
Hanis Athirah

Ask @athfathi

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What song best describes your day today?

this song from 6ixth sense which I don't remember its name, ost for some drama in tv3 some time in 2011/2012 lol

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boleh sik baca Surah(s) Al-Fatihah,Qursi and 3 Kuls waktu period?

siksure kmk, tapi siksalah kmk if ktk baca jak & sikpegang Al-Quran & baca dgn niat berzikir, boleh. Mun siksalah kmk la. Better rujuk dgn ustaz/ustazah

Aok laa.. X kenal tek nak

viviesafiah’s Profile Photofarhan.
eishhh this gurl padu. Veevi Safiah Farhan bt Jamaludin. 14. Sama from Sarawak, first-timer PPCS 2013. Enthusiastic gila nak pergi. Teramat friendly && lom papa alu melabel org poyo. Maka senior O___o last2 nya mpun kenak secourse dgn miak poyo ya. Lol. KTP'13. First day lalu bekawan dgn Misha & Adlin, gine kenal ntah maka bkn sama course pun lol. Gila2, tomboyyy sikitz hahah. Tudung mok perfect. Malu nak pake pashmina. Bising. Berolah nauzubillah. Sikpenah temu mpuan kdak veevi. Yalah, nama pun one in a million nak :p kamceng gn mekduak hairul. Siksuka begamba. &&& kuat ngerepak. Goodluck UKM1, polah mena2! Goodluck PBSMR juak :p in shaa Allah kelak jumpa lagik. Sayang ktk <3
Liked by: farhan.

Describe FL :)

nak general ke sorang2?
Aku describe general je la, kalau nak sorg2 lepasni laa
FL; Fizik Lanjutan, class of 2013. PPCS 2013.
Key instructor; En. Wan Amran (correct me if i'm wrong)
instructor; ckg Nor Hanisah
TA; ckg Fatin Zafirah
RA: abg Mohd Firdaus
afiq, daoh, zuhair, aril, aiman, izzat, lam, adlin, misha, dayah, hanis (me), finie, IO, hanah, may, ming.
probably the awesomest class I've joined in my 3 years of joining PPCS. Everyone's fun, interesting, and kinda weird in their own way. Bitara katanya :p Semua pandaii gell, dapat faham physics silibus U & upper form in 3 weeks. Satu kepala, tak kisah sgt psl rules, suka escape activity :p orang nampak bila srsly, takde seniority pun although form 2 ramai lg dari form 3. Semua syg cooperate, && suka main silent killer. Nakal tu memang, sampai cikgu Fatin selalu merajuk. But whatever it is, korang gempak gila, and thanks for the memories & for making my last year in PPCS the awesomest ever. i love you guys to the moon & back, always ♡

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Habis yang official ngan daoh tu apew huhu takkan dia tak pernah bagitahu dia ada pakwe tak hm

Dia memang takde pakwe tapi pasal dia dgn daoh tu, kesahihannya aku sndiri pun takpasti. Baik tanya nisha or daoh sendiri ^_^

Misha cute dia single tak ihiks daoh sapa pakwe dia ke

Kannn haha hm yang tu baik tnye misha sendiri. Daoh? Hahaha tanya misha jugak ah. Saya bukan org yg sesuai utk menjawab soalan ini ^__^

rah tempat ktk camp nektok ada class apa juak?

Banyak. Fizik lanjutan, biotechnology, fast paced bio, crystal polymer, biomedical science, astrophysics, cryptology, game theory & probability, flight science, etnomatematik, csi, mengarang penulisan, penyelesaian masalah matematik, green technology, matematik alam semesta, penulisan imaginasi, robotik, penaakulan mantik, rekacipta, be a scientist. Ya jak mek ingat lol


Language: English