
Hanis Athirah

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hanehhhh i thought syaf dont care if bukak buku besar gilak and i care if bukak buku gine? lol

is this dir haha wait apa ktk pdh tok i iz confused
Liked by: Nur Syafiqah

Describe intan

pwetttyy! so pretty i cant haha shes nice and polite and patient and and ugh shes flawless. and yet shes so insecure. dislikes sports haha sama gn jren. rahman's. a good friend. tan mek rindu ktk </3

Describe acai

lawak. ketua kelas 2013. an ecoband member & um hes kinda weird but as a class rep he was a true leader. lol. um. intelligent. pejuang bahasa. haha. nelydia's. um what yajak i guess haha
Liked by: Nur Syafiqah

Describe abg

er classmate for 1 year & 2 weeks? haha. org upz. 61 haha. he's nice & funny at times. loves to sing kdk acai & an expert in sej. tall as heck. org bahagia haha. oh and nya kaya. and dah pande drive denga2 haha
Liked by: Nur Syafiqah

Describe ezmir

classmate back in 1S & 2S. naughty. funny. irritating at times. i used to get angry at him all the time haha. when he likes someone, he really does. lol. an expert guitarist. a member of pick & strings. loyal. a nice friend (:

Describe iman

besties since we were 9, 7 yrs & counting ♡ specky, fun, loves music, stylish, unique. her style never fails to amaze me. a talented writer. English pro. funny at times. loves photography. an enchancer. AND SHE LIKES EXO NOW CAN U FREAKIN BELIEVE IT. oh and i ship #ngokngek ok rodet 4evaaaaaa. oh and she LOVES books. probably in every fandom EXCEPT harry potter -.-

Desribe syaf

n g e g e h. haha jk shes fun. also a kpop & kdramas lover. clever. loud. talkative. kamboh juak haha. exostan. ships dramione (i h8 u for that) my sc lab sleeping partner. #syafifi oh and jsyk shes chinese, not malay ok. sa cute. book lover. and by lover i mean like she actually wrap other ppl's storybooks & BUKU NYA MUN BACA SIKBOLEH BUKAK BESAR GILAK K haha ok & shes a great friend haha kbye
Liked by: Nur Syafiqah

Describe qia

bestie. soo into kpop and kdramas. leehyunwoo. potterhead. fun. understanding. clever. a great listener. dislikes worms. a neat person. ex mpp 12/13, shall be one in june, I guess. 4 Sapphire. getting fat :p & idk haha shes amazing & irreplaceable♥
Liked by: Nur Syafiqah

im comfortable with chanyeol. i love spending time with him. that means i like him right yah hahahah

lol syaf have u ever met chanyeol irl lol

describe bbq td and ahli" k1 and k2 pada malam ini.

it was fun. everyone was cooperative but yelah memang ade yg tak involve sgt but what can we do, takkan nak paksa. plus its about having fun & creating friendships, so yeah. everyone contributed smthg tonight so yeah i guess the bbq was a success x)

i like chanyeol

that's not exactly called 'like' it's 'admire' ok lolz if you like someone you like tht person youre comfortable w them you love spending time w them thats like hahaha loljk idek if thats true
Liked by: Nur Syafiqah

org ada kerashh rah snun nak bahagia gik ya. kmk tok kerash gik sekda hahahahhaha

eksen ktk sekda kerash hahahahhahahahah dipadah ku sitok bok tauk


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