apa function angkor wat kepada masyarakat agraria?
bukti kewujudan agama HIndu-Buddha pada waktu ya
Who are the people you spend the most time with?
What is your favorite Quentin Tarantino movie?
movie apa ya lol
What do you see from your window? (post a pic)
hm kmk suka ktk. tok kmk dm ktk nama kmk heeee
lol dm lah lol
hanis cute hey!
hello & thank u :)
ktk ada benci junior x
bencik ya xda siksuka ya ada lah
hello nis nis nis nis!
kk org nok pegi sine celebrate mdm sue pun bday?
Xda g sine2. Just esok cun kmkorg ada g wetland, ngga perasmian.
is it fun rubbing your hands with your tits?
never did that so idk
What would you do today if there is no more tomorrow?
pray continuously & ask forgiveness from everyone.
Do you prefer a bath or shower?
what's the difference -_-
What was the last thing you bought?
pop ice. loll
What single piece of technology makes your life easier?
Horror :) but he writes unique horror stories. Try reading Cell :)
ohh I see. i don't rlly like horror bcse it gives me the creeps at night when i remember what i read before lol but ok why not
Do you like reading romance novel ?
if it's "too" romantic then no. i like novels about um, people's lives, friendship, family.. i do like romance but if it seems to be toooo romantic then no. lol
Stephen king's a writer. You should read his books sometimes. Since you're a book lover. Are you?
what genre of books does he write? i love books but i only read books on certain genres.