Nuraini Shapariah. currently sitting beside me kat dm xD 16. 4K1 Quad P 1415. ex SSP. muka garang gila tp when you get to know her, tak garang langsung :p haha. baik. gila gila. pandaii. lawaa :3 hockey player. close dgn yana. roommate dgn fara. ketua platun kadet pol. geng selfie. awesomee :D love you! xx
Anis Ilyana. 15. 4K1. Quad P 1415. ex MRSM batu pahat. pandaii woo skip setahun. haha. pretty, looks chinese tapi mix kadazan actually. Netballer. fluent in english. pandai gila (did I mention that?) trademark; "masalah gila" HAHA xD my closest friend so far. sering disakat syakir & hakiim. haa budak IGCSE. suka coolblock. rumah sukan Sapphire. um that's it I guess. love you! xx
What would you like to see mankind achieve within your lifetime?
worldwide unity & peace ^__^
What would you like to see mankind achieve within your lifetime?
worldwide unity & peace ^__^
do you think that you can beat your new school competitors for academic?
I am not sure myself. perhaps I could but maybe in certain subjects only, and certain people. Students here are so damn bright and clever and I won't deny that I do feel a little bit stupid compared to most of them. But I believe that in academics it isn't about beating others scores, it's about improving yourself and getting the best score you could. so um. yeah. That's it
What do you think has, that no other site has?
well um you can ask questions anonymously on tumblr too, so that's not the answer. maybe the ".fm" link bcs I have not yet found a website with that ".fm" link lolZ
If your life were a movie, what would be the title?
ntah hahahaha. life of a/an *inserts adjective* girl?
u hv crush nis?
hm hahaha tanya sama hati
Describe elia kawan syaza elya
elia sari? haha. nama ny unique and bila first dga cam eh pike el sorg nama elya. padu ada juak org lain. haha. netballer. pake specs. kacak. best friend el. bait. sikngegeh kdk el :p hahah. nampak matured. best mbak klaka. oh aok junior kolej ^__^
ngegeh. haha. cousin tersayang. umo bok 14 tp rupa kdk 16 k lolz. tinggi. kacak. Iawak. kuat perey. geng netak org masa rah kolej hahahah. bespren nya kacak abs ish insecure eh lolz. agak perasan. geng pegi kedey dpn rumah nenek. geng ngehack phone adek haha. geng selfie. ya Allah rindu ktk eh. yajaklah kbye lolz
Desribe Syakir
4K1. classmate, class rep. first kenal masa crypto pcs'12. pandai, kelakar gila, fluent in english. debater kopu. susah nak serious. memain je kerja -.- aktif gila, smua bnda dia nk join; balapan, ping pong, bola, etc. ha tu je lah kot
Last person’s house you were in?
my aunt's friend's place
Aok f5,ketua pelajar perempuan kah?
bukan ketua pelajar, um more like ketua asrama prmpuan? sbb nya timbalan pgerusi majlis tertinggi kolej mun xsalah. giala