
Hanis Athirah

Ask @athfathi

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Descrine ezmir

my classmate for two years. The naughty guy of the class, the one who leads the Sapphire cheers ("sapphire?" "awesome!!" lol i miss this) used to be so small & now he's so tall. Guitarist of pick & strings. Penyakat & lawak, bestfriends w aniq & syapik.

Describe hanis sabri

tok sorg gik calon mpp. clone aku (since we have the same name) vampiree. Tinggi, gamer. Banyak klaka. Dolok rapat kakya sikrapat kakya now ok lah haha. Org bahagia yer(fz)
Liked by: amie Nur Syafiqah

Describe aniq

A classmate of mine since 2010-2012. Has that chinese look, dolok gemok now dah kurus & bangga mena lah dirik dah kurus ya lol. Gamer. Plays guitar. A good friend, tho sikpenah la rapat ne gn nya. Far's.

Describe elia sari

kawan elyaa (syaza). 14. Nama unik, & nya kacak (oh elya kacak juak lupak pdh tek lol). Netballer. Bait. Sik bnyk klaka, slalu ngga ny tweet jak haha. My junior in kolej :)

Describe syaza elya

a cousin of mine. 14, calon mpp yerz haha um nya ngegeh tp bait and smtimes cam blur juak haha. was my junior in kolej & now...tsk haha. my teman bercerita kat rumah nekji. Tinggi. Netball. um yajakla kali haha

des qifie

bukan pernah ke? wawa lol. 15, classmate, budak sports, slalu tweet since beberapa hari ni. oh & dia classrep baru 4K1, ganti syakir :3
Liked by: anis

kolejian, majlis tertinggi kolej la poit

do you even know what you're talking about? the term 'kolejian' is used to refer to students from my previous school which, coincidentally, is also called Kolej. It has nothing to do with Majlis Tertinggi Kolej here in quad p and so forth. Do think before you ask. Thanks.
Liked by: Nur Syafiqah

Apa rahsia ktak berjaya nis ,share lok pleaseeee

berjaya? belom gik. Jauh gik jalan nak dapat kejayaan ya. Entahlah. Semua tok Allah berik. Rezeki dariNya. Kmk bukan org yg like ng studi 24/7 and usaha konsisten. Nope, ya bukan kmk. Kdg2 kmk belaja, kdg2 layap juak. Tp Alhamdulillah, Allah tolong. Allah berik.
Liked by: liya


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