
Hanis Athirah

Ask @athfathi

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I just wanted to tell you i appreciate how open and relateable your rants on twitter are. It amazes me how you can think the way that you think. sometimes i cant even put into words to describe my feelings but you did it so easily and effortlessly. Youre too matured for yr own age but its amazing!

Hahahah thanks 😅 i'm not that matured in terms of actions though i just happen to have these ~matured~ thoughts hehe

akak asid last year right?. mcm mne nk adapt dgn hectic life kt sini? dia x hectic sgt but kalau sibuk, sibuk sgt smpai x smpt nk siap tutor sbb timetable dia satu hari tu mmg byk tutor.tp kalau lapang, lapang sgt smpai rasa mls nk pegi class bygkn friday 1hour je classnya

haah. hahaha biasa la tu 😂 it takes time to adapt laa. baru first2 masuk memang rasa susah tapi lama2 u'll get used to it. try guna masa lapang tu utk siapkan tuto awal so that tak la rushing masa hari yg banyak tuto tu
Liked by: belacan terbang

kenapa lelaki tak segan nak bgtau org yg dia suka dkt kawan kawan. dan diorg pon x segan kalau kene nganjing dgn vrush diorg. tp kalau perempuan mesti dh gelabah. why why

tak semua lelaki mcmtu hahah tp maybe sebab diorang takde rasa malu yg kuat mcm perempuan kot
Liked by: belacan terbang

Kenapa okay kalau perempuan cakap kat lelaki gendut tapi kalau lelaki cakap kat perempuan gendut menjadi suatu kegilaan?

perempuan ni sensitif sikit

What food did you refuse to eat as a kid and still don't as an adult?

tempoyak. never will i ever makan that haha

are there any extra co-curricular activities on the weekends?

depends on your club. most probably ada je

lecturer scary tak? ada tak macam dia tanya soalan dalam kelas, atau marah2 sebab tak reti sesuatu

tanya soalan dalam kelas tu normal, bukan scary 😂 ada la jgk certain lecturers yg scary sikit, tapi mostly okay je.

muet tu macam mana? akan ada orang ajar tak?

muet nanti u'll learn masa elc, ur lecturer will explain ☺

kelas untuk sains hari2 pack sangat ke? Lepas tu, homework dia macam banyak sangat ke? Due date dia dekat2 eh?

takdela pack sangat. tiap minggu ada tutorial & occasionally ada assignment. U don't have to worry too much. Just go with the flow & enjoy discovering things on ur own. If i were to tell u everything then tak best la ☺

susah tk nk dpt 4flat? ur pointer dulu brp eh? i nak prepare myself mentally instead of just wishing nk 4flat and nnti kalau tk dpt terus down

i'll be honest, to me sangat susah. ada 2 pointer, uitm & upu and both sems i didnt get 4.0 for uitm, but for upu i got 4.0 for sem 2. yg lain tu alhamdulillah okay tapi tak laa 4.0. u'll need to maintain ur performance dari awal sem, make sure u score all ur quizzes and tests, buat betul2 lab report (sng dpt markah kalau buat properly), complete assignments & kalau boleh score tinggi jugak. sbb for me finals was tough, both sems. so u're going to need carry marks setinggi yg boleh, if possible 40 above then inshaAllah boleh la 4 flat ☺ but still kena score finals!!
Liked by: 8 Aziera


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