If you could have one wish what would you wish for?
for my family and friends and all those people I love to be in Jannah after the Judgment Day.
rami laki suka ktk tegal ya ;) congrates :D
neada. udah gik eh bodo na soalan kdktok eh
soalan nak pasal 'ehem ehem' ktk ya bah. alu rami laki admire ktk ;)
ohhh. neda -.-
entam org tyk soalan ya? ;) alu rami laki admire ktk :D
soalan ne? admire apa?
popular lu entam ya XD
entam apa?
yerrrr nisss popular eh XD
neda lollll
Do you have long hair or short hair ?
Yerrr ajak. Slh kh ?
xda kmk pdh salah.
Yerrrrrr nis :)
apa diyerrr ktk?
Every guy love that part you know? they supose to look -.- btw you have very hot boobs ;) just sayin
No they're not supposed to look. It's my aurat and no person are allowed to look at others' aurat except if they are mahrams. And by saying that am i supposed to thank you for that, uh, compliment?
hey! :)
Hello! :)
how do you feel when someone look at your private part? such as your boobs?
Annoyed ofc. Perluka tangga part giya zzzz
how do you feel when someone admire your body?
i don't feel anything. tp ng xsuka la orang anta question pelik2 giya bodo gilak ba ya part sensitif ny xpatut tnyk ba.
Do you wear any t-shirts with funny sayings on them?
Yeah i do.
hye! who is that creep? nak tanyak ktk benda pelik pelik ya?