
Hanis Athirah

Ask @athfathi

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how would you face sadness?

I write. Be it a diary entry or a not-so-poetic poem or anything. Idk but pouring out how I feel always makes me feel better. It helps me to see the rationale in everything, and recover my senses.

Ktk rsa ktk jiwang sik?

hmmm susah nak mdh. You better ask my friends for a more accurate judgment hahaha

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Hg pernah pikiaq dak suatu hari nanti hg terbunuh org apa tindakan susulan hg?

Nauzubillah min zalik. Mintak2 dijauhkan. Baca ni pun aku dah ngeri. Hesh. Taubat, istigfar. Mintak petunjuk dari Allah supaya tunjukkan jalan. Serah diri, kot.

Do you ever just shipped someone badly that u want to lock yourself in a room and cry about it?

Nahhh haha why would I cry shipping people? I'm supposed supposed to be happy, ain't I?

Hanis, why u reseat for the exams paper again? I thought u done all the paper

I went for a competition on Tuesday, hence missing the exam papers on that day ☺

What do you do when you don't know the answer?

selawat & pray for guidance..... But I always end up crapping anyways hahah

Describe mehhhhhhhhh :3

Anis Ilyana Hairol Azizi. One of my closest friends, exclassmate. K1. 16 tapi pandai mengalahkan budak 17 yrs old lol. Vvvv clever, confident and usually has a quite different view of a situation. Matured for her age. Tinggi, lawa nak mampus despite her constant denials about her looks hahaha. Fluent English speaker. Netballer. Baik. Kelakar la sometimes hahahahaha my first ever close friend when I entered Permata last year. Quite emotional at times. Tak lokek ilmu. Second daughter, one of her younger sisters has the same name as me, except for a slight difference in spelling in our first names. Anis Ilyana comel gila macam Anis Alyssa. Hahaha tu je la kot, tak mampu la nak describe panjang panjang hahahahahhahaahaha all the best for everything


Language: English