
Hanis Athirah

Ask @athfathi

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hanis budak subang jaya memang banyak gaya macam hari2,hari raya. hanis hanis hanis ooo hanis(havoc)

kmk org kuching sorry salah org ktk tok

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still remember the day when we celebrated teacher's day and ezmir brought his guitar and all of us sang together?? like one family right? :')

Yepppp I do. yea.... hm rindu eh hahah
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still remember the day we went to damai together w the classmates?

yes, I do. 16th October 2012. 2 Sapphire 2012. I really enjoyed myself that day, with everyone, celebrating the last few days of being classmates, hahah. Overall it was a reaaalllyyyy awesome experience with everyone ^__^

still remember celebrating ancis & ed birthday?

of course! the first ever birthday surprise I did w everyone else in 1 Sapphire, back in 2011. It was great, indeed, hahaha


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