
Hanis Athirah

Ask @athfathi

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Would you rather be with the crush of your dreams or have an infinite amount of your favourite food?

crush of my dreams la. Food i can buy on my own + i might get muak of the same food over & over again. crush tidak ☺ HAHA

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Soalan ni aku nak tanya dekat lelaki la tapi kalau perempuan nak jawap pun tak pa.Okay,korang lebih prefer girls pakai makeup @ just pakai lipstick je.Sebab aku ada la sorang kawan perempuan ni,muka dia cantik la flawless gitu tapi dia pakai lipstick je tapi sampai sekarang still single

entahla aku ok je memana

Is it possible for strangers to fall in love with each other? Please i need the answer.

well..... i guess they can? you never know what can happen when it comes to matters of the heart

aw thats unlucky! I think im going to practice barefoot a lot more, plus i dont have to carry my shoes or remember to bring them! hahah

i know right! Haha. Yeah girl u do you, it's much easier that way and good luck!! 😄

that makes sense now! yeah I found it easier barefooted actually and a lot of practice like that. In games we have to wear shoes though lol When you played indoors you kept your shoes on even though it was slippery?? hahahah

Yeahh i think i've only played indoors during a match or two back during my school days so i had to keep my shoes on 😅 never actually practised indoors though

Nooo lol you get used to it after like 5 mins! we play on an indoor court, do you play outside??

Ahh i see, indoor courts should be easier to play barefoot i guess? I've only played indoors once or twice and with footwear i find it wayy too slippery 😂 i usually play outdoors

Yes I forgot my shoes for practice hahahaha!

but howww!! Don't your feet hurt from running on the ground?? Omg hahahahh

what sports do you do on a regular basis?

how often is regular? none tbh hahah but i play netball when there are tournaments, sometimes for fun. and that's like once in several months lol


Language: English