
Hanis Athirah

Ask @athfathi

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Where and when do you get your best ideas?

when i lay down to sleep at night, in my room & most of the times when i'm alone

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If you could invent a holiday what would it be?

Holidays on the last 7 days of every month, not including the school holidays ngehehe

bulak juak ktk tok maka tauk dhya pdh 'hm entahlah' -_~

lol sukati kmk la. mun ktk tauk, ktk xperlu tanyak kmk dah~ mun ktk xtauk, ktk xperlu tauk~

Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

socianle idiot. Intelligence might be important, but if you don't have social skills/don't mix with people, how can you live? Being sociable, although one is an idiot, he can learn from the people he befriends.

mek embak notebook esok. mun ckgu marah kmk pdh nama ktk kayy? notebook nok laptop ya ehh

yobih lawak eh *tepuk tangan* hahahaha notebook as in buku lah oh

mna ah notebook jak?isnin selasa notebook jk lah>

cikgu pdh gia gn mekorg riya, idk lah tp memandangkan ckg dah pdh gia kmk x mbak la textbook

What's the best thing that happened to you today?

today? well my friend whom i miss a lot tweeted me, that's it I guess

What do you want right now?

for someone to put away my clothes in the closet for me bcs I really don't feel like doing it haha


Language: English