
Anna Khayalan

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How much for an iphone in Celcom? because i want to buy it,so i want compare Digi or celcom is more cheaper

RM2038 including the advance payment then RM75 for the first 10 months and RM98 the next months.

Kak anna , how tall are you ? I just asking ;)

I'm short, haha really I'm so short. Around 156 cm or something.

Kak Anna, tbh I don't know what I want to be. Hahaha, any suggestions?

You need to figure that out. You will figure it out. What's your dream? What's your passion? Ask yourself. :)

thankyou kak anna,tapi saya memang nak confess perasaan saya dekat dia biar dia betul betul tahu. tapi,saya takut bila dia say no,then kami jadi renggang. saya sayang dia sangat sangat kak. :'((

Kalau takut then you need to slow it down, belajar kawal perasaan. Ingat, macam yang saya cakap semua orang akan experience rejection. Kalau tak sekarang, nanti. Belum cuba belum tahu but its up to you. Don't the feelings get all over you, it's not good. :)

kak anna. blow me a good luck pray for my test tomorrow. if you're reading this right now, alhamdulliah fighting! :D xo

All the best, Fadhilah!! Sorry if I'm late but I'm sure you did very well! :)
Liked by: ✌ShahiraS27 ✌

awak cakap couple itu berdosa , betul ke awak pun couple ? tgk dkt twitter ?

Lol no. I was messing around with the dudes. :)

Assalamualaikum, Kak Anna. I really adore you. You've such a beautiful personality. You're a heart-kinded person, which makes me consider you as my own sister :) Thanks for everything. And I think you are talented to be a caunselor. Love you,

Waalaikumussalam. Thank you, that's very nice. But just a reminder, you see the good side of me because Allah hides my bad sides. Don't expect too much from me alright? I love you too! May Allah bless you. :)

kak anna, saya rasa rendah diri sgt. yela. mmg semua org nak kurus. tapi saya ni bukan kategori kurus. tapi kering. and kalau brgmbr saya malu nak buat pose or 'peace' coz jari saya panjang. ramai org suka perli. saya rasa mcm bdan saya ni buruk. hmm . saya tahu saya kene bersyukur. tapi ntahla. :'(

Aww. Well hmm. Why don't you go get Appeton Weight, it might helps! :)


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