
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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kak anna, cemana eh nak kumpul duit sendiri? sbb saya ni still bersekolah. sekolah menengah. duduk asrama pulak tu. kak anna, kumpul duit macam mana? kena ikat perut ke cemana?

Normally saya kumpul duit syiling je. Kalau ada balance duit belanja, ayah saya ajar masuk tabung. Kalau ada masa, saya kerja. Takpun kalau ibu saya suruh buat kerja saya mintak upah hahaha tapi dulu dulu lah.
Jangan ikat perut tau!

Assalammualaikum Akak Anna saya ni pengawas kat skola... Jadi pengawas diamanahkan untuk memastikan semua pelajar disiplin tapi skola kebangsaan kebanyakannya budak hot .. And then bila tegur mereka akan update pastu kite akan kena bash... Akak perlu ke saya biar je dia buat kesalahan? Atau tegur??

Hi! Haha dulu pun saya pengawas. Lantak je diorang nak hot ke apa ke, nak kutuk awak ke apa, yang penting awak buat kerja awak. Kalau diorang salah, tegur lah. Kalau tak tegur, buat apa jadi pengawas kan?

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how do u keep urself focus on ur study i believe u have lots of commitment

I do have a lot of commitments, sometimes all of them juggles up at the same time they drive me mad.
I manage my time by knowing my priority. At this time, study comes first before work. Let's say kalau tiba tiba I have an exam tomorrow and I have work today, I'd drop my work so I could study for my exam. Unless if I think I could excel both, I wouldn't cancel either.
I have this multitasking habit, haha. It's very unhealthy.

Hai kak Anna. I would like to ask your advice. Sometimes i don't know why i get too nervous if i go to mall or etc . I'm afraid to go out and I'm too shy in public . I don't want to be like this . I want to be.. brave but i cant .. i don't have my own self-confidence .

Hello there!
I completely understand how you feel! Sometimes you don't feel comfortable with yourself is it?
You know what, insecurity is a very common thing. I have it too, mine is really bad even though it doesn't seem like it. Throughout the years, I've been learning to accept myself just the way I am.
I'm not perfect, I don't even have flawless skin, perfect teeth, genius brain, pure heart, great body, I don't even know how to be friendly- in fact I'm an introvert in the outside. I keep thinking about my imperfections and how people are going to accept me.
One thing you should know is, the rest of the world won't be able to accept you if you don't accept yourself. Love yourself first before you love others.
Find the confidence in you, it's there somewhere but you just have to dig it out. Paling penting is to be positive. It's one thing that I always tell everyone, POSITIVE.
If you have a positive mind, your acts will be positive as well. The outcome will be positive too insha Allah.
Don't let the negative thoughts control you.

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anna, dlm satu class kolej i ni tk suka i sbb ada org bawa mulut pasal i susah i nk survive dlm class ni tuk belajar. cmna nak hadap semua ni anna hm

Ignore je.
I deal with that situation most of the time dekat college. Eventually I get used to it and at some point I just don't care anymore sebab I go to college nak belajar bukan nak bergosip, lovey dovey and such.
It's best for you to ignore, memang susah sebab you see their faces all the time and rasa uncomfortable but if you keep thinking about it, it's similar to letting them control you which make them happier to see you acting like that.
So just pretend that it doesn't affect you, as if you don't care at all. Sooner or later you'll be immune to craps like that and there, you'll survive the rest of the year. Take control by pretending you're in control ;)

Akak. Saya tahun depan dah form4, tapi sampai sekarang saya tak tahu tahun depan nak ambil aliran apa. Can you help me?

I see. I think it depends on your interest takpun on which subject you score best. From there, decide lah yang mana nak pursue whether science, math or so on. Jangan main pilih je, nanti menyesal. Make sure awak boleh carry, boleh focus, boleh score. If not, sia sia nanti tak ada minat tak boleh bawa menyesal tak sudah.
Go survey the streams & their subjects. Lepastu decide which one you want to pursue.

Assalamualaikum. Ermm.. Saya nak tegur someone ni buat salah. But at the same time saya takut dia terasa. Nak tegur baik baik pun macam afraid. Jadi saya decide untuk diam je. Cara saya tu betul ke?

Nur Hanan Azhar
Salah tu. Kalau kita nampak orang buat salah, kita kena tegur. Tak boleh diam je. Kalau diam, macam mana dia nak improve diri dia? Cara dia ambil teguran kita tu bergantung dekat diri dia sendiri. Yang penting kita tegur daripada biar je kan? Jangan takut buat benda betul ok!

Macam mana nak jaga hati manusia ni eh?

Susah lah awak nak jaga hati orang. Hati kita sendiri pun tak terjaga, ini pula nak jaga hati orang lain.
One thing you have to remember is you can't please everyone.
Setiap benda yang kita buat, orang lain akan affected by it. Whether in a good way or a bad way.
Kalau nak jaga hati orang, please make sure orang tu akan jaga hati kita balik. Biar it works both ways. You don't have to jaga hati semua orang, at the end of the day you'll the one who end up hurt.

assalamualikum,boleh bagi tips nk fokus pd pelajaran x??

Based on what I observe, people these days are distracted by internet etc. Smartphones jadi distraction for most of us to focus on what we're doing. Most of the time kita asyik rasa tempted to go online and update our status (like right now haha)
So how to focus? Kena pandai manage your time and know your priority! Priority is study, so put that on top of your list. Manage your time, kena tahu when is the time for leisure and bila kena study.
Kena ada kesedaran lah. Kalau tak it won't work. Simple je!

kak anna,why people hanya mmndang budak sc stream je sbg kayu pngukur sbuah kjayaan?

Let's just say yang diorang semua typical minded people. Don't let orang punya opinion jadi something yang hold you back.
Yang nak berjaya, awak. It doesn't matter what stream you are in, you can become even more successful than the others. Orang yang tak ada sijil pun boleh berjaya, ini kan pulak kita.
Positive okay?!


Language: English