
Hanis Athirah

Ask @athfathi

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Everybody can know who would be a cute couple. It is not like your crush or anything. It is just your opinion :)

It's not that, I'm afraid of offending anyone

Like they always together or always playing together. To your eyes nis

Everyone looks good w their friends. Idk lah to me they all do, or maybe I am just used to it

its up to anon kedirikpun mauk nanyak ka sik.whats wrong with u typing 'God these anon. I am so annoyed ...."

I know but whats the point of tnyk bnda sama .__. & i didnt type that, it was another anon

God these anon. I am so annoyed by them for you. Tang tangga jak dikpun sia nok ne kacak. Kakya perati kan nametag ya mun mok tauk nama nak. Ya lh guna sklh nyuroh kita bernametag. Yah. Nyusah org jak nak list2.

I dont mind them asking but mun kmk dah jawab skali ya jangan la tanyak the same questions agikkkk .__. Yalah hahaha

State the people you know in each class of your batch whom you think is good-looking.Not too many please just this once jenab

fine, deena farah nina diyana nona rahman farith abg azreena azreen qia iman jea bai huda oon mai flo mark hanis s daniel adzmi faw azfar intan athirah

State ten most suitable couple ever you've seen. I don't care whether they broke or still together

iman syapik, dyg keith, ecah oon, dayna farith, sheer naeem, mark jowena
(not sharinggg this on twitter & i am terribly sorry but um no offence)

I ask you pls answer me. Pls I beg you

stated it alrdy, go & see my prev answers. I listed their names from topaz all the way to diamond according to class alrdy

State people in each class who had good looking. Start from Amethyst

I just listed them alllll how do u expect me to retype them all it is tiring okay


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