
Anna Khayalan

Ask @thekhayalan

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Anna! You start bisness modal berapa ya? And baju yg you jual you jahit sendiri or you beli secara borong? You beli kat mana? I minat bisness tapi I tk ada modal dn tak tahu carenya. Share tips ana. Tq! I doakan semoga bisnes you maju jaya! xoxo

Siti Hajar
Hi! Awal awal haritu modal Anna 5k. Duit kumpul sendiri, daripada kerja etc. Anna simpan dalam satu bank, bila dah banyak Anna buat modal bisnes. Baju Anna semua Anna upah tailor jahit. Tailor Anna cari sendiri, Anna survey banyak sangat tempat sampai dapat yang harga affordable sebab nak jual murah untuk you guys. Sekarang still ada problem and all, tapi Alhamdulillah so far okay kot. Kena banyak usaha awak, buat bisnes tak senang. Kena kuat. & paling penting, jangan fikir untung, jangan fikir duit, nak kaya. Niat kena baik, baru Allah tolong. :)

Assalam kak anna. Kenapa yaa rasa susah sangat nak berubah dengan orang sekeliling yg selalu ungkit masa silam saya. Sy rasa give up dgn semua ni, dan saya nk jadi balik sy yg lama. sy bru 18 thn tp orang pandang sy mcm masa depan sy gelap sbb dulu sy sgt2 sosial. hmmmm

Bila kita niat nak berubah kan, macam macam ujian akan datang. Allah nak tengok sama ada kita ni betul betul nak berubah ke tak. Kat situ lah Allah uji iman kita ni kuat tak, kita ni sabar tak. Bahagian paling susah nak buat bila berubah ialah istiqamah. Susah sangat sangat. Sebab tu kita kena dekatkan diri dengan Allah, kena sentiasa ingat dosa pahala, dunia akhirat, syurga neraka. Ingatkan diri sendiri mana baik mana buruk. Orang lain tak boleh tolong kita.
Bila kawan kawan awak ungkit masa silam awak, bila diorang ingat awak tak boleh berubah. Kat situ Allah dah tunjuk, diorang ni bukan kawan awak. Kalau betul kawan, mesti diorang support & hormat awak as someone new.
Be around people yang awak akan buat awak rasa motivated, rasa macam nak jadi sebagus diorang or perhaps better. These people will help you. Kenal kawan, kenal lawan. Jangan give up. You're just getting started.

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Anna, pakai skincare apa eh sekarang? maybe I boleh try. I tak tahu nak pakai apa sekarang. hmm

Kulit anna sensitive & acne prone sebab anna ada resdung & the hormone imbalance blah blah it's depressing seriously.
Anna focus more on my inner health. Anna detox, jaga makan & health supplement. As for my skin, anna ikut routine je. Anna pakai gentle cleanser sebab kulit anna mengada. Anna pakai this one brand called Orique (ada my friend suggested), mahal tapi it works for me so Anna setia dengan tu je lah. Anna tak boleh pakai cleansers lain due to inflammation & allergies. Anna pilih yang 100% harmless. Sometimes anna research ingredients diorang. Cetaphil pun okay.
You should identify your skin type dulu baru pilih skincare. And please jangan beli local products. Banyak chemicals, they might say they're organic, tumbuhan, traditional whatsoever but who knows. Tengok macam Jannalawwa product ke apa tah tu masuk newspaper, banyak mercury. Sekarang je kulit cantik but sooner or later the chemicals will affect your skin in long term.

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how to score English sub for SPM? especially for the essays. mana nk ambil all those good ideassss :(

You need to read more. The only way to improve your writing is by reading. The more you read, you'll gain more information & knowledge as well as ideas. You need to discover your strength as well. Which part that you'll be able to score the most? Look at past year questions. They will help. Read more. If you're lost, ask your teacher. Your teacher will know you by your writing.

Assalam Anna, what do you search in guy?sorry to ask you this but you look so successful and so does your friends,its kindda intimidate for a normal guy like to approach you.

