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Latest answers from KB

Is there a song that's giving "Christmas" even though it isn't related to Christmas or a Holiday in any way? There are a few songs like that, to name one I listened most recently "You got it" Roy Orbison. It's a romantic song but it has that holiday vibe

“I just called to say I love you” by Stevie Wonder

This might sound drastic or bad to some but if you have a cat and they’re not strictly indoors, then you're a bad owner and shouldn't be allowed to use cats. Do you agree? I know plenty of people who let their cats roam free and 9 out 10 end up ran over by cars, mauled by other animals, or sick.

It does sound “drastic and bad” because it’s unrealistic. Imprisoning cats in an indoor space 24/7 is unnatural, unless they were born in captivity with no knowledge or survival skills (this is common in zoos). In that case, they have special needs, so care for them appropriately.

would you say you're a dominant person? not in bed... i mean in a non-s*xual way. i.e wanting to have the last world, wanting to rule over people, everyone to do as you say etc.

It very much depends on the situation. In my younger years I wasn’t at all, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve learned to be more assertive and advocate for myself.

Do you think ppl who constantly throw house parties are shallow and don't care about anything? I actually know someone like that. I'm not being a hypocrite I've attended some and I enjoy a party occasionally, but how could someone party all the time w/ whats going on in the world?

You are wasting your life if you bring it to a halt over world news. The horrors are never going to end. You have to keep living.

Have you made your sunscreen debut? If not, when do you usually? ☀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’m notorious for not wearing it. I’m going to try to remember to this summer.

Have you ever competed in a sport of any kind? ⚽🏋️🐎

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Short track, high jump, general field day activities, all in elementary school

If you were thrown into a professional kitchen and were expected to cook, do you think you'd be able to keep up? 🔪🔥(Inspired by this year's student musical I was part of)

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Keep up, not likely. Make something good in a reasonable time, yes.

Is spring kicking into high gear where you live? How's that making you feel? 🌻🌿

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
We’re approaching summer here. It starts getting very hot in May!

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