
Hanis Athirah

Ask @athfathi

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What is one awesome food from your country you think everyone should try?

Definitely Laksa Sarawak

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What is the most important thing that you should do today?

Pray, & complete my homework but of course I havent done the latter 😉

Is there anything you care less about as you have grown up? What is it?

yes, rl & celebrity crushes

apakah hukum mewarnakan kuku bagi perempuan?

Wallahualam. Saya bukan mufti nak keluarkan hukum sesuka hati. Boleh refer jawapan org lain ☺

If you could talk with only one person for the rest of your life, who would it be?

this is a hard question lol do I rly have to choose? Bcs I can't hahaha

What was your first concert? No matter how embarrassing - let's hear it.

Permata Seni back in 2011, if that counts as a concert. It was fun, but I somehow ended up falling asleep during the show 😂

What was your first concert? No matter how embarrassing - let's hear it.

Permata Seni back in 2011, if that counts as a concert. It was fun, but I somehow ended up falling asleep during the show 😂

Hye everyone. Question time. As we know, nowadays people fought with each other because of religion. What is your opinion when I said that without religion, human still can live in harmony and peace without war. Give reasons for your answer.

When you say people these days fought because of religion, you seem to be implying that religion is what encourages humans to fight. And that is incorrect. Humans fight because of their different opinions, but it is not the religions that ignited the fight in the first place. And no, I disagree on that. The key for a harmonious life is religion. In every religion, a peaceful life is encouraged and there are rules and punishments for crimes. without religions, there wouldn't be such things as those, hence humans might not think some crimes are big deal, which would ultimately lead to fights. No offense; this is just a piece of my thoughts. Sorry for the late reply anyway ☺


Language: English