To be honest, I don't really search characters. Everybody is different, I accept people the way they are. I think it's a bit unfair to say that I'd like to have this and that kind of person to be the love of my life. It could be a wish but it shouldn't be demanded because when you truly love a person, all those things will be put aside. You can't tell that person "okay i want you to be like this". But, you can help them mend themselves. If they're less, help them to be better. If they're weak, help them grow strong.
The 'intimidated' part, I get that a lot I guess? People are scared to approach me because they think I'm not approachable? Too scared to be around me and my so-called-success. They tend to judge my friends as well. I don't choose who I be friends with. All they need to do is say hi, I won't bite.
If a guy is scared to be with a girl who is apparently more successful than him, he surely has ego problem. He needs to sort that out first.

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Kak anna, sy ni kasar orgnya. Dari segi ckp, duduk, jln, perlakuan, pemakaian, boleh dikatakan 70% mcm lelaki. Kasar. Tp sy nk brubah. Penah jgk try pakai lebih feminin & try ckp x kasar tp mcm x bole adapt. mybe sbb rasa pelik. Plus, mcm terlalu drastik. Insecure tgk kak anna hm do help me :')

Awak, dulu saya tomboy tau. Tak tipu, serious. I think it's actually normal for girls to be a little boyish at this age sebab you're insecure and being that way is the only way for you to acknowledge people that you're strong and don't give a damn about anything although you're very insecure inside.
You know what, as you grow up it all will change slowly. Tapi ONLY if you choose the right people to be around you. Be friends with those girly girls who love pink. Nanti they'll drag you along to shop for some girly clothes and dress up like them. Learn silently and change when you're ready. Slowly pun tak apa. :)

Assalamualaikum. Hi Anna! Memang detox water tu masam eh? atau depends on buah apa kita guna?. And, detox water yang kita buat tu kena habiskan dalam satu hari tu juga?. Boleh top up air banyak kali dengan guna buah yang sama?. eh, banyaknya tanda soal! haha.. terima kasih sudi jawab Anna :)

inizafirahripin’s Profile PhotoZafirah Ripin
Yes! Normally masam haha. Yes jugak, it depends on the fruits yang kita guna. Try mangos and mint. Manis! Advisable to habiskan terus sebab our body needs water kan, alang alang tu minum je sampai habis. Kalau topup air guna buah sama, Anna selalu tambah sekali je then Anna buat baru. :D

hi sis.just wanna ask yr opinion lah. sy dpt poli, pahang. kos teknologi media cetak. mmg xminat. then,dpt kptm KL Tesl. but now sy tgh smbung f6. srs, org kata f6 susah kn. but bila dh mula blajar semua. seronokk pulak. well bru sem 1. hmm, dlm msa yg sma minat Tesl. pra-U or dip Tesl 😔

Hi. Dilemma ye?
Well, I can't really help you in this sebab it involves your future which I shouldn't interfere.
However, I have one advice.
Follow your heart. What do you really want to be? What will your decision leads you to? Are you up for it? Find out.

Assalamualaikum kak Anna. 😊 Saya nak mintak tips study dari Kak Anna. Saya sangat lemah dlm Mathematics. Apa cikgu ajar susah sangat nak masuk. Seriously, saya bagi tumpuan penuh waktu cikgu ajar but, ermmm 😔 Can i hv some tips frm u kak Anna abt how u study maths waktu sekolah dulu. thanks. 😃✌

Waalaikumussalam. Hahaha I failed my Mathematics during high school but I got an A in SPM which was what the hell. Haha! Anyways, what I did was- A LOT of exercises, banyak sangat. I did the exercises and then asked my friends who were good at Maths to check my answer and had them teach me questions I couldn't understand. Senang je, if you want to master any subject all you gotta do is just go buy or copy as many exercises you could find and finish them. Later check the answers and find out which parts of the subject you're weak at.
Effort leads to success.

kak anna ubat jerawat yg kak anna cakap tu yg cetaphil gentle cleanser tu harga dia dalam berapa eh ? ingat nk try, tq

It's not really ubat sebenarnya. It's just a cleanser, to balance your skin. Soap-free which is suitable for sensitive skin, it won't give you irritation etc. A bit pricey tapi tahan lama, botol kecik pun around 2 months. Less than RM30 kot, tak ingat dah.


Language: English