinggi ke ? No , I wont ask you how handsome he looks like haha :)

Well, he went to pick me up dekat airport masa sampai. And honestly, I recognized him immediately but I pretended I didn't hahahaha. Tak tahu nak explain macam mana but I just knew it was him. Then he walked over.
He's tall and kemas. He dressed well. He carries around his drawing pens and sometimes his notebook too, the one which he posts cute notes with drawings.
He actually checks his Twitter often and read everything his fans send him.
He's friendly with everyone sometimes ignored me when he met people along the way ugh.
Hates shopping.
Sometimes I think he's just too kind to everyone it concerns me.
Ok dah tu je, takleh lebih lebih. Haha

pernah tak benci ngan mak kita sendiri? like didnt ask for her opinions tho

It's normal to have arguments with your parents but benci tu should be avoided. Anger and hatred dan be destructive if you hold on to them for a long period of time. Sebab tu jangan bercakap ketika marah, buat keputusan bila fikiran tak rasional, masa kita ikutkan perasaan sampai tak boleh nak berfikir. Bila marah, kalau rasa tak boleh kawal, jauhkan diri dari orang & diam sampai reda. Lebih baik amik wudhu' lepastu hadap Allah mengadu dekat Dia.
Jangan benci mak ayah, ye kadang kadang diorang suka buat keputusan untuk kita tapi ada masanya benda tu baik untuk kita tapi kita tak sedar. Berkat mak ayah penting tau. So jangan tarik muka. Kalau kena marah, diam je. Kalau nak argue, jangan tinggi suara or marah marah. Cakap baik baik bagi diorang faham. Syurga tu :)

Hi anna. I heard that you're going to perform umrah soon so when will it be and with whom ? a lil bit excited cause I'm going too ☺🙆

Hi! Yes I am, I'm going with my uncle, cousins and my grandmother. Initially wanted to bring my parents but my dad couldn't apply for cuti so I might bring them again next year insha Allah. My flight is on this upcoming Wednesday. When is yours? Have a safe one! 😊

hi kak anna! as slm ;) mind to ask you that are you from the wealthy family?😄 how you earn your money?

Hello. Nope, my family biasa biasa je. Not wealthy pun.
I've been multitasking for years now. Besides studying, I'm also working part time & I have a few businesses that I run. I'd been traveling but never once I asked money from my parents, I only asked for their permission to let me travel. I buy everything I want with my own money- my dad only support my college tuition fee. Everything else is on my own. He no longer supports me financially because I'm working. I can stand on my own two feet. :)

Hi Kak Anna! If I had a problem, is it okay to just be quiet, never show, and pendam? Bcs I think it may be the best thing that I can do :(

Hey there! It's totally fine but sometimes you need to let it out as well. You can't keep everything and all problems to yourself only. It's not healthy.
If you have a friend you can trust, share things you can share. If not, you always have your family. I share problems with my family too. My parents especially. They're the best ones! :)

Hi Anna! I am planning to go to the Lombok Island. Tapi, sy akan depart from Bandung. May I know, your procedures bila dah sampai Lombok nak ke hotel and so on and what kind of activities yg Anna buat dekat sana? Many thanks dear :)

Hi! Bestnya!!!!
Well, in Lombok there aren't many public transportations available. So, you NEED to find a local driver/supir to drive you around sebab the distance between places sangat jauh. If you're thinking to walk, nope forget it. So, sampai nanti cari driver dulu. Ramai je kat airport tu, tinggal pilih je haha. And kat sana local tour guide memang mahal, try la nego.
Tengok instagram Anna, dah tag semua tempat yang Anna pergi.
Have fun!
Insha Allah tahun depan Anna nak pergi lagi. Nak hiking hehe.

Salam. Hi anna! So, how did you make moneyyyy? Envy sangatni you can travel anywhere and everywhere. Mind to share the tips or cerita? :')

Waalaikumussalam. I've been working for years. I also run a few businesses & I have other part time jobs as well. Basically juggling from job to job to job to study hahaha. Restless tapi Alhamdulillah, selagi ada rezeki & selagi mampu nak bekerja. Anna okay je.
Bab travel tu, normally Anna main hentam je beli tiket kalau Anna rasa tiket murah. Nak pergi nanti baru Anna fikir benda lain lain tu haha. Anna memang yolo.
Nak murah rezeki, kita kena jadi pemurah. Rajin belanja orang, rajin sedekah, jangan kedekut dengan parents, share ilmu etc. insha Allah walau tak banyak, akan ada je rezeki tu :)


Language: English