
Hanis Athirah

Ask @athfathi

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sarawak still a poor country, help them then you can say that sarawak sudah maju

i'm sorry but i disagree w you. We might not be rich but we arent that poor. Plus what do you expect me to do to help? I'm sixteen, I'm still freaking studying. Wait till I get a job first before telling me that, will u
Liked by: Ezmir Sadriq

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Give me 80 likes and I will send u gift. Give me 80 links and tell which gift u want ^,^ NO HATE Sweetei :)

Nah thanks

If you could steal something and get away with it, what would you steal?

your heart :p ahaha jk maybe a complete set of books & dvds of my fav series? Idk
Liked by: Ariff^Fikri

Solehah adalah sikap, perbuatan keseluruhannya. Manakala labuh atau purdah cumalah pakaian." Ya . Itulah Realitinya . Menutup Aurat . Bukan Alasan Untuk Mengupload Gambar Sesuka Hati . Kerana , Di Sisi Aurat Itu...Tersembunyi nya ' Maruah'

thanks. :)

Kat Class " Nanti Upload Gambar Kat FB Tau ! Aku Nak Buat DP Aku Ngan Kau ! " Bila On Fb ..Terbaca Satu Status "Menutup aurat bukan alasan untuk anda upload gambar banyak-banyak di facebook." * Teruskan Membaca* "Ada beza antara wanita solehah dengan wanita bertudung labuh atau berpurdah. Solehah a


NAFSU mengatakan wanita cantik pada rupanya,AKAL mengatakan wanita cantik pada ilmu dan kepandaiannya,HATI mengatakan wanita itu cantik pada akhlaknya.


Which picture the best describes your city?

I dont have a photo of Kuching in my phone rn so nah. However, you can look it up on google earth/maps street view to see how it looks like in reality ^__^

ok yg tyk tek org srwk juak senanya, just nak test. as a sarawakian i think we should accept that there are plenty of sarawakian still living on a tree. or in other words, living in the jungle. But the lucky one who live in town still pretending that there's no poor sarawakian. wake up! & help them!

in rural areas, memang still ada but atas pokok like literally atas pokok ne ada gk nak? Yea, i know that. Thanks for the reminder anw :)

you org sarawak kan? wow camne kau nak tido eh? hidup kat atas pokok tak jatuh ke? kot2 pokok tu tumbang xD kah3

If you think that your question is so going to piss me off, sorry la eh. Tak kuasa nak mengamuk sebab ni aha. Let me correct you, in case kau taktau. Org Sarawak takdenye duduk atas pokok lagi. Pls la, google kan ada. Korang kan berteknologi. Pegi search 'sarawak'. Tengok infrastruktur kitorg. Tengok cara hidup kitorg. Bukak sikit minda kau yang sempit tu. This question just proves how narrow-minded & unknowing you are.
Pls la lepeh, tangga dirik kau lok sebelom nganok mekorg. Mun agik nak nganok p siktauk papa, bagus diam jak mulut ya pok. Mun aku malu! :p

How can you be motivated?

By writing down my aims & goals, reading others' success stories, listening to my dad talking about the future & all
Liked by: حق

describe diri sendiri . jujur .

entahla idk how nak describe diri aku cs i change from time to time. aku baik to org in general, tp kalau aku tak suka/annoyed/tak senang dgn seseorang, well it'll show thru my actions. tapi aku takdela like sekali aku taksuka, forever taksuka. Aku flexible, kalau first impression aku kt org ni mcmni, but bila aku kenal dia lain, then aku boleh ok la.
My judgment takleh caya sgt, cs slalunya pertimbangan aku tak betul haha. Tp idk aku rasa mcm aku boleh faham feelings org tp entahlah tu aku rasa je. Aku kalau tgh marah jgn kacau, jgn tanya, nnti dgn kau pulak aku melenting aha. Aku sng kesian, sng rasa bersalah. Org slalu kata aku bossy cs aku slalu mengarah hahaha tp memang betul la. Tp tu cs aku rasa kalau aku tak take charge, benda tu takkan jadi.
I'm used to hidup yg mcm kalau kt sekolah, sekolah, kat rumah, rumah. Idk sbb tu kat permata aku taksuka sgt lepak bilik org cs aku nak privacy aku sendiri, aku takleh la 24/7 nak spend time dgn kawan. Whatsapp/online ok lagi tp kalau nk jumpa cakap eyy kdg2 bolehla. Aku (sangat) panas baran, so hahaha. Ha ha. Faham fahamla. And jgn cabar aku sgt, aku sng je nak gaduh kalau nak sgt. Aku takdela rajin mana, tp kalau aku rasa aku perlu buat aku akan cuba sedaya upaya utk buat. Jgn copycat aku, aku taksuka. Pls la, get a life. Aku tak ckp english on a regular basis except to certain people, tp online memang aku suka guna english so pls jgn pertikaikan. Aku kalau selesa dgn orang tu korg boleh nampak la lain drpd dgn org aku tak selesa. & i am very family-oriented. Outgoing jugak la, kot.

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image editor apa yang stylo

aku guna retrica, shark, picsart & pixlr express. Idk abt the others tho tp org kata vscocam lawa

what is the most riot thing can be done at school in your opinion?

maybe fighting like rly fighting physically against each other to support what they think is right? idk i am still unclear of what riot is anw


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