
Hanis Athirah

Ask @athfathi

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balit lah kolej nis, rami org rindu ktk, mek tauk ktk mok nak? pi kedak sumthing blocking ur way?

Entahlah. I can't say much. Just pray for the best utk semua org jaklah.

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Describe your crush.

Taller than me. Quite funny. Cute. Has a pair of eyes that pierces yours when he stares. Lol hahah k
Liked by: WSMay

If you were city mayor, what changes would you make to your city?

Reduce pollution. Save our nature! #PALSforever #semengatmestiada

If you could have anything you want for dinner tonight, what would you have?

Spaghetti carbonara & iced chocolate/cappucino or bubble milk teaaa :9

Fav songs? Thanks

Pompeii - Bastille
Rude - Magic
Fifteen, Back to December, Everything Has Changed - Taylor Swift
Trench Coat Angel - Tyler Ward
All of Me - John Legend
& my all time fav, She Will Be Loved :}

Describe me, please...

Nurfara_305’s Profile PhotoSiti Nurfara
Faraaaaaa yo. Hahaha.
4K5. Dulu tak cakap pun but then bila selalu lepak kat bilik fara merangkap bilik shapa sooo rapat laa jugak with you. Sangat cheerful, happy-go-lucky and pandai gila nak mati in addmaths ;_; best friends w Reccla. Comel je both of you. And oh yeah fara comelllll :3 manja ah jugak haha rajin and sporting and baik gilaaaa sbb lek je kitorg satu kelas lepak bilik dia masa exam first haritu haha. Hebat german peh. Tu je kot. &&& congrats for ranking haritu!! ^_^
Liked by: حق Siti Nurfara

How does society brainwash the youth?

I have some ideas but it sounds too ridiculous so no thanks i'd rather not say it

The way people see u is different on hw u see urself, right? so kindly please describe me xD ~ reflection.

Hi Reccla! One of the Juseys here :p Christie's twin. From Borneo as well! *high five* cute & petite. Has a nice voice. Very clever. Confident. Dances well. Jeanny's roommate, her current room was mine last sem. That's all I guess? :>

omg youre soo lucky then, nak sesangat dapat study kat sana ._. btw the guy yang pegang camera yg you punye classmates picture yg you post kat twitter tu mcm pernah cakap ngn die.. Say hi to him hehe

Alhamdulillah :) Ohh syakir eh? Okay okay, cc; @syakirshahrizan

type soalan die cemne? chemist bio sume tu eh ?

Last year 8 papers kalau taksilap ;_; yeah soalan dia mostly yg upper form punya lah. ada bm, bi, maths, sc, EQ, economy and research skills and ade satu lg i cant remember so yeaa


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